Как одолеть Английский язык через интернет! Как погода влияет на развитие культуры?
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Как погода влияет на развитие культуры?
How much iscultureinfluenced by the weather?
What kinds of weather do you like or dislike?
Do you feel unwell and even ill if there is a storm strong wind outside or you don’t care? You’re always happy?
What do you think how English people feel when raining all the time?
Would you like to try to live in a wet climate?
Are there any regions with a wet climate in Russia?
Can you compare manners and behaviour of those regions?
How did authors feel when they created their masterpieces?
Africans live in poverty because of the good climate. Do you agree?
Would you be able to write poetry or a song or create something special? What conditions would you need for that? Dou you think it might be special and fabulous?
Скайпинарв субботу 29 мая в 11.15 по московскому времени.