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05:21 The DVD - another milestone in the history of optical storage mnedia [CDR-Info]
05:21 IFPI issues labelling guidelines for copy control CDs [CDR-Info]
05:21 Oak Technology signs EDOM Technology for optical distribution channel in Taiwan and China [CDR-Info]
05:49 My name's too rude for MS Passport [The Register]
07:15 EU hints at central takeover of radio spectrum licensing [The Register]
07:19 Jeeves serves CRM game [The Register]
07:20 Microsoft's Mac Hebrew snub prompts Israeli AntiTrust complaint [The Register]
07:23 Vendors jockey for Mobile Java position [The Register]
07:26 Moody's cuts HP ratings [The Register]
08:43 NSA gets Linux secure [The Register]
09:21 Beijing cyber cafe fire kills 24 [The Register]
10:21 dabs.com boasts record sales,orders [The Register]
10:21 dabs.com boasts record sales, orders [The Register]
11:13 Tele2 axes jobs [The Register]
11:25 Monday night at the Single's Club? Apple's Real People [The Register]
11:37 Telewest intros 1Mb broadband service [The Register]
11:58 Small MS class action to go ahead, unbound joy in Iowa [The Register]
12:24 New "InterLink" JVC Mobile Mini Note PC MP-XP7210/MP-XP3210 [TwoMobile]
13:10 Sun's low-end server fight with Intel [The Register]
13:38 Logica opens SMS to landlines [The Register]
14:04 bomb.com for sale [The Register]
14:27 Proxim sails up Agere's Orinoco [The Register]
14:33 Reviewed: Excalibure Forever Flashlight [TwoMobile]
14:33 Reviewed: Excalibur Forever Flashlight [TwoMobile]
14:58 Europe data laws to cover media player 'spyware' [The Register]
15:18 Toshiba e740 Pocket PC Canada’s First Handheld With 802.11b Wireless LAN [TwoMobile]
15:26 EDS tightens grip on UK gov with Loudcloud Web buy [The Register]
15:26 EDS tightens grip on UK gov with Loudcloud buy [The Register]
15:26 First Blu-ray Disc key characteristics... [CDR-Info]
16:58 Intel breaks out Xeon server building blocks [The Register]
17:45 The Bastard Guide to Overclocking [The Register]
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