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Железные новости с лучших зарубежных сайтов monday, 8 march 2004 : PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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monday, 8 march 2004

09:06 EDS to sue NHS over nixed email deal © The Register
10:15 Corpse pics earns cop the sack © The Register
10:29 Psion shareholders are revolting © The Register
10:31 FTC appeals against Rambus ruling © The Register
10:37 Russian arctic boffins safe and sound © The Register
11:24 Inside the mind of the gay sheep © The Register
11:37 Opportunity knocked by Martian rock © The Register
11:47 Acer Aspire 1705SCi © The Register
12:07 Carphone Warehouse buys Spanish telco © The Register
12:18 March is crunch time for Mobile-Fi © The Register
12:26 Virgin to open music download service © The Register
12:40 Wireless industry intellectually challenged © The Register
12:54 Beware sober worm bearing gifts © The Register
13:01 Microsoft v. Minnesota © The Register
13:03 EC to fund Euro 45nm process with €24m grant © The Register
13:20 Toxic PCs destroy life as we know it © The Register
13:23 EC rejects MS claims over OEM T&Cs © The Register
13:23 EC rejects MS claim over OEM T&Cs © The Register
14:26 Mother seeks ban on violent Net porn © The Register
14:26 Victim's mother seeks ban on violent Net porn © The Register
14:43 UK drivers flout mobile ban © The Register
14:51 UK credit card fraud down 8% © The Register
14:57 Kazaa fails to overturn music biz data seizure orders © The Register
15:04 No Xbox 2 revelations at GDC © The Register
15:11 Teens get classes in Tolkien's Elvish © The Register
15:40 Tesco offers online DVD rentals © The Register
16:03 Blunkett appoints new police IT supremo © The Register
16:03 Blunkett appoints police IT supremo © The Register
16:06 McData and Brocade puff patent peace pipe © The Register
16:31 S&P drops Sun to junk status © The Register
16:51 New DVD-RW media from TDK © CDR-Info
16:51 Dual 8x DVD recorder from Asus © CDR-Info
16:51 Eximius released new audio format for standalone DVD players © CDR-Info
16:51 Double Layer Recording from Nero © CDR-Info
17:58 Linux kernel vuln reloaded © The Register
18:50 Agreement between Thomson and Chinese manufacturers for DVD-video players © CDR-Info
18:50 Panasonic announced world’s smallest standalone DVD player © CDR-Info
20:44 Dell deepens ties to VMware © The Register
20:59 IBM - EDS: merger report dismissed © The Register

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