и позволю себе еще один вопрос - можно ли при создании одноименного пользователя сохранить имеющуюся почту? например копированием nsf-файла в сторону и потом назад :)
Что значит нет возможности выгрузить, если id есть, то что мешает?
Насчет почты да. Если нет шифрованных писем, т.к. приватный ключ нового id будет другим. Это касается всех документов шифрованных, старым id пользователя!
видимо кривизна рук мешает :( попробую рассказать - захожу домино админ -> people & groups -> нахожу пользователя -> захожу в него -> Basics -> и чудо вижу внизу UserID и могу с ним делать все что угодно, но захожу в другого...
предлагаю Вашему вниманию простенькую, но для "моих" нужд необходимую программу.
Суть: Приблуда каждые ХХХ минут стучится в заранее указанную базу даных Lotus Notes Domino и проверяет наличие для текущего пользователя "новых" документов. Если появилось чтото новое, об этом сообщаеться "облачком" из системного трея(см. скрины). Новое сообщение
Это, фактически, аналог встроенного minder'а в клиент Notes, с той лишь разницей, что мониторить можно любую доступную базу, проделав для этого минимум дизайнерский ухищрений.
Архитектура: Приблуда работает используя domino.tlb версии 6.5.4 ( тестировалась на 7.0.2 и 8.5.х клиентах ), в себе не хранит никаких данных (кроме тех что отображены на экране) и использует текущие настройки пользователя ( расположение ИД-файла, подключения к серверу - используются нотес-имена).
Требования: Инсталированный (или зарегистрированный как СОМ-Сервер в реестре Windows ) клиент Нотес, FrameWork 3.5 и выше, предоставление доступа для самого приложения ( не всегда ). Представление в целевой БД с первой сортировочной колонкой = имя текущего пользователя а также целевые документы должны иметь поле Subject - на основании которого и вычисляется что показать в списке
Начало работы и настройка: Для начала работы необходимо разархивировать скачанный архив в отдельную папку и запустить приложение. В закладках "Настройка" указать имя сервера Domino/XXX, путь к базе данных folder\dbname.nsf, а также имя представления MySuperView. С остальным думаю разберётесь.
Ввод пароля ( средствами нотес, приблуда об этом вообще ничего "не знает" )
З.Ы. В принципе ничего не мешает доделать опцию запоминания пароля, но я специально не делал этого, т.к. не располагаю достаточными знаниями в криптовании, и не уверен что смогу достойно защитить пароли ( пока что ).
Если нет в документе Person, то он "должен" быть у пользователя, на хосте, с короткого производилась регистрация, на сервере, в базе для восстановления id, утерян. (нужное подчеркнуть)
Stuart McIntyre has posted a warning message - there is an issue in the Lotus Connections 3.0 login module related to fixpack for WebSphere Application Server. He's posted a link for more information.
MAKE_DOMINO_AND_BACKUPS_GO_FASTER=1 This solution exists and it is called Defrag.NSF. If you let Domino do its thing, your databases will rapidly fragment and this saps server performance. Compact is the worst culprit, and this affects SANs as well.
Defrag.NSF corrects and helps prevent this damage and brings your databases back into line.
Are you working in Dojo? Do you have need of additional widgets? This site lists some 60 widgets, most for Dojo 1.1, providing a variety of functions. Mousing over a thumbnail gives you an explanation of the widget, clicking on it opens a sample screen with more information.
This is a new Redguide publication on "Stopping Internet Threats Before They Affect Your Business by Using the IBM Security Network Intrusion Prevention System". It discusses network-related security risks such as targeted attacks, worms, bots, intrusion attempts, and phishing scams.
Like it or not, IMAP is important for supporting mobile users and integration with other apps. many Many MANY devices and services prefer IMAP. Domino has always had strong standards support for Interweb protocols, but that seems to be slipping a bit. At present, IMAP support needs serious attention. IDLE support, bugs and performance issues, TNEF conversion (just like the router, IMAP should convert TNEF files if they are uploaded by the IMAP client), a number of other items are needed to bring Domino up to where it should have been.... 4 years ago?....
A simple example - the helpdesk app at an organization I work with wants to use IMAP to talk to service reps mail, and even with 20 people, we can see issues with Domino IMAP.
Even on LS11 all IBMlers claimed that there will be no support for WP7 (only WM) a lot of users would benefit from it if Traveler would support WP7.
The slogan at Lotusphere 2011 was: Be social. Do business.
In my view it is not very social to ignore minorities (IBM likes to see MS as minority in the mobile world).
Since Nokia and Microsoft announced their partnership (Nokia goes away from Symban an goes to WP7) the chance that IBM continues to see WP7 as not important decreases.
Hope we will see Traveler supporting Windows Phone 7 asap.
I want to disable recent contacts for people already present in public address book.
The problem with internal users is this: if you have a workflow application with lotus script and the contact is present both in names.nsf on server and recent contacts on local you will receive an error when your code send the email.
With external address the feature "recent contacts" is very useful so i don't want to disable it.
Currently, when a recipient's e-mail address is ambiguous because the person is listed in multiple address books, the method NotesDocument.Send() in LotusScript, or Document#send() in Java, just fails. I wish for an additional, optional parameter to that method that allows for a more intelligent handling of that situation. For example, the parameter could accept a bitmask allowing for the following values:
(0) Default - behave as ever
(1) UseFirstHit - use the first matching entry from any address book
We've received a lot of positive feedback
recently. Here are some examples what people have twittered: Rene
Winkelmeyer about File Navigator Thomas
Adrian about OpenNTF @rvdbreemen
about ...
I continue to use Lotus Word Pro for two reasons, one of which is the use of tabs at the top of the page for sections and divisions.
These make it very easy to switch between document parts (much easier than a master w/ sub-docs) One can easily move (drag and drop), copy, cut and paste, delete these sections/divisions (and you can color the tab labels, use different fonts, group them, etc.). Because the label on a tab need not be the same as the name of the section/division, one can use very short generic tab names (from a template) so many tabs can fit in a window and then modify them or not as one wants. A TOC can be created from the "real" headings for the sections/divisions.
Nothing in any version of Microsoft Word, Word Perfect, or Open Office makes it so easy to move parts of a document around or to navigate from one section to another.
The tabs, for those of you who have never used Word Pro, are like the tabs in the Windows properties box.
I know that one of these days I won't be able to run Word Pro on some new version of Windows and I have, literally, thousands of files that would need to be converted.
I had hoped that Symphony would be a solution - but this new version won't even accept SmartSuite docs which, perhaps, explains why IBM lost marketshare when it bought SmartSuite. It didn't and obviously doesn't know a good product when it sees one.
When using SuRunas to install a Fixpack, you receive the error: Failed to Read Resource C:\Lotus Notes Images\Source\Fixpack\deploy\plugin_customization.ini Error 0 - The operation completed successfully.
A user with a limited OS account enters their Lotus Notes password and notices the splash screen appear and disappear within the Notes 8.x Standard client.
To read a text version of this video, scroll down to the Welcome section in this wiki article. To watch the video, click the play button. object id"5in5tablesvideo" data"http:download.boulder.ibm.comibmdlpubsoftwaredwlotusNotes8535in5tablescontroller.swf" ...
After working with many customers, the IBM Lotus SWAT team has seen and resolved a variety of problems and pitfalls directly related to upgrading to Notes 8.5.1. Here are a few tips to help you avoid some of the more common issues. Perform an uninstall and reinstall
Install Notes before launching ...
This article represents Phase 1 of Upgrade Cookbook: Upgrading from Lotus Notes and Domino 6.5.x to 8.0.2. Table of contents Next ul li High level deployment planning liCommunication liEvaluate and monitor existing environment liDeployment Sequence liHelpful resourcesul ...
a href"UC1TableofContents.htm" Table of Contentsa a href"Page2DeployingDomino85xservers"Nexta HTML Body Font color"FF0000" BREAKING NEWS: font
Notes and Domino 8.5.2 has shipped. It is recommended you upgrade to the latest version available. The upgrade process ...
In an environment where Domino is using both a Domino directory and 3rd party LDAP directory (via directory assistance) for the same users, mail is not routing when LDAP returns a LDAP DN or UID.