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32/64 Bit Domino for Windows server crashes with ProcessTerminateWinSock in stack

Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 459 от 2011-02-28
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

Добрый день, уважаемые соучастники!

Хочу выборочно переподписать серверным ID некоторые агенты в некоторых базах.
Вариантов вижу два:
1. административный (он же скучный, он же запасной) - сесть за консоль сервера, и в дизайнере под серверным ID переподписать нужные агенты;
2. программный (он же интересный) - серверным агентом, работающим on behalf of Server, переподписать нужные агенты с помощью метода NotesAgent.Save.

Ессно, пошел по п. 2 - сделал серверного агента, работает on behalf of server, runtime security level у него 3-ий, привилегии на подписание таких агентов на сервере у меня есть.
Агент выполняется, ошибок никаких не выдает, одна беда - вызов метода NotesAgent.Save не переподписывает агент wacko.gif

Буду рад любым советам!

P.S. Вариант использовать инструмент "Sign" в Lotus Domino Administrator не предлагайте, ибо серверным ID он умеет переподписывать только всю базу целиком smile.gif
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Tips. Советы

Mary Beth Raven would like your input on this. Her team is working on the 8.5.3 release and would like to know how to address this functionality.

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Keith Brooks has posted directions on how to install fixes and fix packs for Domino and Quickr for those who may not have done it before. The post includes lots of screen shots to clarify things.

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Michael Urspringer has posted links to several articles explaining how to replace the Help files with a different language version and how to run multiple language files.

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Sharon Bellamy has been trying to get WebSphere SSO and LTPA to play nice together but she's beginning to think they'll never be friends. If you have any suggestions, she'd like to hear from you.

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Harald-René Flasch
Tags: inotes web logout security
Using the iNotes Web-Template (WebMail) users have the possibility to log-out (+ even delete all cookies etc. when using a public computer).
But when viewing a Document Library on the web there is not logout option ....

Author: Craig Wiseman
Tags: save as pdf
 Please add an option: File: Save as PDF to the default menu options.
The underlying capability is already there (built into eclipse)... it just needs to be surfaced. This should act just like the Print dialog and let you choose document or view, etc.

Author: Craig Wiseman
Tags: save as pdf
Please add an option: File: Save as PDF to the default menu options.
The underlying capability is already there (built into eclipse)... it just needs to be surfaced. This should act just like the Print dialog and let you choose document or view, etc.

Author: Tim Larson
Tags: Connector for Adobe
I can only assess a pdf file from the quickr place not from file open. If I want to merge 2 or more pdf files that I opened from a place I should be able to save it to the place as well. Right now need to save somewhere else and then move it to quickr.

Author: Serdar Basegmez
Tags: user management adminp delete person
 When deleting person, many admins prefer not to delete mail file immediately. Instead, they want to move out the mail file.
Regarding DAOS, moving the mail file is not as easy as it was.
That was from another idea but, sometimes, admins may give mail file access to the manager of old user for a while. 
Improving admin process to;
- Remove database from DAOS (maybe Transaction Log also)
- Move database to another folder (which may be chosen at deletion),
- Alert admin about the completion.

Author: David Hablewitz
Tags: undelete undo move to folder
Have you ever deleted the wrong document from your inbox and you knew it the moment it happened?  Then you have to go to the trash folder, find the message you deleted, click restore, then return to the inbox and act on it.  I would like the undo feature to include undoing document deletions. 
Just like there is an Edit - Undo menu option available for text editing, the undo feature should also be available for document deletions. 
Have you ever dragged a message to a folder and the folder list expanded or scrolled just as you dropped the message?  Now you don't know which folder it was moved to.  So you have to go to all documents, find the message and identify where it went.  Undo should also be available for folder moves.
There are probably numerous other actions that the undo option should act on, but these come to my mind right now.

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Статьи и Документация

32/64 Bit Domino for Windows server crashes with ProcessTerminateWinSock in stack due to an issue with WSACleanup API. This is an optional Microsoft API which Domino has issues with. Setting TCP_NO_WINSOCK_WSACLEANUP=1 will disable using this API until a Domino version is released which no longer calls the api.
This topic describes known Nokia S60 device restrictions and limitations with IBM® Lotus Notes® Traveler. h2 Install h2 Table 1. Install issues Problem Details "Unable to install" Error when overinstalling (upgrade) using a sisx file launched from Messaging Inbox This occurs when you have ...
On Nokia Symbian devices running Lotus Notes Traveler, the size of attachments received in emails is limited to a maximum of 7MB of base64 encoding. This is approximately 5MB in actual size.
IBM Lotus Support Team hosted an Open Mic conference call to discuss overview of Lotus Domino Crash, Hang and Performance on Thursday, 17th February, 2011 at 11:00 a.m. IST. This document contains questions and answers & the slide presentation from that call.
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