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Sssscary Sssleepover! Girl, 9 prefers snakes over Barbie

Sssscary Sssleepover! Girl, 9 prefers snakes over Barbie
2018-01-21 04:47
While most young girls choose to play with Barbie dolls, one nine-year-old from Armavir in Russia's Krasnodar region prefers playing with her collection of snakes, footage filmed Saturday shows. Kseniia Kholmanskikh cheerfully sits on her bed surrounded by huge cuddly toys as her reptile friends slither and slide all around her. She said: «If I had to choose between dolls and snakes, I would choose snakes, because I can turn them as I wish. Also I can put them somewhere, to make them swing.» Knseniia's love for creepy crawlies came from her dad Evgeny who first discovered his unusual hobby ten years ago and has now amassed a collection of 30 reptiles. He said: «I suppose I have the biggest snake of this species in Russia as it is 75 centimeters long. It is not widely known in Russia. Everybody is afraid it is poisonous in Russia. I tested it myself not once. [I had] no reaction at all, as if [I was bitten by] a wood snake. It has teeth of course, big ones.»

Russia: Homeless huskies find solace sledging with kids
2018-01-21 05:42
A shelter for homeless and abandoned husky dogs opened in the Russian city of Ruza, Moscow Region. In exchange for proper nutrition and affection, the huskies have been diligently riding adults and children on sleds all year round. It’s almost impossible to believe that some of these dogs were once fighting for life. The story of each fluffy guest of the nursery is usually dramatic. Shelter owner Nataliya Basina said that of the nursery’s 80 dogs, a number had been “lost and abandoned.” Since the lack of an active lifestyle can make Huskies fall in depression, the decision to engage the furry team in sledging was quite obvious.

Во Владивостоке лиса стащила всю корюшку у рыбака
2018-01-21 13:06
Животное уселось напротив мужчины и стало гипнотизировать его взглядом, внимательно наблюдая, как он вытаскивает рыбу из лунки. Рыбак сдался, и угостил лису уловом. Впрочем, ей показалось мало и она вернулась за добавкой. Так рыбак скормил лисе всю добычу.

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