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Железные новости с лучших зарубежных сайтов tuesday, 15 april 2003 : PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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tuesday, 15 april 2003

00:01 PwC boosts IBM's coffers © The Register
07:41 How do you start a small business in the UK? © The Register
08:09 UK ecommerce adoption rate falls -report © The Register
08:43 Wacky email addys: Don't go there © The Register
08:58 Google founder wanted phones banned from HQ © The Register
08:59 Cash'n'Carrion spearheads e-commerce assault on Iraq © The Register
09:06 Super-DMCA not so bad © The Register
10:25 Aussie court crackers on crackers © The Register
11:12 DMCA threats gag security researchers © The Register
14:52 HDS adds NAS gateway by NetApp © The Register
15:11 MS relieves patching 'pain point' © The Register
15:16 Xbox modded - without a mod chip © The Register
15:32 Intel pitches Pentium M at embedded arena © The Register
16:00 BT sets trigger level for 200 more exchanges © The Register
16:25 SCEI gives PlayStation 2 the first major update © CDR-Info
16:25 Japanese vendor to order DVD-R from Prodisc © CDR-Info
16:25 Philips results in line despite sales drop © CDR-Info
17:21 Microsoft is crawling toward trustworthy code - experts © The Register
18:27 Sun preps intrusion detection appliance © The Register
19:18 Turner, Case, Barksdale named in AOL fraud suit © The Register
20:58 EMC grabs Astrum Software © The Register

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