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Железные новости с лучших зарубежных сайтов wednesday, 17 march 2004 : PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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wednesday, 17 march 2004

00:50 Pioneer demonstration for Dual Layer © CDR-Info
00:50 Sony announced internal and external DL recorders © CDR-Info
00:50 CeBIT 2004 opens gates © CDR-Info
03:30 Why Microsoft 'Shared Source' can never be trusted © The Register
08:59 Net hermit to ditch DotComGuy moniker © The Register
09:03 Ballmer presses Monti for compromise © The Register
09:27 Ebookers chief defends offshoring © The Register
10:01 Voda slapped for 'Best Network' claim © The Register
10:01 Groupe Bull feels cold steel of EU probe © The Register
10:20 Intel plots 4MB L2, 64-bit desktop CPU © The Register
10:20 Business optimism and investment jitters © The Register
10:33 Nokia goes it alone on push-to-talk © The Register
10:42 HP deploys Linux desktops in Asia © The Register
10:53 Medion brings best-selling GPS PDA to UK © The Register
11:12 East Germany warms to Internet © The Register
11:25 Atheros updates Wi-Fi speed booster tech © The Register
12:15 AOL future uncertain - report © The Register
12:28 UK gov backs £1m blueprint for open source switchers © The Register
12:28 UK Net paedo crackdown bags 600 © The Register
13:05 Opera 7 for Mac OS X goes live © The Register
13:21 Philips faces legal challenge over fluid lens technology © The Register
13:31 DiData wipes slate clean with Proxicom disposal © The Register
13:43 MS seeks enforcer & revenue generator for trademarks © The Register
13:57 HP top (channel) dog for PCs © The Register
13:59 Siemens launches 'rugged' multimedia mobile © The Register
14:17 Siemens unwraps 1.3 megapixel camera phone © The Register
14:24 Data Protection - getting it right © The Register
14:43 Nokia introduces 'megapixel' mobile © The Register
14:50 TDK 880N review available © CDR-Info
14:52 Police offer 'stolen' mobe insurance fraud amnesty © The Register
14:59 Carrera picks bones of Multivision © The Register
15:05 Kazaa coder sues Sharman Networks © The Register
15:23 Gershon retires from the Office of Government Commerce © The Register
15:28 Sony music download service to launch in June © The Register
16:22 Budget sells IT industry short - Intellect © The Register
16:25 Jobs: Apple will not meet 100m song download goal © The Register
16:56 VoIP set to generate megabucks © The Register
17:05 Carphone Warehouse SMS spam ruling reversed © The Register
17:13 Online extortionists target Cheltenham © The Register
17:18 Delivering the 12kb Bomb © The Register
20:50 Tokyo Hewlett-Packard future plans include Linux OS © CDR-Info
20:50 BenQ: New 8x DVD +R writer © CDR-Info
20:50 Matsushitas Blue-Ray Disc recorder, expecting to market in July 2004 © CDR-Info
22:51 New 8x DVD +/- R/RW drive from IO Data © CDR-Info

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