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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" No 69 от 2008-08-29

Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 69 от 2008-08-29
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

I have provided a sample database with this utility at: http://www.openntf.org/Projects/pmt.nsf/HomeLookup/97CEA8C9251DA3BE862574A2006FA7B8?OpenDocument Emailing a subform from the current UI document I'm sure most of you are familar with the simple @Command([MailForward]) function. @Command([MailForward]) forwards the current document by placing its entire contents into a mail memo which the user then addresses and sends. I was tasked with duplicating this functionality, but for a subform on the current document. Futhermore, the customer wanted to the memo to be executed through the backend and sent via the click of a button. Approach: The key to this accomplishing this task is to isolate the subform in its own form. After the subform isolated, its entire contents can be copied to the clipboard, pasted it into a rich text field, and sent to a specified user. Follow these 3 steps to create the basic forms and code for this utility. Step 1: a.) Create a hotspot button on the subform you wish to email and add this code to the 'click' event: (note: In the 'hide-when' options of the hotspot button, check the box for hiding when "Copied to the Clipboard") 'This button will switch the form name of the current document and open the document using the temp form. Dim strOrgForm As String
Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace
Set doc = ws.CurrentDocument.Document
Let strOrgForm = doc.Form(0) 'capture the original form name
doc.ReplaceItemValue "Form", "TempForm" 'switch the form to the temp 'email' form. Call ws.EditDocument(False,doc) 'reopen the document with the 'temp' form. doc.ReplaceItemValue "Form", strOrgForm 'replace the form name back to its original name. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 2: a.) Create a form in your database and name it "TempForm". b.) Insert the subform from Step 1 into "TempForm"
c.) (optional: If your underlying original form as richtext fields with attachments, add those richtext fields on the tempform in a hidden section. The section must be hidden and the section properties must be set to 'auto-collapse' on open. Otherwise the attachments from the main form will appear at the bottom of the email when it is sent. This step is not necessary if your underlying form does not have rich text fields.)
d.) copy and paste the following code into the "PostOpen" event the "TempForm" subform. Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim ns As New NotesSession
Dim uidoc As NotesUIDocument
Dim docMemo As NotesDocument
Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim ndt As New NotesDateTime("12/31/1899") 'The postopen event will copy the entire unhidden contents of the form to the user's clipboard
'Then it will grab the memo document saved in the database and open it. Set db = ns.CurrentDatabase
Set uidoc = ws.CurrentDocument
Call uidoc.SelectAll
Call uidoc.Copy
Call uidoc.Close Set dcMemo = db.Search(|Form = "Memo"|,ndt,1) 'Get the Memo document in database. There should only be 1 memo document
If dcMemo.Count = 0 Then 'If the memo document is not created, than create a new one
'This code will only execute the first time someone uses this utility. Set docMemo = New NotesDocument(db)
docMemo.ReplaceItemValue "Form", "Memo"
Set docMemo = dcMemo.GetFirstDocument 'otherwise just get the existing memo document
End If 'In this example we are sending the subform to the current user. docMemo.ReplaceItemValue "SendTo", ns.CommonUsername
'If you wish to make the sendto field variable, add a hidden field to the tempform Form, popluate it, and then reference it here like this: 'docMemo.ReplaceItemValue "SendTo", uidoc.Document.GetFirstItem(your fieldname goes here).Values
docMemo.ReplaceItemValue "CopyTo", "" 'Add more people to CC if desired
docMemo.ReplaceItemValue "Subject", "Test: Emailing a subform" 'add a subject to your memo
docMemo.ReplaceItemValue "Body", "" 'clear the body field each time before opening the memo
Call ws.EditDocument(True,docMemo) 'Open the Memo document. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Step 3: a.) Create a form in your database and name it "Memo"
b.) Create an editable rich text field on the Memo Form and name it "Body". c.) copy and paste the following code into the "PostOpen" event the "TempForm" subform. Dim uidoc As NotesUIDocument
Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace 'The postopen event of this form will paste the contents of the user's clipboard into the body field
Set uidoc = ws.CurrentDocument
Call uidoc.Paste 'paste the subform into the body field of the uidoc (body field is default focus)
Call uidoc.Save 'the uidoc must be saved to capture the rich text
Call uidoc.Document.Send(False,False) 'send the memo document
Call uidoc.Close
Еще примеры:
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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

Доброго времени суток. стоит Лотус 8, проблема в том, что письма приходят и уходят нормально, но: возникают проблемы с некоторыми зонами типа *.ru *.kz *.az письма не уходят и остаються на сервере. pop3 smtp - mail.mydomainname.com подумываю об смене smtp с mail.mydomainname.com на smtp провайдера smtp.ISP.com Подскажите где копать и как это сделать? Заранее спасибо.
Всем добрый день! По долгу службы пришлось начать осваивать новый продукт, а именно Lotus Notes. В результате на свет появилось мое первое маленькое приложение на нем :) А вместе с ним и первые проблемы :) Но перехожу к сути - приложение состоит из двух баз данных 1. 'заявки на спрос' и 2. 'заявки на покупку'. Обе базы очень похожи, хотя и имеют специфические моменты. Мне по сути задачи нужно реализовать специальный режим закрытия заявок, программа ищет совпадения цены и наименования услуг в спросе и предложении. Собственно проблема в том, что не ясно, каким методом даже можно было бы из одной базы просканировать вторую. В MS SQL это решается простым запросом, а тут........ моих знаний не хватает :) Кстати, а правильно ли я сделал, что на каждый тип документа была заведена отдельная база?
Приветствую всех, если не трудно подскажите. Ситуация следующая: прошлый админ закрыл smtp, теперь у нас всё работает только по NRPC. Я вместо него, пока только учусь. Очень остро стоит задача что бы работал smtp, хотя бы локально т.к. нужно отправлять на наши локальные адреса уведомления от различных устройств, таких как серверы, принтеры, APC-бесперебойники и как правило все такие приложения отправляют по smtp без авторизации. Подскажите пожалуйста как безопаснее вернуть локальный SMTP. Заранее все спасибо.
Добрый день Делаю выходную форму для печати документа из базы ВнД и очень хочется вывести поля с Результат согласования. Необходимы только данные с листа согласования (кто и что сказал) :) Заранее спасибо.
По умолчанию кол-во учатсников голосовой конференции - 5 человек. Как изменить количество участников конференции? Спасибо
Выскакивает ошибка SMTP server: что количество пользователей достигла максимума и отрубает всех клиентов. Помогает только рестарт сервера. Никаких ограничений в notes.ini по smtp не стоит. Возможно кто-то сталкивался с такой проблемой, подскажите.
Иногда не могу переключить раскладку с клавиатуры, помогает только переключение в трее. Знает кто-нибудь как это лечится
Следующий вопрос по Лотусу. Планируем настроить авторизацию через домен. Т.е. входишь в компьютер через доменную учетку и можешь заходить в учетку Лотуса без пароля. Сейчас авторизация через id-файл. Можно ли сделать это централизованно, чтобы не ходить по компьютерам. И еще вопрос: можно ли будет нормально заходить с компьютеров, которые не в домене?
Цитата(ToxaRat @ 27:08:2008 - 02:52)
а єто не фейк?
на ибм есть только фикс 8.0.1

у тебя просто злой ФТП, мало того что режет по таймауту, так как 1 конекшин на ИП
дай мне канал по шире выложу на более добрый ФТП - lotus.net.ua

Вроде, пока еще никто не жаловался на то, что я выкладывал.

Правила по ограничению сделаны, чтобы все смогли скачать. Скачивай и выкладывай на добрый фтп. Люди тебе спасибо скажут.
In Lotus Notes® Client a customer has synchronized his contacts with Lotus® Domino® Web Access (iNotes™ Web Access) by opening the mail file in Notes and selecting Actions > Synchronize Address Book. This procedure copies the contacts from the Personal Address Book database into the mail file for use with Domino Web Access (DWA).
продублирую ранее
вратце: веб 2.0 ориентированная работа команды (рабочей группы) с различными данными, работает на "желтом" Domino или "сереневом" WebSphere.
Quickr demo
Есть коннекторы в "окнах", Lotus Symphony, Lotus Sametime, MicrosoftOffice. + Целый ряд свободных шаблонов: SNAPPS templates for Lotus Quickr (qdemo site тут их есть...)

ссылка на IBM
Lotus Quickr wiki
developerWorks > Lotus Quickr

The Quickr Blog by Stuart McIntyre

Lotus Rock Star

Такая вот проблема. На 5 сайтов наш IP-адрес, через который уходила почта попал в blacklist. Приблизительно пишет одну и тужу ошибку. Кто-нибудь сталкивался с таким, что этот может быть, как с этим бороться? Единственное. что успели сделать, это поменять в поле "relay host" другой IP адрес, для того, чтобы почта уходила через него в интеренет. Пока все работает. Но старый адрес так и висит в blacklist-е на 5 сайтах. Есть подозрение на мєйл- вирус, который спамит на данные сайты.
Привожу выдержку из blacklist-а:

Multi-RBL check

cbl.abuseat.org http://cbl.abuseat.org cbl.abuseat.org BLACKLISTED
sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org http://sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org BLACKLISTED
spamcop ttp://www.spamcop.net/bl.shtml bl.spamcop.net BLACKLISTED
t1.dnsbl.net.au http://www.dnsbl.net.au/t1/ t1.dnsbl.net.au BLACKLISTED
xbl.spamhaus.org http://www.spamhaus.org/xbl/ xbl.spamhaus.org BLACKLISTED Illegal 3rd party exploits, including proxies, worms and trojan exploits

Выдержка maildelivery:

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:

SMTP error from remote mail server after RCPT TO:<nn_sa@bk.ru>:
host mxs.mail.ru []: 550 Access from ip address blocked. Visit http://win.mail.ru/cgi-bin/support_bl?ip=

------ This is a copy of the message, including all the headers. ------

Return-path: <ap@sis.com.ua>
Received: from mail.sis.com.ua ([])
by chaos.sis.com.ua with esmtp (Exim 4.63)
(envelope-from <ap@sis.com.ua>)
id 1KYF03-0003Me-Eo; Wed, 27 Aug 2008 09:59:27 +0300
To: "Natalya" <nn_sa@bk.ru>
Cc: "Vika Ermalyonok" <vea_sa@bk.ru>
Subject: =?KOI8-R?B?Rnc6IOnOxs/SzcHDydEgxMzRIPPnIOzPx8nT1MnL?=
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: Lotus Notes Release 7.0.2 September 26, 2006
Message-ID: <OF29C0F69B.94F343B5-ONC22574B2.00264B22-C22574B2.00266E22@sis.com.ua>
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2008 09:59:25 +0300
From: ap@sis.com.ua
X-MIMETrack: Serialize by Router on SISGlobal/Service/UA(Release 7.0.2|September 26, 2006) at
08/27/2008 09:59:25
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="=_mixed 00266E1AC22574B2_="

--=_mixed 00266E1AC22574B2_=
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="=_alternative 00266E1DC22574B2_="

--=_alternative 00266E1DC22574B2_=
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="KOI8-R"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64


Добрый день!
Требуется установить Domino R6 в UNIX системе. Установка прошла вроде нормально все установилось, но вот server -listen не запускается!
Прописываю следующию строчку не запускается!
su - notes1 -c "cd /lotus2/KHVDA02/notesdata1;/opt/lotus/bin/server -listen"
Если кто знает в чем ошибка подскажите! Или дайти сылки на информацию!
В почтовой базе создали почтовое правило через "Сервис -> Правила". Это правило определенные письма с определенной темой удаляло, т.е. не принимало. Потом правило было убрано за ненадобностью... с помощью кнопки "удалить". Но вот незадача - после удаления правила оно продолжает работать и определенные письма с определенной темой не появляются в почтовой базе. Как и где хранятся правила? Как можно отменить работу правила?
Доброго времени суток!

Проблема в следующем:
Есть одна база на сервере, некоторое время назад надо было чтобы она реплицировалась на другие сервера в домене каждые 15 минут. Сейчас нет такой необходимости . В connection-ах она стоит в поле "Files/Directory paths to NOT replicate". Но она всё равно реплицируется каждые 15 минут. В "replication settings" этой базы стоит галочка в пункте "Replicate using schedule for priority databases...", снять эту галочку не получается, так как этот пункт неактивный.
сервер Lotus Domino Release 6.5
Цитата(sholomka @ 28:08:2008 - 08:34)
Х сервера работают только с INTEL и AMD. x86 архитектура.

Тогда получается, что IBM Lotus Domino 8.0.2 Linux for xSeries (Linux for System x 86Series, Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES)) это то, что раньше называлось Linux for Intel?
Цитата(puks @ 28:08:2008, 14:45 )
Тогда получается, что IBM Lotus Domino 8.0.2 Linux for xSeries (Linux for System x 86Series, Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES)) это то, что раньше называлось Linux for Intel?

ну наверн wink.gif

1) IBM Lotus Domino 8.0.2 Linux for xSeries (Linux for System x 86Series, Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES))
2) IBM DB2 Access for Lotus Domino Linux for xSeries 8.0.2

How can you reduce the size of the Monitoring Results database (statrep.nsf)?

Here are two ways to reduce the statrep.nsf size.

1. Set the Purge Interval (File -> Replication Settings -> Space Savers -> Remove documents not modified in the last X days.) Once the specified interval has passed, run Compact against the database.

2. If you no longer need the data, you can delete the statrep.nsf and a new one will be created when the Lotus® Domino® server is restarted.
если интересно как устроен dxl, то смотрите его dtd!
для каждой версии нотеса есть свой, все лежат в папке (по-умолчанию) notesdirectory\xmlschemas
например, D:\lotus\notes702\xmlschemas\domino_7_0_2.dtd

к стати, в каждой новой версии лежат все предыдущие. стоит обращать внимание на комменты! некоторые элементы устаревают, это описано в комментах.
Интересные темы:
Список форумов:

Tips. Советы

The last couple of Notes 8 Tips talked about the new selection model and conversations. In this post, we're going to combine those two ideas and talk about managing conversations. You may notice tha
Have you ever made a mistake? Have you ever wished you could take something back? If you're like most people, the answer to these questions is "yes", and Notes 8 has a new feature made just for you.
If you're like most Notes users, the Notes client becomes the center of your world during the work day. You open emails, open applications, create new documents, send and receive meeting invitations,
Everyone leaves the office for a period of time (if you don't, you should try it!). Our absence doesn't stop the constant stream of email, but we can slow it down by using the Out of Office functiona
Have you ever sent an email to the wrong person because their name was the same as, or similar to, the person that you actually intended to communicate with? The story goes something like this...

Back in April '06 I talked about the bug in Domino whereby it inserts "random paragraph breaks". When using one of the many WYSIWYG HTML editors to edit documents there was a potential problem in that Domino could insert its own carriage returns at any point in your HTML. If this happens to be inside an HTML tag then you're likely to get some garbled, badly-formatted output.

The solution at the time seemed to be an upgrade to 6.5.5. It worked for me and I've not suffered the same problem since. Until yesterday that is. This time the server was 7.0.2 and the same "regression bug" appears to be back. Although I'm not 100% certain it's the exact same bug it's still a problem and so a solution is needed regardless of what the actual cause is.

In my case the editor in question was TinyMCE and the problem was Domino breaking the HTML in the wrong place. The trouble seems to be that TinyMCE sends the whole of the HTML you've written to the server as one long unbroken string. Domino doesn't like this and so breaks it in to chunks after every 16,000th character or so.

To stop this happening we need to stop TinyMCE sending one long line of text and break it up in a sensible manner before Domino gets the chance to.

The solution was suggested in the comments to that original post by, amongst others, Patrick Niland. His idea was to use the save_callback method of the editor to alter the HTML before it gets posted. The solution is worthy of its own posting instead of being hidden in the comments back there.

Here's an example of the JavaScript needed on a form that uses the editor and demonstrates how you can use regular expressions to split the HTML:

tinyMCE.init({ mode: "exact", elements: "Body", //Lots of other options here save_callback: "addNewLinesForDomino"
}) function addNewLinesForDomino(element_id, html, body){ return html.replace(/(\<\/(div|h[1-6]{1}|p|ol|ul|pre)\>)/gi, "$1\n");

What this does is tell the TinyMCE editor to call the function "addNewLinesForDomino" before the form is submitted to the server. When the function runs it adds a new line after all the common block-level elements that might appear in the HTML. Not only does this prevent problems at the server it also lends itself to much tidier looking code in the source.

If nothing else it's a nice example of the power of Regular Expressions. Does that part make sense? Hands up if not and I'll explain.

If you use TinyMCE with Domino add this fix now.

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I bet that title got your attention. You weirdo.

I'm sure we've all got words we seem to type consistently wrongly. For me it's the word busy (a word I've been using in emails more and more of late), which I always seem to type busty (maybe because of the proximity of the T to the Y on the keyboard). The result is emails that start something like:

Sorry about the late reply. I am very busty at the moment.

Luckily I manage to trap most of the typos as I very rarely send an email without re-reading it first (especially those of a business nature). Whenever I correct this typo I always chuckle to myself at the mental picture of having breasts so large it's hard to send emails.

Out of curiosity I just did a search on my sent items folder for "busty" and it's worrying how many times I've let the typo slip through. I just hope the people who received the email saw the funny side and/or knew it was a typo.

Another typo I seem to keep making is leaving the C out of onclick when adding JavaScript to HTML elements. Wondering why the event doesn't fire I return the HTML to see I've added an onlick event. That too makes me laugh to myself as I imagine somebody licking their screen (you have to find amusement somewhere when working alone for so long in an office).

onlick="alert('Stop licking the screen you weirdo!')"

Any of you lot have any funny typos you keep making?

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A large amount of any developer's time is spent testing. Well, hopefully that's the case. It's true for me at least.

Testing is tedious and boring. Anything that can make it less of a hassle is a godsend. Hopefully this tip will help you out if you do a lot of testing where you need to continuously login and out as different users. I know it's helped me no end since I started doing it.

I don't know how I managed to remain sane before I switched to this technique.

The Problem

When you setup a new Domino server, enable session-based authentication and then create the domcfg.nsf database you will see this screen when you're required to login:


Apart from looking butt-ugly there's not much wrong with this per se. It works. I wouldn't ever use it on a live site but it normally suffices for the development server.

The problem is when you're doing intensive testing and logging in/out every couple of minutes. You soon get tired of having to type in the name/password of the test user every time.

This is made all the worse by the fact that the default login form that comes with domcfg.nsf has autocomplete="off" in the username and password fields. The means that b won't offer to remember passwords for the form.

You're forced to type the name and password of the user every time even if you use a browser which is able to store them.

The Solution

One solution is to remove the autocomplete attribute from the fields on the $$LoginUserForm and let your browser store the passwords.

However, even with the browser auto-completing the fields it still requires keyboard use and takes longer than it needs to. What I'm after is the quickest way possible to switch from one user to another.

Before I describe my solution let's make the following assumptions:

  1. You test on a machine given over primarily to development and testing alone.
  2. You "own" the server and can make any changes you like to its configuration.
  3. It's not generally accessed by "normal" users.
  4. The NAB on the sever contains a set of test users, all of whom have the same HTTP password.
  5. These test users' credentials can't be used to access any sensitive date elsewhere.

If most of the above are true then why not hard code the usernames and password in to the login form?! Here's what the form could look like:


All you need to do here is change the dropdown to the user you want to login as and press "sign in" (password has already been pre-filled at the server).

Although I lived with this for a couple of days and it was a massive improvement over the original form I still felt it could be simpler and quicker to use. What I came up with is possibly as simple as a multi-user login form could get:




When required to login all you have to do is press the button with the name of the required user on it. Couldn't get much simpler than that. No need to worry about the password as it's pre-filled and hidden using type="hidden".

How Does It Work

This technique makes use of the fact that the humble submit button is nothing more than an input field, which you can give a name and which is submitted with the form as a name/value pair, just like an ordinary field. In this case I've called the button "Username" and removed the actual "username" field from the login form.

The other trick used is that you can have multiple inputs of the same name. When there are lotus of submit buttons with the same name it's the one pressed which sends its value (the text displayed on the button) to the server as the field value. Make sense? The HTML looks something like this:

<td><input type="submit" name="UserName" value="Jordan Quinones"></td>
<td><input type="submit" name="UserName" value="Keith Moore"></td>
<td><input type="submit" name="UserName" value="Margarito Yarbrough"></td>

Simple! To create the HTML for these buttons all we need is a simple Computed Value on the form. The formula for which is along the lines of:

"Administrator":"Deandre Hoyt":"Caitlin Hudson":"Allie Jarrett":"Charlie Jacobson":
"Reyna McCarthy":"Eliza Mayo":"Dick Mayfield":"Keith Moore":
"Jordan Quinones":"Alexander Welch":"Margarito Yarbrough":"":""
)); @Implode("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"UserName\" value=\""+names+"\">"; @NewLine);


In the form I showed you I've used a formula to put them in a nicely-laid-out table though. Download the demo database to see how.

As you can see I've used a hard-coded set of usernames taken at random from the "fakenames" NAB, which I use on most test servers and which contains 40,000 users all with the password of "password".

If your test server's NAB is more normal and just has a handful of "Test One", "Test Two" users then you could even have the formula above do a lookup to get all the usernames for you. For me a handful of users normally suffices.


If you want to use this method in your dev environment then download the modified version of domcfg.nsf now and copy the $$LoginForm over. What will you do with al the time you save...

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If I do a rough poll in my head of all of my customers - both past and present  - they all run their Domino servers on Windows. Every application I've developed has been deployed on Windows. None (that I can think of right now) have ever ended up on Linux or any other OS for that matter.

I'm guessing the same can be said of most companies? Whereas hosted Domino servers, such as this one, primarily run on Linux I'm guessing that servers owned, hosted and maintained by the company whose applications it runs are more often than not Windows-based.

Maybe I'm wrong? Let's see. Here's a quick survey to find out what most Domino servers run on:

What does the company you work for run their Domino servers on?


Why am I asking? More on that tomorrow.

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Domino 8.0.1 supports Windows Mobile 5 and Mobile 6 devices via Lotus Traveler. This tutorial tells how to install it, and how to quickly synchronize your device.

Yesterday I asked what server you run Domino on. The result, which is still coming in but unlikely to change significantly, was that an unsurprising majority of you use Windows.


Look again at the chart above. Notice the chart is embedded in a PDF? Look now at the URL. It's a PDF document attached to a Notes document. Both the PDF and the chart within it are generated on-the-fly by a Java WQS agent. Here's the actual PDF generated, which weighs in at a mere 3kb!

The idea is that the survey document has a button on it which you press to have a PDF snapshot of the survey results sent to your email address. The button is hidden at the moment!

This brings me rather nicely to the point of the question itself. The Java code I've written to generate the PDF only runs on Windows. Well, hang on, that's not exactly true. Because the agent generates images it will only run on servers with a "graphics environment". It can run on Linux et al but only if X11 or a similar graphics library is available.

This is the first time in codestore's history that I've produced a demo (a nice one at that, which I'm keen to show off and make available) that I can't actually demo to you. This is because codestore runs on Linux in "headless" mode. There's no graphical interface to the server. The Java code can't create graphics.

At the point I realised this I set about trying to find a way to work round the fact I was being restricted by the OS on the server. What followed was a painful exercise and I ended up giving in after wasting what must amount to days of effort on it.

In looking for a solution I managed to enlist the help of quite a few people. To name a few - Bo Frederiksen, the amazingly kind Simon Delicata (who I tracked down via Google after seeing this posting about the same issue on LDD) and the ever-helpful chaps at Prominic.NET who did everything they could to get it working. In the end none of us could. I thank them all for trying though!

What to do? What I don't want to do is have the hosted version of DEXT be anything less than the fully functional database I want it to be.

The only avenue I have left to explore is to try and use the PJA Toolkit to draw graphics. How much time do I want to invest in learning and re-coding what I've done though? Especially as it will already work for almost 3/4 of you without needing more work. I just don't have that much spare time. Using PJA would make the code more complicated than it really needs to be. It would make more sense to leave it to the minority of you who this wouldn't work for to find your own solution.

So, should I have Prominic.NET move this server to Windows or should I have them run the Domino server from within the X11 environment? I'd asked about the latter but they were hesitant to do so as it eats up extra resources unnecessarily. Right now though that doesn't bother me much. I just want things to work with the simplest form of code possible. I don't like feeling restricted by the environment.

If anybody has an example of using PJA to draw graphics with a Domino server on Linux (with no X11 library code) then I'd be grateful if they'd share it. Or any other advice for that matter. As long as it's not to set "headless=true". That doesn't work. Trust me.

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The other day I got asked:

This might seem like a silly question, but can we use google analytics on a private (login access only) site? The way I've seen it work so far is only on public facing sites.

Not a silly question at all. Well, maybe it is, but I didn't know the answer either. In reply I said that I couldn't see any reason why not and that I'd take a look.

From the way I understood it to work you just need to load the external Google-hosted JavaScript file in to your page and that's all it takes. Although there is one step in the sign-up process which limits where you can use Analytics. Before Google will start tracking a site it takes a look at the site in question to make sure you've added your unique tracking code to the bottom of the page found at the domain you want to track. For this reason the site must be Internet-facing.

If you want to track hits to a site not available on the Intranet using the Analytics code this answer from the Google site might help:

If you have content behind a security firewall or on an intranet or internal network that prevents you from using the Google Analytics service, Urchin 5 software is for you.

Now, assuming the site is accessible from the Internet, what happens if you require a login to access the site? Well, Google will only ever see the login form, so you just need to make sure your tracking code is on the bottom of the login form. When Google "pings" the site you're trying to setup to see if it can find the tracking code it gets a login form. This doesn't matter though. As long as the code is in the HTML returned.

To test the theory I tried if on a site of my own. If you look at clients.rockalldesign.com you'll see a login page for my home-made CRM package. Look at the bottom of the source and you'll see the Google tracking code. It all works as expected and I can now see how much use the CRM is getting -- even though Google itself can't get past the login form and/or see any of the actual content beyond it.

If you host lots of sites and want to track them in different Anayltics accounts then you'll need to either use multiple custom Login forms or have the code which displays at the bottom of the login form compute itself based on the Server_Name field and the site being accessed when the login form appears.

Hope that helps.

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Trying to programmatically replace the design of several Lotus Notes databases, but can't find an out-of-the box solution? This LotusScript code can help.

Learn step-by-step how to generate RSS feeds within your Notes client using Lotus Notes Domino 8's blog template and Domino Web Access (DWA).

I know this is one of those things I really probably ought to know, but, after 10 years as a Notes developer I've never given the matter of name changes much thought. This is most likely as, until now, it's never been something I've had to deal with. Now that the topic has cropped up I'm wondering how it's best dealt with.

A user of an application I've developed has got married and is requesting their name be changed in all the places it appears.

Like most applications the database in question stores the canonical @UserName in various places and uses it as the primary key that ties together all the documents which belong to that user. If the user's name is changed directly in the Domino Directory then, next time they log in, it will appear there's no content which belongs to them.

What to do?

Do I need to write some code to find all documents in which @UserName is stored and update them all one by one? I don't mind doing this but I can't believe this isn't something that crops up all the time.

Surely there's an easier way? Doesn't AdminP handle all of this somehow?

It leaves me wondering about an @UserID function which returns a never-changing unique number for each user in the NAB. You can change the user's name as much as you like. The user's ID will never change and, if that's what's stored in the document, this isn't a problem. That's how it would work in LAMP ;o)

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Learn how to extract attachments from a Lotus Notes rich-text field by inserting this LotusScript code into an agent and running it from the Actions menu.

Anybody who has left a comment on this site recently might have noticed the form for doing so has changed ever so slightly. In line with the recent spate of changes I've made to this site I tweaked the comment form a little. Mainly I made the "body" field bigger, which I've been meaning to do for ages now.

While I was at it I added some padding to the fields. Here's the form before adding padding:


And here's the form with some padding:


It's a subtle change but I hope you agree it has a beneficial effect? To me it just seems much nicer. You wouldn't have the text of the page butted right up next to the edge of the screen would you? Most text deserves a little white-space around it to make it easier to read. Input fields never have any padding though, which seems a shame.

Adding the padding is so simple I'm not even sure I need to say how, but here goes. Add the following to your master stylesheet:

 padding: 2px;
 padding: 5px;

From now on I think I'll make it a part of the global CSS of all sites I work on.

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Get an overview of Tivoli Directory Integrator (TDI), an integration engine that synchronizes identity data in a Lotus Notes Domino 8 directory.

Get an introduction to Lotus Notes and Internet passwords and how they interact with the Domino Directory to secure your Lotus Notes Domino environment.

In March this year I talked about using a scheduled nightly agent to update the selection formulas of views which show documents based on dates.

It's a tip I've come to rely on in all databases I've created since. The one drawback is that I sometimes forget the view's selection formula is controlled by an agent and change them directly, only to find the change is lost the next day. Doh. To avoid confusion I modified the view-updating code to add an obvious warning about this.

Here's the new code:

Dim TodayDateTime As New NotesDateTime(Now) warning = |REM "WARNING: THIS FORMULA IS UPDATED EACH NIGHT BY AN AGENT. 
| Set view = db.GetView("FutureEvents")
selection={SELECT Form="Event" & EventDate>[}+ TodayDateTime.DateOnly+{]}
view.SelectionFormula = warning + selection
Call view.Refresh Set view = db.GetView("FutureMeetings")
selection={SELECT Form="Meeting" & MeetingDate>[}+ TodayDateTime.DateOnly+{]}
view.SelectionFormula = warning + selection
Call view.Refresh

The result is a view that looks something like this:


Hopefully this will prevent accidentally making the change that and forgetting it actually needs to be done in the agent itself. Well, I say agent, the change should ideally be made in the Script Library called from the agent -- see the second tip in the blog I linked to above.

Notice that the code in the first entry I wrote about this didn't include the SELECT keyword in the selection formula, but that this code does. It's inclusion appears to be optional and Notes will add it if you don't If, like here, you're adding code that's not part of the selection (the REM) then you need to add the SELECT otherwise the REM gets wrapped inside it.

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Author: Dennis Winkle
Tags: email stationary
Our users can create their own stationary, with their own letterheads.  They would really like to make that stationary the default whenever they create a new email message.  We don't want to add the letterhead to the template as we are trying to keep mods to the template to a minimum.  It would be nice if there was an option or check box to allow the end user to make a specific stationary the default for any email message created (including replies)

Author: Beth Anne Collopy
Tags: notification fixes Quickr automatic download
It would be nice to receive a notification when hotfixes are available for Lotus Quickr for Domino Services. This notification could include a link to Fix Central (download site) and a brief description of what fixes are included.
Would you be willing to have the fixes automatically downloaded (but not applied) to the Quickr Server? The Admin could choose to install it or not.

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Tags: Activation
Allow Foundations activation by telephone or by email. A SMB owner might have internet/email access from their home computer but not from their office computer

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Tags: backup
USB Drives are inexpensive and ubiquitous...perfect for swapable backup on third party hardware

Author: Roland Reddekop
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Tags: Quickr Lotus Foundations
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In this article, we give an example of how to build a customized search center using the IBM® Lotus® Quickr content services. In the example, the Lotus Quickr search service is used to get search results and the Lotus Quickr document services are used to retrieve detailed properties of the search results, which are then used to implement customized functions such as sorting, categorizing, and filtering.
Internet lockout is a new feature of IBM® Lotus® Domino® 8. This article describes Internet lockout, documents the configuration, and provides a sample that shows how to create a custom login form.
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