When Yury Milner goes into talks to buy stakes of Internet companies outside Russia, such as his recent high-profile investment in Facebook, he says he has a tough time proving that his country stands at the industry’s cutting edge.
In addition to 3.5 percent of Facebook, the world’s most popular social networking web site, his company has accrued an interest in a Latvian firm developing social networks across Eastern Europe, which suggests he has some convincing evidence in store.
“We have to talk about ourselves and spend a lot of time explaining what we do,” Milner, chief executive and co-owner of the closely held Digital Sky Technologies, recently told The Moscow Times in a rare interview. “It is not obvious for many people that Russia may have high-tech expertise, very strong programmers and world-class projects.”
Russia has largely been a dark spot on the radars of big Internet companies in the West, and DST’s victory in May after a months-long bidding race to invest in Facebook was dubbed as unlikely by industry watchers.
drive - побуждать, стимулировать
innovation - иновация
go into something – начать что-то, углубиться во что-то
stake - доля
recent - недавний
high-profile - привлекающий внимание
tough - сложный
cutting edge - передний край, центр деятельности
accrue - получать, приобретать
suggest - наводить на мысль
co-owner - совладелец
obvious - очевидный
largely - в значительной степени
DST = Digital Sky Technologies
bidding - аукцион, торги
dub - окрестить, давать титул
Working Wonders
Olga: Are you feeling all right, Gary? Гэри, ты себя хорошо чувствуешь?
Gary: No, actually. I don't feel so well! I'm shivering, sneezing and I think I'm even running a temperature. Да вообщем-то нет. Я не очень хорошо себя чувствую. Меня знобит, у меня насморк и, я думаю, даже температура.
O: Wow! Ух ты!
G: I've a sore throat and a bad cough. I think I've caught a cold. У меня горло болит и сильный кашель. Кажется, я простудилась.
O: It means you won't go to Whit-ney Houston show tonight, yeah? Значит, ты не пойдешь на шоу Уитни Хьюстон сегодня вечером, да?
G: Oh, no, I wouldn't miss it for anything. О нет, я не пропущу его ни за что на свете.
O: But first put the thermometer under your tongue. I want to see if you have a fever. Но сначала положи термометр под язык. Я хочу посмотреть, есть ли у тебя жар.
G: Oh, thanks for your kindness. But I think Whitney Houston's show'll work wonders and it will help me to recover. You do know that art cures. О, спасибо, что ты так внимателен. Но я думаю, шоу Уитни Хьюстон сделает чудо и поможет мне поправиться. Ты ведь знаешь, что искусство исцеляет.
O: So, there is no better medicine than art for you, is there? Так, значит, лучшего лекарства, чем искусство, для тебя нет?
Option – is a contract between a buyer and a seller that gives the buyer the right—but not the obligation—to buy or to sell a particular asset (the underlying asset) at a later day at an agreed price. In return for granting the option, the seller collects a payment (the premium) from the buyer. (Опцион)
Premium – a written order, usually on a standard printed form, directing a bank to pay money. (Премия опциона)
Call option – gives the buyer the right to buy the underlying asset. If the buyer chooses to exercise this right, the seller is obliged to sell the asset at the agreed price. The buyer may choose not to exercise the right and let it expire. (Опцион Call — опцион на покупку)
Put option - gives the buyer of the option the right to sell the underlying asset. If the buyer chooses to exercise this right, the seller is obliged to buy the asset at the agreed price. The buyer may choose not to exercise the right and let it expire. (Опцион Put — опцион на продажу)
Strike price (= exercise price) - The fixed price at which the owner of an option can purchase, in the case of a call, or sell, in the case of a put, the underlying security or commodity. It's the price at which the stock will be bought or sold when the option is exercised. (цена исполнения опциона владельцем)
Settlement (of securities) - the process whereby securities or interests in securities are delivered, usually against payment, to fulfill contractual obligations, such as those arising under securities trades. (уплата, расчет, исполнение сделки)
ARCH : Autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic (models) авторегрессионная гетероскедастическая модель
AS : Aggregate supply совокупное предложение
ASP : Application Service Provider Поставщик услуг доступа к приложениям
B/L : Bill of lading транспортная накладная, коносамент
BOP : Balance of Payments платежный баланс
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