Добрый день.
сейчас рассматриваем вопрос по переходу на Lotus, встает вопрос как сохранить переписку из клиента MS Outlook, т.е. каким образом импортировать письма с сохранением папок из Outlook`а в Notes.
Заранее спасибо.
Здравствуйте! Помогите решить проблему с подключением jar файлов в Lotus 5. В более старших версиях проблем нет. В частности в 7ке, в java агент добавляю библиотеку jar, подключаю из нее классы, и все прекрасно работает, а в 5ке не подцепляет. К сожалению, от 5ки уйти не могу. Как заставить 5ку видеть классы jar библиотеки? Спасибо!
Здравствуйте. Я начинающий программист под Lotus. Столкнулся с такой проблемой:
- база создана и спроектирована в lotus designer 5.x
- документы создавались и редактировались в lotus note 5.x
- возникла необходимость внести изменение в одну из форм. Были добавлены два поля Rich Text и две кнопки, обрабатывающие Click и добавляющие данные в эти два поля RT (@Command([EditGotoField]; "pole"); @Command([EditInsertFileAttachment])). Изменения были внесены из-под lotus des 8.0 english ( без файла лицензии, в течение ознакомительного периода ).
- описание проблемы - из-под lotus note 5.x имеется возможность создания документа, редактирование и т.д. без ограничений. Из-под 7.x-8.x возможно только создание. Документ на редактирование не октрывается. В чем проблема ??
- учетная запись - Designer со всеми правами. Ролей нет сделал реплику базы на локальный комп, открыл в 7 - могу создавать и редактировать, а на сервере не могу
Невозможно запустить инсталлятор клиента Lotus Notes 7 "setup_wct_platform.bin" под Fedory 8. Никакой ошибки не выдает. Просто не запускается. Что только не делалось. Может вы знаете какой-то нюанс?
С Уважением, Юрий.
В базе есть форма для создания документов. На основе этой формы сделан поиск по базе: после заполнения полей ( некоторых полей ) и нажатия соответствующей кнопки, формируется строка поиска и создается коллекция документов при помощи метода базы данных Search. В коде кнопки (LotusScript) последняя команда - закрытие формы. Есть одна проблема: выскакивает диалоговое окно с предложением сохранить документ. Как этого избежать ? Очистка всех полей формы не помогает.
Имеется форма для создания документов в базе.
На основе этой формы сделан поиск документов через свойство БД - Search.
Найденные документы складываются в Resultпутем putAllInFolder("Result").
Содержимое Result можно просмотреть через Outlines. Вопросы:
1. Как автоматом вывести на экран (установить фокус ?) на Result без необходимости выбора его из Outlines ?
2. Можно ли средствами LotusScript добавлять, удалять, форматировать, задавать формулы и т.д. для view(folder), удалять сами view и folder ? Необходимо для уменьшения количества view`ов и folder`ов.
Extraterrestrial шота не заметил священного стога лотус в словах твоих? иль за флуд мне принять речи твои????
ОК. И с тормозного MS Office переходите на Lotus Symphony. А уж чего учудил MS c Office 2007 - жуть. Я вообще не понимаю, где там что и куда нажимать, чтобы получить нужный результат. Lotus + Apple - это сила! Будущее за этой связкой.
Сервер Lotus 6.5.4. У пользователя Квота - 50 мб. Предупреждение - 30 мб. Over quota enforcment - Non deliver to originator. Quota enforcement - Check filesize when extending the file.
1. Пользователю не приходит Quota Warning Report, хотя тут написано следующее : Когда почтовая база данных превышает порог предупреждения, пользователи получают сообщение об ошибке, когда открывают свою почтовую базу данных и затем находят сообщение с темой Quota Warning Report (Предупредительный отчет о квоте) Окошко с предупреждением выходит, а отчет они не получают.
2. Можно ли "руссифицировать" данный отчет. ?
UPDATE По всей видимости вопросы снимаются. Когда проводил опыты, то забивал почтовую базу пользователя путем Ctrl+C Ctrl+V. Видимо по этому отчетов о превышении квоты я не получал. По всей видимости эти сообщения генерит сам Router, если видит что квота привышена, а так как я забил ящик не по средтвом Router, он и не сгенерил мне очет. А окошки с предупреждением выводил мне сам клиент. Отчет пришел мне на русском языке скорее всего из-за установленного Russian Lenguage Pack и как я понимаю изменить его содержание никак нельзя. Я прав ?
Имеется форма1 с несколькими полями типа DialogList: поле1, поле2, поле3 и поле4 типа Text Имеется View1 по форме1.
Поле1 заполяется посредством отдельной формы0. Имеется View0 по форме0
При создании документа по форме1 для выбор значений поля1 используется View0.
Задача: 1. получить список возможных значений для поля2 на основании значения поля1 на основании View1 2. получить список возможных значений для поля3 на основании значений поля1 и поля2 на основании View1 3. В идеале, количество полей может быть болше.
Какими средствами лучше сделать: @-формулы или LotusScript?
Поставил Lotus R5. При попытке отправить почту - выдает сообщение, что почта не проходит через сервер. Голова кругом, подскажите, пожалуйста, в чем может быть проблемма?
For years now I've composed the blog entries that appear on this site using w.bloggar. The process relies on an XML-RPC processing agent in this database which handles requests posted to it that are based on the Blogger API. This lets me create and edit blog entries without me needing to open a browser or the Notes client. This is something I talked about more than five years ago! Damn.
While the process works it has its shortcomings and five years on I've finally got round to improving how I post. Wbloggar itself had promise but never really went anywhere and hasn't changed much in the time I've been using it.
Blogging anything other than plain text has always meant opening a browser, logging in, finding the relevant "resource" document and uploading an image to it. Then I have to copy the link to the image and switch back to wbloggar where I then link to it form. It's enough of a pain to stop me uploading images unless I really need to.
Then there's the fact you write in HTML. Not that I mind doing this but I'd rather WYSIWYG it. Then there's the spell checker, which is just plain awful. I could go on...
So, I've now updated the XML-PRC agent (uses MetaWeblog API rather than Blogger) and, as of today, am switching to using Windows Live Writer (WLW).
Now I can write without the HTML. I can insert inline images and have them automatically uploaded to a resource document when I press the Publish button in WLW. Spell checking works and is just like in Word with the squiggly lines). Life is so much easier now.
Until now I've stored ideas for future blog postings in .post files which open with wbloggar. I've got them scattered all over the place. Like any type of file you create them and forget they're there until they're no longer relevant. I must have not posted loads of stuff just because I forgot about the idea I stored in a .post file somewhere.
WLW stores your drafts nice and tidy in its own folder and displays them to you in a manageable fashion so can easily edit and post them at any point.
I tell you all this as what I'm getting at is that this is another change I've made that I'm hoping will make it easier for me to write here on a more timely basis. I wanted to test the theory too. Hence the screengrab above!
This is one of those posts that will be of little interest or use to my regular readers but which I felt compelled to write in order to try and save future Googlers the pain I've suffered these last few days.
It's no coincidence that on Monday I was talking about changes to the way I post blogs and that I've been asked by a customer to enable posting to their Notes-based blogging system from Word 2007. Being paid to write code you've been wanting to do in your spare time is brilliant when it happens, which is all too rarely.
The system is one I've talked about in the past and was developed to allow students to have a private blogging area (case study) within their university. As all of the students on campus are about to be upgraded to Word 2007 it's seems logical to support blogging directly from what most seem use as their preferred "text editor". Heck, it's better than them copy/pasting from Word to TinyMCE. What a mess that makes!
In the same way Windows Live Writer (WLW) works Word 2007 also uses the Metaweblog API (or any other for that matter) to post to blogs. If you've written the code to support posting from WLW then you should be able to support Word too. That's the theory at least. You'd think that the fact there's a spec for both the XML-RPC and the Metaweblog API would mean the Word developers would know how to go about using them. This is Microsoft though and that would be too easy. Instead, in a way only Microsoft can, they've re-invented the specs. Well, at least they've refused to follow them to the letter.
Problem 1 -- The First Paramater Passed to the newMediaObject Method is Meant to be a String.
If you've written your own Java code to handle uploading files, it would look something like this.
The problem is that Word 2007 passes the blogid parameter as an integer. That's the first of two WTFs. To get round this one you have to write an over-loaded method just to handle calls from Word, like so:
Problem 2 -- Word Expects the newMediaObject to return the URL as a String
When XML-RPC data is returned to the calling client the XML it sends tells you what type of data it contains by wrapping it in certain tags. The XML is something like:
17:<string>This is a simple test</string>
Although the Title in this example (line 17) is returned explicitly as a string it doesn't need to be. The XML-RPC spec says that any value not wrapped in a tag that tells you what type it is can be assumed to be a string.
With most blogging clients you can return basic strings without wrapping them in a <string> tag. Apart from when you return the URL to Word 2007 following a newMediaObject call. The URL must be wrapped in a <string> tag! If not you'll just get a non-explicit error from Word saying your blog service doesn't support uploading of images, which isn't of course true. It's that Word doesn't follow the spec.
To get round this I had to hack my Java inspect the XML it was about to return and make sure any URL values sent back were set as strings, like so:
I've yet to confirm or work out exactly what's happening but it looks like the title of a post from Word 2007 uses a character set different to the body. More on that once I've worked it out.
In summary, as you might expect, writing code to work with Word 2007 is a major pain in the back-side. Give my Windows Live Writer any day!
I leave you with a photo of Felix uploaded via a newMediaObject call from WLW and formatted using the brilliant Polaroid picture plugin.
This is ND8 in 2008. You have a draft folder for mail which is great. Save a meeting or appointment as a draft and then try and recall it. The calendar Lists views do not sort by icon type (requires a customization to achieve).
Why is this basic capability missing? Draft calendar entries do not appear in the mail Draft folder--nor should they. They do appear in All Documents, which does not help unless you can recall text in the draft message for searching. If one lightly uses their calendar, sure they can find it. Use it a lot--come back in a couple of days or after your vacation and the drafts get buried. Unless I am missing something, this is an easy win Lotus.
If you're on a slow link, it can take a long time to bring up a NAB when you hit the underlined To in the address block. ND8 basic (I haven't yet tested this exhaustively for versions). If you hit Ctrl+Break, it will then try to carry on regardless, once you've killed the error box. If you hit Ctrl+Break again, it will error out.
What I'd like to see is that it traps the Ctrl+Break, or the network interrupt engendered by it, and offers you a choice of your other NABs with which to continue, ie, your local NAB.
Especially useful for those (admittedly probably yellowbleeders) whose peronal mail is on a non-work Domino server.
I wish we could (and if we can now, I'd be happy to be corrected!) have a document hierarchy, but select in a view construction where to start in the hierarchy.
In other words.....I have an application
where each layer is a response to the previous layer. Now, if I want to show documents in a hierarchy, I can't simply say "form=Task & @allchildren". I can only show the document hierarchy if I start at the top of the hierarchy.
You are setting up an RSS feed using the RSS Feed Generator database on your Domino server. When you click the "Pick from list" button to select a view, the list is blank.
When writing Java code in Domino Designer, you may find any compilation errors reported within Designer to be vague or difficult to interpret. For example, you may see "cannot find symbol", "not a statement", "; expected" or other compiler errors. How can you get detailed information about these errors?
When you try to run an agent, you see a message "This agent must be run from a view window". What does this mean and how can you enable the agent to run?
You would like to write a LotusScript agent that creates a file in the IFS (Intergrated File System) in ASCII format. When the Domino server creates the file, it is created in EBCDIC format. This is working as designed. The file is created in the native code page of the operating system.
LotusScript code that uses the AppendToTextList method of the NotesItem class displays the following error if you try to append a non-text value: "Item %1 is not of type Text, special type not set"
With the release of version 8.5, IBM Lotus Domino server employs the Domino attachment and object service to save significant space at the file level by sharing data identified as identical between databases (applications) on the same server.
The IBM® Lotus® Domino® attachment and object service (DAOS) in release 8.5 reduces the total cost of ownership and helps customers with green computing practices by storing all file attachments in a separate repository on the server and retrieving them by reference. Read more to plan, set up, configure, and manage Lotus Notes® large objects.
Depending on the session authentication configuration of your Domino HTTP server, you will see a different log-in prompt displayed in the browser. What is the relationship between the HTTP Session authentication options and the Lotus Domino HTTP log-in prompt?
Lotus Symphony is a product that is currently packaged into the Lotus Notes 8 client (Standard Configuration) install. This technote describes the steps necessary to prevent Symphony from being installed when you install the Lotus Notes 8 client (Standard Configuration).