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Железные новости с лучших зарубежных сайтов tuesday, 1 april 2003 : PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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tuesday, 1 april 2003

04:25 Pioneer DVR-A05 & DVR-105 Flashing Guide/FAQ © CDR-Info
04:25 Hybrid DVD-CD fails to impress in tests © CDR-Info
07:47 Uncle Roger's improper Ganda © The Register
08:11 Free software gives hackers taste of own medicine © The Register
08:23 £18,000 buys you surrogate 'cyberbaby' © The Register
09:04 Cost turns UK punters off 3G - survey © The Register
09:33 419 scammers surface in Baghdad © The Register
09:37 Is your website accessible? Probably not © The Register
09:55 AMD, Fujitsu to merge Flash ops © The Register
10:36 CSC gets tough on file-sharing employees © The Register
11:54 MPs question Inland Revenue over C&W tax deal © The Register
12:01 Are Scott, Carly and Larry risking time at Camp X-Ray? © The Register
12:08 Apple 12in PowerBook G4 © The Register
14:20 BT to reveal price cuts this week © The Register
14:32 UK drivers face fines for 'wrong type of hands-free device' © The Register
14:32 UK drivers face fines for 'wrong type of hands-free device'. © The Register
16:25 Bravo Disc Publisher with Mac® compatibility is now shipping © CDR-Info
16:25 Lite-On to release 48x combo (CD-RW/DVD-ROM) drive this month © CDR-Info
16:25 Taiwan CD-R disc makers expect to enjoy margin growth in 1H © CDR-Info
16:25 Nichia Corporation got The Nikkei BP Technology Prize © CDR-Info
16:25 Philips' CD chip, reference design to cut costs for MP3 CD Players © CDR-Info
16:25 Adobe expands to fast-growing DVD market © CDR-Info
16:25 Copyright is only half the answer... © CDR-Info
18:25 Hitachi/LG GSA-4040B DVD±R/±RW/RAM to released at June 2003 © CDR-Info
19:17 RADEON 9700 PRO on... GeForce FX 5800 PCB! © Digit-Life
21:33 What the hell is a 'proximity server', and why should you care? © The Register

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