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Железные новости с лучших зарубежных сайтов monday, 7 april 2003 : PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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monday, 7 april 2003

07:17 Rebranding kiss of death strikes Deloitte Consulting © The Register
08:59 800MHz FSB Pentium 4s appear in Japan © The Register
09:33 KPN talks takeover with mmO2 - report © The Register
09:42 RIAA agrees webcasting rates... with non-webcasting AOL, Microsoft © The Register
10:01 Adobe updates Acrobat for the XML era © The Register
10:25 Backup and Recovery... er... what's that? © The Register
10:25 ATI unveils All-in-Wonder 9800 PRO TV-on-PC card © The Register
10:30 Security glitch with SETI@home screensaver © The Register
11:17 Dell to offer Broadcom 802.11a/g card © The Register
11:38 Apache urges update ahead of DoS risk alert © The Register
11:45 BT salvages new identity from corporate scrapheap © The Register
11:51 AntiCap lobby group calls for BB freedom © The Register
11:54 'Adios Google' © The Register
11:58 Nvidia to support 400MHz FSB Athlon XP with new chipset © The Register
12:05 Toshiba Matsushita Display: an LCD display to capture images? © Digit-Life
12:09 AOpen AK79G Max nForce2 Motherboard @ Bjorn3d © Digit-Life
12:09 Eten Pocket PC P700: a new tri-band GSM/GPRS PDA © Digit-Life
12:20 Fujitsu Labs develops miniature noncontact authentication system © Digit-Life
12:26 Pentium 4 with FSB 800MHz and Pentium M processors showcased in Japanese shops © Digit-Life
13:26 Al Jazeera and the Net - free speech, but don't say that © The Register
13:51 Schools use SMS to fight truancy © The Register
14:06 UpMyStreet is For Sale © The Register
14:07 Security attacks jump in Q1 © The Register
14:59 Symbian to unveil open source dev language at Expo © The Register
15:29 Hard Tecs 4U Review: Leadtek K7NCR18D Pro II (nForce2 @ FSB460/DDR460) © Digit-Life
15:29 FreeBB reports 'change of emphasis' © The Register
15:30 Apacer DISC STENO CP100: helping photographers © Digit-Life
15:36 EPoX releases new 800MHz FSB motherboards © Digit-Life
16:28 Verisign, nCipher tout hardware-based SSL certs © The Register
18:06 Unisys turns to the midrange © The Register
18:25 Sony announces new blue laser optical drive © CDR-Info
20:25 Oak Technology completes sale of optical business to Sunplus © CDR-Info
20:25 Sony extends lead in Multi Format DVD burning market with new 4x DVD+RW drives © CDR-Info

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