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Issue 73

Деловой английский без отрыва от дел!

Образовательные материалы и услуги,
основанные на работах Л. Рона Хаббарда

Выпуск № 20 (136)   ||      www.english-moscow.ru
(495) 680-66-73, 680-83-45, 507-87-09
Количество человек, получивших этот выпуск: 14709


Muscovites Get Chance to Grow Own Food - 20 May 2010.

U.S. first lady Michelle Obama planted a garden next to the White House to raise awareness about healthy eating.

Now a group of Muscovites hope to get across the same message — and reclaim a former industrial zone — by offering busy urbanites a chance to tend their own greens near Kursky Station, about three kilometers from the Kremlin.

The enthusiasts on Wednesday opened the Ogorod garden, 24 small plots sitting side by side in an area on the periphery of the old Arma gas factory on Nizhny Susalny Pereulok. Although there has not been any heavy industry in the factory area since 2002, the space around the redbrick 19th-century buildings remains underused and somewhat gloomy.



Muscovite москвич
plant сажать
awareness осведомлённость
get across донести
reclaim возвращать обратно, поднимать (заброшенные земли)
former бывший
urbanites городские жители
tend ухаживать
greens зелень, овощи
plot грядка
periphery периферия
factory завод
redbrick из красного кирпича
underused малоиспользуемый, недоиспользуемый
somewhat немного, слегка
gloomy мрачный


Moved out

Marci: Has Patrick moved out yet?
А Патрик уже съехал?

Karen: Yes. He moved out last weekend. He's now living in a very nice quiet neighborhood.
Да. Он съехал на прошлой неделе. Он теперь живёт в очень милом, тихом районе.

M: I wonder if he's paying more for rent now.
Наверное, он теперь платит больше за аренду.

K: I don't have the faintest idea. Even so, it's still worth it, isn't it?
Без понятия. Даже если и так, это того стоит, ты так не думаешь?

M: You're right! I think he's probably very glad to leave that noisy apartment.
Ты прав. Я думаю, он наверняка [был] очень рад покинуть ту шумную квартиру.

K: Yes, he is. I know that for sure.
Да, рад. Это я точно знаю.

M: I wish I could afford it as well. I'd better work on that promotion.
Если бы только я тоже мог себе это позволить. Мне бы надо поработать над повышением.


Marketing mix (seller's view)

Marketing mix (= marchéage) - the use and specification of 'the four Ps' describing the strategic position of a product in the marketplace. (Комплекс маркетинга)

Product – an object or a service that is mass produced or manufactured on a large scale with a specific volume of units. (продукт)

Price – the amount a customer pays for the product. It is determined by a number of factors including market share, competition, material costs, product identity and the customer's perceived value of the product. The business may increase or decrease the price of product if other stores have the same product. (цена)

Promotion – all of the communications that a marketer may use in the marketplace. Promotion has four distinct elements - advertising, public relations, word of mouth and point of sale. (продвижение)

Place – the location where a product can be purchased. It is often referred to as the distribution channel. It can include any physical store as well as virtual stores on the Internet. (дистрибуция)


OSI : open system inteconnection
взаимодействие открытых систем

OTC : over the counter
без рецепта

OTE : on target earnings
за выработку плана

oz. : ounce

ovno : or very near office
или совсем рядом с офисом

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