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Железные новости с лучших зарубежных сайтов thursday, 18 december 2003 : PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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thursday, 18 december 2003

09:13 Singapore quarantines 70 after Taiwan confirms SARS case © The Register
09:42 Intel Grantsdale pegged for 29 March '04 launch © The Register
10:59 Motorola seeks SEC approval for chip biz spin off © The Register
11:16 Microsoft unleashes legal attack dogs on spammers © The Register
11:24 Intel chip to pave way for cheap digital TVs - report © The Register
11:46 CSC wins $1.5bn SAS outsourcing gig © The Register
11:48 Police in paedo porn sting © The Register
11:55 Lehmans moves help desk out of India © The Register
11:55 Lehman moves help desk out of India © The Register
11:58 NEC demos first next-gen DVD drive with one red, blue head © The Register
12:53 PalmOne makes Q1 loss © The Register
13:12 Scots police in £10m bootleg raid © The Register
13:31 A Quantum Theory of Internet Value © The Register
13:37 World Online told to pay damages over IPO © The Register
13:37 World Online told to pay IPO damages © The Register
13:41 Mobile broadband everywhere © The Register
13:47 A better class of shadow © The Register
14:30 Evesham slapped for spamming © The Register
14:32 Long goodbye begins for Win2k Server © The Register
14:50 BenQ DRW800A review added © CDR-Info
14:50 Sony to stop DVD burner production and release OEM orders to Taiwan © CDR-Info
14:50 NEC demonstrates combo drive for next and current DVDs © CDR-Info
14:50 Buffalo announces 8X DVD±R recorder © CDR-Info
15:08 Year in review - the best of 2003 © The Register
16:04 OpenOffice CDs live for lending in Scottish libraries © The Register
16:39 Tests confirm Atheros' Super G degrades rival WLANs © The Register
16:50 Panasonic quits on the Q © CDR-Info
16:50 Canopus announces MPEGcraft DVD MPEG editing and DVD authoring tool © CDR-Info
19:14 Sun drives the final nail in Cobalt's coffin © The Register
21:54 Multicore Itanic: Call me Tukwila © The Register
22:05 Linux 2.6 kernel released from detox © The Register
23:11 Red Hat sweetens Q3 with Sistina buy © The Register
23:33 Real sues Microsoft, seeks $1bn damages © The Register

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