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Prophetic Dreams,Signs and Symbols

Prophetic Dreams,Signs and Symbols No one has ever thought them to exist on equal basis

No one has ever thought them to exist on equal basis. Oneironauts participating in our project already use both aspects for several decades. When dreaming in a changed state of mind, every person is able to be an active participant of a lucid dream or a passive one - so-called information dream usually referred to as prophetic. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B018SQ8AFE. ...

2016-01-05 21:23:19 + Комментировать

Prophetic Dreams,Signs and Symbols Two states at all times most interesting for dreamers are l

Two states at all times most interesting for dreamers are lucid dreaming and prophetic dreams. However, no one ever considered them to be two equal types of dreams. One state is of interest for scientists and pragmatists; the other is for mystics, philosophers and esotery scientists. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B018SQ8AFE . ...

2016-01-05 21:16:19 + Комментировать

Prophetic Dreams,Signs and Symbols The world of our dreams is something more than our reality.

About the book: The world of our dreams is something more than our reality. It is in a dream where we can find ourselves in any point of space and time, where we learn secrets of the part, essence of the present and possibilities of the future. It is only in dreams where we can meet those who are no more with us, study options for forthcoming events or make our choice. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B018SQ8AFE . ...

2016-01-05 21:09:04 + Комментировать

Prophetic Dreams,Signs and Symbols The history of the actual illness and recovery - dreams come

Six months ago, had a dream: I see my girlfriend who does damage to me, she angry at me and her evil sister and mother. I stand by the sink, it is dirty and old and spit blood there, and in my head the words: disease, illness, disease. Then I did not want to believe it, and it is difficult to believe that people close to you can do these things, the time is shown, and set into place. Now, she's not my girlfriend. Three weeks ago, a dream: I was in the park go across the bridge over the river. I went to the...

2015-12-11 22:32:10 + Комментировать

Prophetic Dreams,Signs and Symbols Meet the Parents Man - the essence of dreams

Girls, hello! Affirmation made of pink flamingos from 21 to 22 November at the future with a man-create any family, but my message and hung there for moderation, and so want to know your opinion, so I copy here. Dreamed of following items: we are naked, in bed at his home (I do not remember if there was or not. Comes to his parents and his sister into the room and I just hide under the covers. Then he leaves the bed somewhere other room, and I lay there, I take out of my head under the covers and start act...

2015-11-30 21:17:12 + Комментировать

Prophetic Dreams,Signs and Symbols Bake in a dream and a lesbian couple - online discussion

Girls, Hello! If someone is a free minute, look, please, two of sleep. They are simple, I deciphered their own, but the theme of personal and private where I have started a complete stupor. So: 1) I am a former boyfriend standing at the counter, selling buns. I want to buy rolls, they are fresh, tasty, but then the guy suddenly starts telling me about how beautiful our baby. I'm at a loss, I do not understand what this conversation. I told him, well, now is not the time or place to discuss it, I just want ...

2015-11-30 21:16:13 + Комментировать

Prophetic Dreams,Signs and Symbols

Magickum. Prophetic dreams and lucid dreaming. Theory and practice. E-books: Amazon | XinXii | Smashwords Paperback: Amazon | It is a place where the dreams and magic are entwined and the altered state of consciousness opens the door to another reality. "Magickum" project of oneironauts. You will be able to discover the sacred knowledge, travel through times in dreams, enter the dreams of others, heal yourself, find a way out of difficult situations, receive intuitive clues to solve the problems ...

2015-09-07 12:59:10 + Комментировать

Prophetic Dreams,Signs and Symbols Crossroads of the Worlds.Earthly passions

Amazon | XinXii | Smashwords This book is based on the hypnosis sessions data. Actual data. Quite mysteriously, the archive of a self-taught hypnotist from the seventies of the previous century passed into the hands of my friend, a certi-fied therapist who applies the progressive hypnosis techniques. And even more surprising was that the twenty-five years old records were kept for more than eight years, whereas it was relatively recently that the past life regressions were conducted in our country. The arc...

2015-02-03 22:34:53 + Комментировать

Prophetic Dreams,Signs and Symbols Magiсkum Crossroads of the Worlds

Magiсkum Crossroads of the Worlds Part 1. E-books: Amazon | XinXii | Smashwords This book is based on the hypnosis sessions data. Actual data. Quite mysteriously, the archive of a self-taught hypnotist from the seventies of the previous century passed into the hands of my friend, a certi-fied therapist who applies the progressive hypnosis techniques. And even more surprising was that the twenty-five years old records were kept for more than eight years, whereas it was relatively recently that the past life...

2014-12-30 09:50:02 + Комментировать

Prophetic Dreams,Signs and Symbols Сон проводника

Совместные сновидения Как увидеть хороший сон? Активное действие аффирмации в июле 2014 года : в ночь на 7,8,9 июля, затем серия в ночь на 13, 14, 15, 16 июля и 29, 30, 31 июля 2014 года. Для тех, кому в последние дни снились неприятные, мрачные сны. Видеть только хорошие сны. Я предлагаю вам воспользоваться сном проводника. Это "обходной маневр", который совершают онейронавты через особую область восприятия в ментальном мире. Аффирмация содержит установки на три дня. В своем сне вы присоединитес...

2014-07-31 08:31:59 + Комментировать