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Психотехники and English

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Психотехники and English

Shalnoff School

Пишет Илья Шальнов

Как обычно, в эту пятницу в 19 часов мы встречаемся в Английском Коммуникационном Клубе на Арбате.

В моей группе будут обсуждаться две темы:

Boyfriends, girlfriends

1) Is it a good idea to have sexual relation before marriage? What do you think of extramarital relations?
2) Except for sexual elations, what do we need friends (girlfriends, boyfriends) for?
3) What age is the best one for finding new friends?
4) How many friends would you like to have?
5) Is a street a good place for making acquaintances? If it’s OK, how can it be done?
6) Where can we find new friends? What about our club?
7) What about giving an ad in Internet, in a newspaper?
8) Is it better to look for new friends by oneself, or is it better to wait till someone finds you?
9) Isn’t it dangerous to meet with a stranger at home?
10) Is it difficult to say to a girl (to a boy) “I want you”?
11) Do there exist effective ways of seducing? NLP, pheromones, something else?

Conflicts and guilt

1) Is it true that in any conflict both sides are always guilty?
2) Should I consider any conflict to be mea culpa?
3) By what criteria can we decide who is right and who is wrong?
4) Do you try to understand your opponent? Do you want him to understand you? Can you say to your opponent what he thinks in such words that he will agree that he is understood right?
5) Are people always aware of their motives? Are they responsible for motives they are nor aware of?
6) Should we always forgive people their debts, as Christians suggest? Is it so even when someone does not recognize one's debts?
7) Will unresolved conflicts mean something in the afterlife world?
8) Do you want bad people to go to hell and to pay for what they have done?


Помните, что чтение об эффективных способах работы
не может заменить самой работы.

Шальнов Илья Вячеславович

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