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Новостная рассылка за январь
2023-02-07 12:05

Тестирование REST API, метрики качества, тесты на основе рисков: самые интересные новости тестирования за январь-2023




Selenium не видит атрибут?
2023-02-07 13:54

Добрый день!

Столкнулся с проблемой. Пишу примитивный автотест и не могу пройти проверку.

Суть такова. Зарегистрировались на сайте, зашли в профиль и нужно сравнить Email в профиле с тем, что был при регистрации условно.

Код прилагаю:

from selenium import webdriver
import time
def test_loggin():
    driver = webdriver.Chrome()
    driver.find_elements("xpath", '//a[@class="nav-link text-dark"]')[0].click()
    driver.find_element("name", 'Email').send_keys('autotest@ya.ru')
    driver.find_element("name", 'Password').send_keys('12345Qwer')
    driver.find_element("xpath", '//input[@value="Sign In"]').click()
    driver.find_element("xpath", '//a[@href="/Account/Profile"]').click()
    email = driver.find_elements("xpath", '//p[2][@class="small"]').__getattribute__("class")
    assert email == "autotest@ya.ru"

Выдает ошибку по Атрибуту.

Прикрепленные изображения

  • Screenshot_6.png
  • Screenshot_5.png

Фикстура для авторизации
2023-02-07 17:28


 Всем привет, помогите разобраться есть тесты перед выполнением которых прекондишн что пользователь должен быть авторизирован, было решено делать это с помощью фикстуры, есть класс с авторизацией  


class AuthPage(BasePage):
    locators = AuthoLocators()

    def authorization_x(self):

Подскажите как из него написать фикстуру которую можно будет потом вызывать в тестах, пробовал так не выходит, буду благодарен за пример фикстуры

def auth():
    auth_f = AuthPage(driver, LOGIN_URL)
    return auth_f

Интересные способы использования инструментов
2023-02-22 10:05

Автор: Боб Салмон (Bob Salmon)
Оригинал статьи
Перевод: Ольга Алифанова


Эта статья - ответ на челлендж Министерства тестирования “Как мы хакнули инструмент, чтобы заставить его работать на нас”. Сначала я поговорю об инструментах в целом, а затем приведу пару примеров не особенно стандартного использования инструментов. Я уже писал немного об инструментах, но не в этом контексте. Использование инструментов интересным способом или их комбинирование часто встречается в физическом мире - неудивительно, что мы переносим эту идею и на ПО тоже. Пила и стусло, молоток и долото - инструменты улучшают друг друга.


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Top-Notch Dissertation Writing Services By Expert Writers
2023-02-22 15:04

Using a planned change strategy can help you identify and solve problems in a systematic manner. You'll need to perform Psychology Class Help a root-cause analysis to pinpoint exactly what went wrong, and then identify the most relevant and effective solutions. This will help you improve organizational performance and reduce costs. A well-planned change can also improve productivity, teamwork and morale.

The NURS FPX 4010 assessment 3 requires you to demonstrate your knowledge of the interdisciplinary plan by writing an interdisciplinary plan online assessment service proposal for an outpatient oncology department. For the plan to be effective, the nursing industry will need to make changes to reduce the workload and improve patient outcomes. It should also include a realistic budget and organizational resources.

Using a planned change strategy to improve work efficiency and teamwork will reap benefits for your institution and your colleagues. In addition, it will increase employee acceptance of the adjustment and lower stress levels. Lastly, it will improve productivity. Planned change is an ideal way to get things done and boost morale at online class services the same time.

To develop an interdisciplinary plan proposal, you'll need to do a bit of research on the subject. A good place to start is with the American Journal of Nursing. There, you'll find a slew of articles on interprofessional collaboration. Some of the best practices to improve health and wellness are shared by nurses, physicians and other NURS FPX 4020 Assessment 1 professionals, and they can benefit the organization as a whole.

One of the most impressive things you can do in the field of nursing is to measure the impact your practice has on your patients. Measuring the effect of a change on a patient's health can make a huge difference in your ability to deliver care. Another thing to consider is how the changes might affect the length of NURS FPX 4020 Assessment 2 your patient's stay. If you have a hospital that caters to older people, the improvements might mean the difference between life and death.

In the end, you'll need to decide if your proposed solution is the right fit for your specific organization. Before you do, however, make sure you know what's important to your readers. Make sure you're covering the big three: healthcare, patient safety and nursing. Your plan should be evidence-based and practical. Hopefully, your findings will provide the next generation of caregivers with a clear roadmap for their future. Using an interdisciplinary approach to health care can boost patient outcomes, cut down on NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 1 the cost of healthcare, and make your institution a better place to work. As with any change, a plan will need to be backed up by an interdisciplinary team and the support of the institution's leadership.

The NURS FPX 4010 assessment 3, which is the name of the course, will require you to prove your mettle with a well-thought-out and informative plan proposal. While you may not be able to put your plan to work in the course of the semester, the information you have gathered will give you a leg up in Do my online assignment a professional setting.

For more info:

Online Assignment Assistance: A Review of Assignment Service Providers

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