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Железные новости с лучших зарубежных сайтов wednesday, 17 december 2003 : PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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wednesday, 17 december 2003

05:58 Server vendors unite for the common good © The Register
06:20 Sun settles with the Feds on China server sales © The Register
10:03 Police crack down on mobile phone thefts © The Register
10:44 SiS ships mobile Athlon XP chipset © The Register
10:46 Evesham Voyager 64 Athlon 64 notebook © The Register
11:23 Commission agrees US access to EU citizen personal data © The Register
11:38 Those JenniCam competition results in full © The Register
11:40 TwinMOS offers USB Wi-Fi adaptor © The Register
11:47 Roll up folks, it's barometer survey time! © The Register
11:54 Ofcom broadband review 'says nothing new' - Energis © The Register
13:16 So when are you going to launch a mobile Re g? © The Register
14:50 Sharp develops 6Mpix CCD for 1/1.8 type digital cameras © CDR-Info
14:50 BenQ, IBM in corporate PC deal © CDR-Info
14:50 Microsoft, Disney and Sanyo to become Key members of the DVD Forum © CDR-Info
16:26 Sun and UC Berkeley are about to BOINC © The Register
16:50 Ritek upbeat for CD-R, DVD disc sales in 2004 © CDR-Info
16:50 Sipex introduces new photo detector IC for 8x and 12x DVD recorders © CDR-Info
17:14 IBM picks up a Green Pasture © The Register
17:48 SCO shies from French Linux invasion © The Register

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