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В Израиле помогают похудеть растолстевшим диким ежикам

В Израиле помогают похудеть растолстевшим диким ежикам
2018-01-04 16:28
Ежик по кличке Шерман попал под опеку ветеринаров Зоологического центра Сафари в Рамат-Гане два месяца назад. Принёс его сюда какой-то местный житель, увидевший, что животное едва ходит. Ветеринарам не пришлось делать длительное обследование, чтобы понять: ёжик страдает от ожирения. Шерман весил более полутора килограммов. При этом нормальный вес взрослого ежа — от 600 до 900 граммов.

«Мобильный репортер»: Небесная воронка, молоток против асфальта и спасение олененка
2018-01-04 18:00
Самые яркие, впечатляющие и забавные кадры, снятые в прошедшем 2017 году, смотрят и комментируют Стогниенко и Пучков.

Pack your trunks! Elephants indulge in 48-day spa retreat
2018-01-04 18:59
Thirty-three temple elephants from across the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu and union territory of Puducherry arrived at Thekkamapatti's rejuvenation camp for a 48-day all-inclusive wellness retreat, on Thursday. The group of elephants arrived for the inauguration of this year's camp, where they were decorated with colourful designs and paraded around. Over the next 48 days, the elephants will enjoy nutritious dinners, participate in regular exercise classes, take baths and receive medical attention from vets. Assistant Director of Animal Husbandry Dr. Thirukumaran explained that it is a «rejuvenation» camp, where they can enjoy their «natural environment». The camp is organised by Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments Department of the state government in Tamilnadu.

«Мобильный репортер»: Сорванный ужин и война крокодила с бегемотами
2018-01-05 04:57
Владимир Стогниенко и Дмитрий Пучков (Гоблин) комментируют лучшие видеоролики года.

«Мобильный репортер»: Корова на дороге и медвежонок-попрошайка
2018-01-05 05:51
Лучшие ролики 2017 года: вы снимали, мы их смотрим. Сегодняшний выпуск связан с животными.

Аккаунт «Аптекарского огорода» в Инстаграме заблокировали
2018-01-05 14:18
Страница является самой популярной среди всех ботанических садов в мире.

Russia: Couple adopt pet Puma named Messi
2018-01-05 14:48
Like he is a dog. We started taking him for a walk, step by step, the animal had not been really active before, so long routes were hard to go on. Now we walk a long distances twice a day, as it is supposed to be. It does not differ much from having a dog in this case.» While most families adopt a dog or cat as a playful companion, one couple in the Russian city of Penza revealed their new pet on Thursday — a Puma named Messi. Messi’s owners, Aleksandr and Maria Dmitriev, first met the big cat a year ago while visiting a zoo in their home city and decided they had to have him. At first, Messi visited the couple’s home for a few hours and liked it. After more bonding time, Messi finally moved into the Dmitrievs’ place which he now shares with their six-year-old cat. According to Aleksandr, the pets don’t get along with each other. “He [Messi] is still a kitten. He wants to play with her, she beats him hard for that, with claws, fluffs at him,” the owner said. Messi was born in Saransk zoo in 2015. He was named in honour of Barcelona and Argentina football star Lionel Messi, influenced by Russia's winning bid to host the 2018 World Cup. Like his famous namesake, Messi has undergone rigorous daily training with the Dimitrievs, learning how to do his business outdoors. According to Marina, owning a puma doesn’t differ much from having a dog as a pet. See Ruptly’s previous coverage of Messi the cougar at https://ruptly.tv/vod/20151209-061

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