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04:21 Patent enforcement by Philips hit sales of Taiwan’s small and medium-sized CD-R disc makers [CDR-Info]
04:21 YAMAHA talks about Full CAV vs. Zone-CLV [CDR-Info]
04:21 Philips set to take number one position in consumer Electronics in Europe [CDR-Info]
04:21 File sharing and CD burners proliferate [CDR-Info]
04:21 New Discribe update supports 48x CD burners [CDR-Info]
06:19 Reg shunned from Itanic2 briefings [The Register]
08:40 JD Edwards talks up strategy [The Register]
08:44 Lineo sells real-time OS to MBO team [The Register]
08:47 Caldera backs away from 64-bit Open Unix [The Register]
08:49 VeriSign lays plans for foreign domains [The Register]
08:57 Henry Raddick: man of letters - Amazon star [The Register]
09:00 Microsoft to go 3G? [The Register]
09:19 It's bloody hard to host a newsgroup (in Norway) [The Register]
10:09 ATI buys set-top chipset biz [The Register]
10:11 BT raises growth targets [The Register]
10:29 FoTW: The British Bendover [The Register]
10:57 Lastminute.com buys travel firm [The Register]
11:01 World+dog join mobile standards army [The Register]
11:33 High-Definition LCD Panel for GPS Phones [TwoMobile]
11:39 Sony Ericsson and TDK Systems Team up to Accelerate Bluetooth™ Development [TwoMobile]
11:46 Alliance Aims to Simplify Wireless [TwoMobile]
12:15 Amazon's unfeasibly high handling charges [The Register]
13:06 Intel cranks up Celeron to 1.8GHz [The Register]
13:14 British Airways flies high with broadband [The Register]
13:41 Nildram cans Net Sat trial [The Register]
14:09 European Digital Rights launches [The Register]
14:23 Toshiba reorganizes Video recording equipment business [CDR-Info]
14:24 First 48X RW drive (48x12x48x) in the market launched by LITE-ON! [CDR-Info]
15:23 Universal, Sony to trim download prices [CDR-Info]
15:23 ASUS showed 24x re-writer at Taipei 2002 [CDR-Info]
15:34 PC makers on recovery path [The Register]
16:06 UK gets Telecoms Ombudsman [The Register]
16:46 Ten ways to kill your laptop [The Register]
17:58 MS security hole extravaganza [The Register]
20:52 Fujitsu Siemens upgrades to Solaris 9 [The Register]
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