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05:55 Speedera seeks Akamai injunction [The Register]
05:57 US cracks down hard on WorldCom [The Register]
05:59 Sun edges towards IBM and Microsoft on Web Services [The Register]
06:01 HP readying dual-core PA-8800 [The Register]
06:41 Ransom Love out as Caldera CEO [The Register]
07:31 Ballmer to China: 'Steal all the software you want, so long as it's ours' [The Register]
08:49 In May, iMac sales go away [The Register]
09:15 MS Passport to escape European investigation? [The Register]
09:18 Worldcom to shed 450 jobs in Europe and Asia [The Register]
10:00 Magnetic wood - the new mobile phone squelcher [The Register]
10:16 Soon Al Qaeda will kill you on the Internet [The Register]
10:16 Soon al-Qaeda will kill you on the Internet [The Register]
10:23 Server memory - of course it's expensive [The Register]
10:27 MS Palladium protects IT vendors, not you - paper [The Register]
10:41 AT&T 'pulls plans' to buy KPNQwest [The Register]
10:48 MS Media Player gives up your box [The Register]
10:49 Xbox mod-chip runs foul of lawyers [The Register]
11:18 Should we let bosses read your email? EU asks citizens [The Register]
11:18 Should bosses read our email? EU asks citizens [The Register]
11:59 GamesSpy and KaZaA infected by viruses [The Register]
12:00 'Nokia' loses nokia.me.uk cybersquatting case [The Register]
12:26 ST Microelectronics Demonstrates Streaming MP3 Bluetooth Wireless [TwoMobile]
12:38 Acequote trio form Boffin breakaway [The Register]
13:05 Sony to Debut Super Super Small 1.3M-Pixel Digital Camera [TwoMobile]
13:08 Philips Electronics Develops 1GB Optical Disc with 3cm Diameter [TwoMobile]
13:14 Nvidia trio form Code Mafia breakaway [The Register]
14:09 NTL's Knapp keeps his job [The Register]
14:43 My dad's server's bigger than yours [The Register]
14:55 Upcoming products for AMD CPUs from Chaintech [Digit-Life]
15:51 Xerox fluffs numbers [The Register]
15:52 Fortress IT: foreign contractors swamp UK fears [The Register]
18:23 Panasonic unveils DVD Multi drive, all-in-one DVD/CD storage solution at TECHXNY [CDR-Info]
23:21 Verbatim Showcases 4.7GB DVD+R and DVD+RW Discs at DV Expo [CDR-Info]
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