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Железные новости с лучших зарубежных сайтов wednesday, 10 december 2003 : PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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wednesday, 10 december 2003

09:23 AOL axes 450 jobs © The Register
09:44 Motorola touts chip tech to would-be licensees © The Register
10:05 MS takes small.biz financing to Europe © The Register
10:11 AMD dismisses Intel 'high-k' transistor tech © The Register
10:16 Re g seeks poetic JenniCam memorial © The Register
10:24 UK has 3 million broadband punters © The Register
10:26 Linux users play the waiting game © The Register
10:34 EDS rallies troops over tax credits fiasco © The Register
10:43 Delayed tablet Mac to launch next month? © The Register
11:03 My job went to India and all I got was this lousy t-shirt © The Register
11:12 Camera phone shipments jump 29% © The Register
12:00 Sony Vaio PCG-Z1RMP notebook © The Register
12:12 Federal agencies flunk IT security audit. Again © The Register
12:23 118 services getting better © The Register
12:26 UK govt pitches Sun as OSS challenger for 500k desktops © The Register
13:22 DiY $5k cruise project shut down, missile goes into hiding © The Register
14:50 Sonopress and SunnComm sign licensing agreement for protecting audio CDs © CDR-Info
14:50 Taiwan must fight on against piracy, US experts say © CDR-Info
15:04 HP gets tough with grey market dealers © The Register
15:32 UK anti-spam law goes live © The Register
15:56 EMC ups Q4 target on acquisition optimism © The Register
16:50 Memorex introduces the new range of Premium CDRs © CDR-Info
16:54 RIAA hires guns, alcohol and smokes expert to fight piracy © The Register
18:42 Microsoft running on Microsoft again © The Register
19:55 Rev. Al Sharpton did not invent the Internet © The Register
22:50 Microsoft aims to universal standard for easy Music, Video distribution © CDR-Info
22:50 Toshiba to introduce sub-1-inch hard drive at CES © CDR-Info
23:01 Sun sets Solaris x86 free © The Register

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