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Prophetic Dreams,Signs and Symbols

Prophetic Dreams,Signs and Symbols Сны в ночь нов 13 и 14 января

13 число : Как присниться другому человеку. Как войти в чужой сон. Аффирмация сна "Я - твое наваждение" - Аффирмация доступна в Приложении Дневник Снов ; Аффирмация сна Исполнение желаний - Аффирмация доступна в Приложении Дневник Снов ; Данная практика проводится только в указанные в Календаре Снов дни. ? Стартует Фестиваль Исполнения Желаний (для участия приготовьте список из 12 своих желаний и пришлите в чат фестиваля. Ссылка на чат - здесь . Информация, результаты и истории участников здесь. ...

2025-01-13 11:29:57 + Комментировать

Prophetic Dreams,Signs and Symbols A week later, a dream

A week later, a dream Two weeks later, the tumor had disappeared as if it never happened. BLOGS MAGIKUM - ONLINE DISCUSSION OF DREAMS Magickum. Prophetic dreams and lucid dreaming. Theory and practice. E-books: Amazon | XinXii | Smashwords Paperback: Amazon | Magickum. Prophetic dreams and lucid dreaming. Theory and practice. E-books: Amazon | XinXii | Smashwords Paperback: Amazon | It is a place where the dreams and magic are entwined and the altered state of consciousness opens the door to another realit...

2022-01-28 10:00:09 + Комментировать

Prophetic Dreams,Signs and Symbols Training 'Transforming Your Dreams into Reality'. Check in

Training "Transforming Your Dreams into Reality" For the very first time, we are conducting in English `Transforming Your Dreams into Reality. Since this is our first time implementing the program, it will be completely FREE! Start date : 1 st May. Twice a week for a month. If you like it, you can share your experience with your friends and loved ones. Stay focus and transform your life into the best! You are cordially invited! For registration click on this link. Or In the comments write "I...

2020-08-03 12:33:13 + Комментировать

Prophetic Dreams,Signs and Symbols Dreams come true Dreams Crow...

Dreams come true Dreams Crow. Sleep: I dreamed that a satellite antenna near the window sat a large black crow cawed, and a couple of times. In my hands was a large wooden stick, I flew up and with all his might at it. Itog- raven corpse. Fell. How come true dream: Mom called the evening from her grandmother and said that Grandma stroke and they are afraid that until the morning she would not survive. Remembering that I made with sheep, I decided to endure the night, and by morning it will be visible. The ...

2017-12-15 11:41:16 + Комментировать

Prophetic Dreams,Signs and Symbols Dream dance

Dance with a man in a dream - to well-being in a relationship with someone dancing. But, as the dance may be different, say: what is dance, so is life together or relationship. Almost always the "character" of the relationship can be determined by "character" dance in a dream. Beautiful and synchronous dance (if in a pair or in a team) always means well being and success of any business. As a General principle of interpretation, is necessary to decipher the presence of people in the dan...

2017-05-11 11:53:07 + Комментировать

Prophetic Dreams,Signs and Symbols Dream interpretation pregnant

Pregnancy in a dream in any case means new plans, projects, business ideas, began to be implemented, preparation, planning new beginnings, sometimes relationships or alliances. As a General principle, "feelings" in dreams, beautiful pregnant women mean a future profit, income, well-being and the positive results of the efforts. Ugly, sick, poorly dressed, with any flaws to having pregnant trouble, difficulties, procrastination, worries and experiences. BLOGS MAGIKUMA - ONLINE DISCUSSION OF DREAMS...

2017-05-11 11:51:56 + Комментировать

Prophetic Dreams,Signs and Symbols People from the past

Former again. A former sweetheart or lover in dream where something from your past with them let you know. This is a very generalized description, but the plot of the dreams you will be able to understand more details. For example, if your dream repeats something negative from your past experience with the former, most likely the dream shows your fear of the future, are you afraid of repeating bad relationships. If the former you hug or kiss, then he or she has repented, or fondly remembers you. If you cry...

2017-05-11 11:51:27 + Комментировать

Prophetic Dreams,Signs and Symbols Prophetic Dreams

Лунный календарь снов на март 2017 года 1 число: Будущее бизнес-проекта, работы ; Что нас ждет (будущее отношений) ; Фламинго ; Будущее во сне ; Кто наводит порчу? Проверка на искренность; Аффирмация сна " Мое сверхсознание " ; Круг защиты "Помощь другому"; 2 число: Будущее бизнес-проекта, работы ; Что нас ждет (будущее отношений) ; Фламинго ; Будущее во сне ; Кто наводит порчу? Проверка на искренность; Круг защиты "Помощь другому"; 3 число: Будущее во сне ; Фламинго ; Кто нав...

2017-03-29 10:29:21 + Комментировать

Prophetic Dreams,Signs and Symbols Dream Dictionary A-Z, Symbols, Definitions & Meanings | Drea

Dream Dictionary A-Z, Symbols, Definitions & Meanings | DreamsCloud How to find the desired number How can I find the right combination of numbers and digits if no friends among the "psychics with phenomenal abilities? It is better to admit to yourself that no one else you would not say the cherished number. The person concerned wins is you, so do everything you. And choose here only two options: the first is to rely entirely on the case, the second dip in the information field, which records the ...

2016-10-01 21:09:18 + Комментировать

Prophetic Dreams,Signs and Symbols Dream interpretation kiss

issing in dreams symbolize the true intention, reflecting primarily inner feelings to another person. Almost all dreams have the importance of the kiss and your feel for it. If you experienced in the kiss the good feelings and the process you like, the dream means that in your relationship with the person you kissed in the dream, all will be well, you are waiting for some changes or news from these people. Moreover, this also applies to favourite and to relatives (brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, and f...

2016-08-29 16:53:17 + Комментировать