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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" No 52 от 2008-07-21

Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 52 от 2008-07-21
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

Здравствуйте! Невозможно запустить инсталлятор клиента Lotus Notes 7 "setup_wct_platform.bin" под Fedory 8. Никакой ошибки не выдает. Просто не запускается. Что только не делалось. Может вы знаете какой-то нюанс? С Уважением, Юрий.
кто подскажет, где можно найти схему иерархии классов или сущностей LotusScript ( желательно 7 и старше версий )
Здравствуйте. Я начинающий программист под Lotus. Столкнулся с такой проблемой: - база создана и спроектирована в lotus designer 5.x - документы создавались и редактировались в lotus note 5.x - возникла необходимость внести изменение в одну из форм. Были добавлены два поля Rich Text и две кнопки, обрабатывающие Click и добавляющие данные в эти два поля RT (@Command([EditGotoField]; "pole"); @Command([EditInsertFileAttachment])). Изменения были внесены из-под lotus des 8.0 english ( без файла лицензии, в течение ознакомительного периода ). - описание проблемы - из-под lotus note 5.x имеется возможность создания документа, редактирование и т.д. без ограничений. Из-под 7.x-8.x возможно только создание. Документ на редактирование не октрывается. В чем проблема ?? - учетная запись - Designer со всеми правами. Ролей нет сделал реплику базы на локальный комп, открыл в 7 - могу создавать и редактировать, а на сервере не могу
Имеется форма для создания документов в базе. На основе этой формы сделан поиск документов через свойство БД - Search. Найденные документы складываются в Resultпутем putAllInFolder("Result"). Содержимое Result можно просмотреть через Outlines. Вопросы: 1. Как автоматом вывести на экран (установить фокус ?) на Result без необходимости выбора его из Outlines ? 2. Можно ли средствами LotusScript добавлять, удалять, форматировать, задавать формулы и т.д. для view(folder), удалять сами view и folder ? Необходимо для уменьшения количества view`ов и folder`ов.
День добрый!!! Есть view и в качестве ресурса используется swf файл ... в нем есть 2 объекта ... 1 - прямоугольник 2 - круг(вписан в прямоугольник) При попытке растянуть swf с помощью stretches ... происодит искажение круга ..чего по сценарию происходить не должно ... Как сделать так, чтобы пропорции прямоугольника менялись в зависимости от width и height а круга оставались неизменными (т е не искажались его пропорции) или пропорционально увеличивался или уменьшался. Заранее спасибо!
В базе есть форма для создания документов. На основе этой формы сделан поиск по базе: после заполнения полей ( некоторых полей ) и нажатия соответствующей кнопки, формируется строка поиска и создается коллекция документов при помощи метода базы данных Search. В коде кнопки (LotusScript) последняя команда - закрытие формы. Есть одна проблема: выскакивает диалоговое окно с предложением сохранить документ. Как этого избежать ? Очистка всех полей формы не помогает.
После проблем с вирусом svchost.exe после перезагрузки Lotus Domino все сервисы nreplica.exe nrouter.exe nmtc.exe nldap.exe и т.д. стартуют в разных окнах ? Подскажите как решить проблему ?
Alexander (Criz):
Переустановить Lotus Domino...
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Tips. Советы

In response to yesterday's ponderings it was quickly pointed out that I could easily run two agents in a Form's WQS event by simply calling one from within the other. Imagine this code in the first agent:

Dim agentTwo As NotesAgent
Set agentTwo = database.GetAgent("(wqs Agent Two)") agentTwo.Run( document.NoteID )

All seems fairly obvious and I don't know why I didn't think to try it in the first place.

However, there's a problem with this approach. Running the second agent against the document in which the first WQS agent was triggered only works if you save the document before running Agent Two and then again before leaving Agent Two.

The first save within Agent One is needed for two reasons.

  1. A new document doesn't have a NoteID, which you need to pass to the other agent, until it's been saved.
  2. Any changes you make to the document in the code in Agent One won't be reflected in the document you see in Agent Two. This is because Agent Two is getting a handle on the document that has been committed to the disk and not the context document, which Agent One is working on.

The second save is called at the end of Agent Two and is needed because we're operating outside the context of the document being saved. We won't be able to access the altered values in Agent One after Agent Two has run as we're effectively working on different instances of the same document. At least that's how I understand it. Although in practice I found that changes made in Agent Two don't commit anyway as they're over-written by the impending save of the document from the completion of Agent One, which is the controlling WQS agent.

All in all, while testing this, I found it doesn't really pan out like you'd hope it would and it's not an approach I'd recommend or like to use myself. The only time I'd use it is if the code in Agent Two was merely reading the document and not making any changes. Then there's the matter of calling doc.save() from within a WQS agent, which I never like to do. It just seems wrong.

In summary, if you want to run two agents in the WQS event -- one LotusScript, one Java -- then I'd still recommend running them one after the other, as shown yesterday and avoid having to save a document which is already being saved. If you want to run Java that merely needs read access to the document then it might work for you.

If you're interested in seeing how I came to the above conclusions here's the database I was messing about with. Put it on a server and watch the console while saving documents. You should get an idea of what's going on.

I'm still leaning toward re-writing the agent in Java though...

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At the end of last month I mentioned my broken laptop. Well, it's fixed now, in that I have a "new" one. I probably should have just bought it as soon as the old one went capput, as it's been a big old faff in between.

As mentioned in the first post I dropped it off some step ladders and suspected the backlight of the screen to be broken. First thing I did was source one on eBay. There's a "shop" on eBay UK that specialises in CCFLs.

Using the tiniest screwdriver I own I managed to get in to where the CCFL live and it was immediately clear that was the problem:

There's little wonder it broke. It's like a flourescent tube that's 2mm wide. If anything's going to break after falling 6' then this is it.

Using Karen's soldering skills (never thought I'd let Karen and a soldering iron anywhere near my laptop but she assured me she'd picked up the skill in a part-time job at some point!) we managed to install the replacement. On first boot the screen worked, which was a real woop-out-loud "Yes!" moment, followed shortly by a few expletives when the screen went weird and then refused to work again.

At this point I resigned not to try another CCFL but to chance it with a replacement inverter (also sourced off eBay). This didn't work either and so I resigned to leave it at that. There's only so much you can do for a laptop of its age. Sadly I had to let it go.

This is where I took Karen's advice and called our home insurance providers. As we're covered for accidental damage to our belongings it made sense to. In Karen's words "What's the point of being covered if you're never going to claim!?".

What surprised me was that they agreed to pay out. Especially as it's a "business tool" and our policy is a domestic one, which doesn't cover such items, apparently. Not trusting insurance companies I expected them to use any excuse they could to avoid shelling out.

A couple of days after the "field agent" had visited to assess the laptop I had a call from the company they use to replace IT equipment and they offered me some crappy HP laptop worth less than half what I paid for mine, which it's listed on our like-for-like policy as being worth. Apparently they "can't source Lenovos".

While I considered what to do with their offer I carried on looking on eBay and managed to find a T42 with the same screen (15" SXGA for 1400*1050 res) which are farely hard to come by. It was in mint condition and up for £250. It arrived the next day. Despite it being a 2373-N1U and my old one a 2373-F7G I managed to swap the hard drives over and it started perfectly first time. That alone saved me a day's time in migrating to and configuring a new laptop. It also meant my current port replicator still worked!

After swapping over the DVD bay and the spare RAM module I'd added to my old one I had, in effect, a brand-new laptop. From what I can tell it's never been used (still got the protective bits on top of the glass LED display). I'm a happy bunny once more. It's got an American keyboard but I can learn to live with that. What I've got now is my old laptop back but in sparkling condition.

All that I need to do now is make up my mind about the insurance offer. Do I cancel the claim and protect my "clean slate" of never having claimed, thus reducing my premium (I presume?) or do I call back and haggle? It is after all a like-for-like policy and what I really want is a Lenovo T61. Maybe I just accept the HP they're offering and let Quinn and Karen use it. Maybe I accept and sell it on eBay?

Where I'll have trouble is in arguing against what they've offered me, as it is the same spec on paper. I just don't want a HP. It leaves me wondering why Thinkpads are so pricey. How can I argue I need a laptop that costs more than twice the one they're offering me when they have the same spec?

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Petr Valing
Tags: encoding field limit unicode

Current field limitations (for 4byte unicode ~127 symbols) are too small.

Author: Dave Panchaud
Tags: Calendar rightclick presence
The recent versions (6 onwards) of Notes client have provided presence awareness and the ability to start instant message sessions by right clicking on an email or entry in the NAB etc. It would be useful to be able to open the person's calendar in the same way. That is to say by right clicking on an email in my inbox I get the option to open the senders calendar. See my mocked up menu in image.

Author: Neale Wooten
Tags: navigation secure
It would be nice to have an out-of-box landing page to all the available IdeaJam sites for our organization.  I would think it could work similar to how the Quickr landing page works.
Ideally users would only see the sites they have access to and I would even be ok with having to fill out configuration documents with readers fields in order for the sites to show in the landing page.

Author: Eric Lohry
Tags: IdeaJam Attachments
Mostly for internal use rather than the "external" site.  It would be nice to attach documents to an idea for comment and vote.  This would greatly increase the power.

Author: Ben Jenkins
Tags: calendar view
In mail template versions previous to version 8.x, a user could select a calendar view option to "Start monthly view with current week." In version 8.x templates this is missing and you can only view the current calendar month rather than the next four weeks.

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