rsdim: Это не единственный способ, вы можете так же создать таблицу необходимой размерности средствами JavaScript (в т.ч. и в клиенте Notes) ну и апплеты на Java это тоже вариант, если нет необходимости взаимодействовать с UI элементами типа полей и кнопок.
I have word from one of our developers at Iris that the problem that causes scripts to load extremely slowly when they use many script libraries, has been found and corrected. Rather than being "ridiculous," performance in such a situation should be merely "bad" from now on -- a considerable improvement. For security reasons, the extra work that caused the slowdown in the first place still has to be done, but at least it can be done more efficiently.
Of course, it will be a while before a release that has this fix is in your hands, but it's something to look forward to.
We have a program in IBM where we can give other employees "thanks awards." Nothing too expensive -- the recipient can choose among hats and jackets and ice chests and secret agent USB drive pens and so on -- but a nice token. I have so awarded the developer
who corrected the problem -- in gratitude on behalf of the Notes developer community.
Incidentally, if you're having a problem with this now, the recommended solution is to reduce the number of script libraries by merging some. A main factor causing long load times is the depth of your hierarchy of script libraries -- not just the total number of libraries.
IrinaK: ладно с этим тогда потом разберусь. Не получается. Перестает уже вообще работать. У меня обнаружилась еще одна проблема по всем полям поиск работает, кроме одного пишет : «Notes error: Запрос не распознается (([Form]contains f2)and ((Pos) contains “12”)))»
при этом вформе f2 такое поле есть и свойства у этого поля такие же как и у остальных
We want to hear from you. And we're putting the depth and breadth and height of the internet's reach to work for us to meet that end. You can now give us feedback in the following ways:
1. Feedback links at the bottom of Help topics. 2. E-mail. 3. Product wikis. 4. Blog comments. 5. And introducing commentable information centers.
Don't know about all of these feedback methods? Read on!
1. Long-time Lotus
documentation readers already know that they can send feedback to us by clicking the feedback links at the bottom of each Help topic. And you can still send us feedback that way, but we are implementing a few changes in this area that may be of interest to you. You used to click one of the following links: Help Feedback -- Captures feedback on the product documentation. Product Feedback -- Captures feedback about the ease-of-use of the product. You were
directed to a different form to complete depending on the link you chose. We are working to replace these two links with a single link called Feedback that you can click to open a form from which you can choose which type of feedback you want to submit. Why the change? We are hoping that the additional descriptions that are provided about the two different types of feedback will help you to determine which type you really want to submit. We get such great information from you through these
feedback forms; please keep them coming!
2. We created an e-mail account to which you can send us your contact information. We do not ask for customer contact information on our feedback forms; we think their anonymity helps foster honesty. But, if you want to be contacted for potential customer visits or roundtables with the documentation group, you can send us an e-mail with your contact information. The documentation team's e-mail address is:
3. We have created product wikis in which you, our software community members, can find and share useful information about our products. We encourage you to share what you know and find out what you don't by visiting them. The following Web page describes our current product wikis and provides links to them: Don't see your product on the list? Check back in future; it is going to grow.
4. Go on, comment on a blog post. Even this one... if only to lament that Elizabeth Barrett Browning is not alluded to often enough on Weblogs!
5. With the release of Lotus Connections
2, we will use a new type of information center, which is commentable. Each topic will contain a make a comment link that you can click to provide a comment on the topic's content. The best feature of the commenting capability is that your comment is added to the page and is visible to everyone else who reads it. This means that if you add a comment to inform us of a missing step, point out misleading information, or to share information or tips about how to tweak a task for a specific configuration
or environment, you will be sharing that information not only with the topic's writer, but with your peers as well. Another great feature is that the information center writers are notified by e-mail when a comment is added to a page. As a result, the writer can determine if a Help topic needs to be corrected or clarified and can make any necessary changes for the next information center update. Lotus Connections 2 Beta customers are getting a first look at the commentable information center. If you're
a Beta customer, we'd love to hear your first impressions!
collection: Глупо ожидать полную блокировку спама активировав только лишь опцию Verify that local domain recipients exist in the Domino Directory, используйте поиск тема уже не раз обсуждалась
а способ с отключением сервера копированием запуском сервера редактированием выключением и обратным копированием может так получиться что письма потеряються
А кто говорил о подмене базы? Говорилось о реплейсе дизайна...
Morpheus: Доброе время суток Надо раздать юзерам краткую инструкцию по пользованию почт. системы Lotus. Кнопа F1 - следующий шаг после инструкции. Может у когото есть готовые на русском языке ( клиенты 6+ )? Просто выдирать из хэлпа и компоновать самому и лепить скрины такой лом
kilcher: за информацию большое спасибо Вобщето тяжеловато писать с нуля,тем более что в Lotuse я очень недавно да еще и учусь сама методом проб и ошибок. Но ничего надеюсь прорвусь и все получится,не без помощи и поддержки товарищей на форуме