Most programming languages support an away to initialize an array in a single statement, but not LotusScript. Maybe it is just me doing this, but I have always found myself writing LS code something like Dim Month(12) As String Month(1) = "JAN" Month(2) = "FEB" ... Month(12) = "DEC" Eventually this bugged me enough that I searched for a way to initialize an array such as the above in a single statement. To make my code "easy" to read I have created an Array function which takes a string and evaluates it using @Formulae (which does allow a "List" to be assigned). I can now write a single LS statement such as Months = Array({"JAN":"FEB":"MAR":"APR":"MAY":"JUN":"JUL":"AUG":"SEP":"OCT":"NOV":"DEC"}) This works for both text and numeric values. The code for the Array function is as follows:- '/** ' * Returns an array populated with initial values ' * ' * @author Peter Presnell ' * @param Source The initial values separated by colon ' * @return An array created from the initial values ' */ Function Array(Source As String) As Variant Dim MyArray(0) As String Try: On Error Goto Catch Array = Evaluate(Source$) Exit Function Catch: Stop MyArray(0) = Source$ Array = MyArray Exit Function End Function
During development of a Sametime-Skype plugin, I found a simple way to integrate Skype-out phone calling into any Notes database. There are two technical ways: using the skype-url-mechanism or a special skype commandline argument. I prefer the latter one, because it launches Skype in case it is not running. The Notes fieldname for the phone number as well as the replacements of non numeric characters must be customised. Sykpe expects international number format: "+ countrycode areacode number" without spaces. So here is the code - put it in an agent, a button an action, whatever you like: REM {URL-type launch}; REM {===========================}; o := @ReplaceSubstring(OfficePhoneNumber;" ";""); o := @ReplaceSubstring(o;"-";""); @Command([Execute];"skype:"+o+"?call") REM {direct launch}; REM {===========================}; x:= @RegQueryValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE";"SOFTWARE\\Skype\\Phone";"SkypePath"); o := @ReplaceSubstring(OfficePhoneNumber;" ";""); o := @ReplaceSubstring(o;"-";""); @Command([Execute];x;"\"/uri:"+o+"\"")
A little tool that will help you find all the design elements in your databases located on a specific server? You can add exclusions for databases or folders that you don't want to scan (Mail\, Help\, Admin4,nsf, etc) You can then sort the results by Server, By signer, By design element, etc. It's very useful when an Admin no longer works for your company but many designe elements (agents , scripts libraires,e tc) were signed with his ID. Topic discussed here
A small test NSF that shows how you can build login functionality into your web apps with out using the server default login form direct from your application using AJAX. The sample file is fully self contained and needs no other downloads to work. If you have any problems please let me know.
LS-ERROR describes a minimal yet powerfull approach to error handling in Lotus Script: Here is the downloadable source code: The library is in the public domain.
ASNDSort library is a collection of sort routines written in LotusScript. The routines can be used as is via an Include statement. Library includes BubbleSort, QuickSort, and MergeSort algorthms. Sorting is based on the type of information in the array, like number, datetime, or text.
Hi! I have a big problem. I need to do the following thing: I have a Notes database where is a lot of documents, when i'm opening one document than there is an Action button which when pressed, opens an MS Word document and export all Notes document data to the MS Word document. The only thing i know, is to open blank Word document with this code (see in Usage/Example), But i don't know, how to put Notes data into Word document! It's seems to be a very easy LotusScript but i don't know how to do that, but i need this Lotus Script with Action Button. Can anyone help me please? I will be very pleased if someone can give a sample code or good advice how to do that or a hyperlink to web page where is information about my problem! Best regards, Guntis!
According to Wikipedia InPlaceMergeSort is a pretty fast sorting algorithm (O(n log n) on average, O(n log n) worst case and O(1) memory usage.) Sub InPlaceMergeSort(vArray As Variant, nLow0 As Integer, nHigh0 As Integer) Dim nLow As Integer Dim nHigh As Integer Dim nMid As Integer Dim nEndLow As Integer Dim nStartHigh As Integer Dim vTemp As Variant Dim nCount As Integer nLow = nLow0 nHigh = nHigh0 If nLow >= nHigh Then Exit Sub End If nMid = (nLow + nHigh) \ 2 Call InPlaceMergeSort(vArray, nLow, nMid) Call InPlaceMergeSort(vArray, nMid + 1, nHigh) nEndLow = nMid nStartHigh = nMid + 1 While nLow <= nEndLow And nStartHigh <= nHigh If vArray(nLow) < vArray(nStartHigh) Then nLow = nLow + 1 Else vTemp = vArray(nStartHigh) For nCount = nStartHigh -1 To nLow Step -1 vArray(nCount + 1) = vArray(nCount) Next vArray(nLow) = vTemp nLow = nLow + 1 nEndLow = nEndLow + 1 nStartHigh = nStartHigh + 1 End If Wend End Sub Sub sort(vArray As Variant) Call InPlaceMergeSort(vArray, Lbound(vArray), Ubound(vArray)) End Sub
This database was created for the purpose of helping people who want to parse values from fields on a PDF form, extract text from PDF files, pull the bookmark names, and extract individual pages from a PDF file. I pulled many of these examples from all over the web via google, and many of them from posts on, and I'm sure I did some searching on I am in no way taking credit for all of this code, but since it came from so many sources, and I did not keep up with them, I just saying it's not all mine. I simply put about 20 examples into 1 place so that we could all share. Requirements: Built using Notes 7.0.2, also need Adobe Professional. I used Adobe Pro 7.x.. Must also have bookmarks in your PDF file. Again MUST HAVE ADOBE PROFESSIONAL. If you have questions, commnets or suggestions, please feel free to contact me at Be warned that this code is in no way complete. I guessed at many of the things I did in here because I could not find good and complete examples. Please share your thoughts, comments, code improvements with all of us. I will update code if I get any great ideas from people. Thanks for taking a look and I hope this helps many of you. Jason
SkinGreek: сорри за долгое молчание. был в отпуске...
Цитата(Akupaka @ 11:08:2008 - 06:29)
ты на интертрасте спрашивал?
да я рад бы, но при регистрации мне выдается HTTP Web Server: Lotus Notes Exception - Error validating user's agent execution access (( Блин чеж за хрень такая непобедимая, даже Send Mail не срабатывает.Пишет статус Automated и ничего не делает. Со своим агентом так и не понял что ему надо, проблема осложняется тем что он не сразу выполняет авто активности, и не понятно что и когда срабатывает. Выяснил только одно - при определенных расположениях звезд кастумовский агент выполняется когда внутри агента делал безусловную генерацию ошибки. Но когда все без ошибок, он всеж не хочет переходить в след активность. Надеюсь до грызу всеж эту траблу вскоре.если что выясню напишу, ну а если кто работал с LWF не откажусь от совета, или хотябы тестового рабочего процесса.
Здравствуйте. Есть сервер Домино, который стоит на AS400 и есть сервер Домино, который стоит на WIN2003 сервере. Задача вот какая: нужна связь с АК Домино на AS400, чтобы не создавать новую на WIN2003. То есть надо, чтобы использовалась одна Domino Directory для этих двух серверов Домино. Это АК нашей организации, то есть в этой АК все сотрудники нашей фирмы. Вопрос в чем, какой оптимальный способ можно применить? Из тех, которые я знаю, так это кроссертификация этих двух серверов(это реально или нет?) и второй способ: ручками попереносить ID-шники и почтовые файлы пользователей(но в этом способе я сомневаюсь). Существует ли еще какие-то способы и какой из них самый опптимальный?
Вечер добрый! Имеется кластер из двух серверов 7.0.2FP1, там крутится около 600 различных БД, и в этих БД с периодичностью 1 раз в 3-4 дня, у какой-нибудь базы (из частоиспользуемых) слетает 1 из 2-х имеющихся профилей. Слетает - в том плане, что исчезает из базы. Начался этот ужас с того момента, как отработал некий скрипт, месяца 2 назад, который прошёлся по всем БД, удалил все имеющиеся профили и заново их создал. Кто-нибудь сталкивался с подобными чудесами?
Всем добрый день!
По долгу службы пришлось начать осваивать новый продукт, а именно Lotus Notes. В результате на свет появилось мое первое маленькое приложение на нем :) А вместе с ним и первые проблемы :) Но перехожу к сути - приложение состоит из двух баз данных 1. 'заявки на спрос' и 2. 'заявки на покупку'. Обе базы очень похожи, хотя и имеют специфические моменты.
Мне по сути задачи нужно реализовать специальный режим закрытия заявок, программа ищет совпадения цены и наименования услуг в спросе и предложении.
Собственно проблема в том, что не ясно, каким методом даже можно было бы из одной базы просканировать вторую. В MS SQL это решается простым запросом, а тут........ моих знаний не хватает :)
Кстати, а правильно ли я сделал, что на каждый тип документа была заведена отдельная база?
Has your meeting every been "cancelled" because the required participants did not respond, do not have it on their calendar and thus forgot about it?
You cannot count on Lotus Notes filling it in as in ND8 because the other person may not even have Lotus Notes (e.g. intra domain meeting invitation)
Solution: An e-mail sent to the meeting chair x days prior to the meeting with the invitee status in the body. And where x is defined in the meeting invitation, just like the pop-up alert is defined.
I really miss the bookmarks from Notes 5 to 7. I am obviously really alone with this opinion... The new style in Notes 8 doesn't help, because i can't fix them on the "open" level, like it could be done in elder notes releases...
But my problems to organize DB-Icons would be solved much better, if I could get at least sub-tabs/sub-pages in a workspace-page. like sub-folders in a bookmark environment
Lotus Support Technical Exchange is a series of Open Mic conference calls and webcasts where technical experts share their knowledge and answer your questions on specific technical topics.
This article introduces the widget programming model in IBM® Mashup Center: the IBM iWidget specification, widget basics, and the eventing service. To give you a better idea of how to build a widget from scratch, this article guides you as you develop a widget that can monitor the memory usage of the back-end server.
Over the last few years, a significant number of organizations have faced increased scrutiny and litigation, requiring them to tap into their email systems to deliver records of communication between