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Железные новости с лучших зарубежных сайтов tuesday, 16 march 2004 : PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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tuesday, 16 march 2004

00:49 Explosive Cold War Trojan has lessons for Open Source exporters © The Register
09:01 EU states back Microsoft penalties © The Register
10:08 Chancellor to squeeze Betfair © The Register
10:09 EC approves Infineon state aid package © The Register
10:13 Toilets are cleaner than computers © The Register
10:41 Russian Itanium slayer samples first 130nm processor © The Register
10:47 Boffins get their circuits in a twist © The Register
10:54 Security: getting the facts about cybergeddon © The Register
11:20 AOL warns of falling revs as punters flee service © The Register
11:33 Nortel suspends finance chiefs © The Register
11:41 Tracking inflation by the mega-pixel © The Register
11:42 Seeking the continuous playing platform © The Register
12:03 FCC attempts telco compromise © The Register
12:06 Easynet buys Dutch broadband outfit © The Register
12:24 Amiga flogs off 'classic' OS © The Register
12:59 BOFH: Enforcing the excremental IP © The Register
13:03 Gov UK names broadband aggregation bidders © The Register
13:36 Starbucks launches in-store CD burning service © The Register
13:38 Lindows asks US court to halt MS 'worldwide assault' © The Register
14:28 'Software detox' deadline looms © The Register
14:53 Cisco retails networked hotel vision © The Register
15:09 AMD to launch Wi-Fi network in Q2 © The Register
15:09 AMD to launch Wi-Fi network © The Register
15:46 Computacenter profits up © The Register
15:46 200,000 Wi-Fi laptops up for grabs - if you're an Essex schoolkid © The Register
16:48 IT staff to strike at Co-op over SCC outsourcing gig © The Register
16:54 Boeing to offer roaming via in-flight WLANs © The Register
17:15 MPs hold inquiry into UK computer crime law © The Register
17:15 IBM prepares Opteron workstation charge © The Register
17:23 IT guru donates millions to Oxford © The Register
19:37 Investors scamper from Veritas shares © The Register
20:57 HP to bundle iTunes 'late March' © The Register
21:01 Storage software is all the rage in Q4 © The Register

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