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2009-03-21 07:06
Identification. greenland was probably originally settled by descendants of the present Inuit culture, who identify the island as Kalaalit Nunaat— meaning ‘‘land of the people’’—in their native language. It received the name greenland from Norse explorer Eir? kur Rau5e Porvaldsson (known today as Erik the Red). He sailed from Iceland to the island in 982 C.E. and spent the next three years farming a plot of land along the southern coastline. He returned to Iceland in 986, intent on encouraging others to settle the rugged island. With this in mind, he referred to the island as Greenland, reasoning that a pleasant name would be more likely to attract settlers. Several colonies subsequently were established in Greenland, but these failed to survive. In 1605 King Christian IV of Denmark claimed greenland for his kingdom. It remained a colony of Denmark until 1953, when it received county status. This change also gave Greenlanders full Danish citizenship. In 1979, greenland became a self-governing part of the Danish realm after passage of a popular referendum. But it is still subject to the Danish constitution, and Denmark continues to manage the island’s external affairs in areas such as defense. greenland is currently composed of three administrative divisions: West greenland (Kitaa in Greenlandic), East greenland (Tunu), and North greenland (Avannaa, also known as the Thule District). More...
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2009-03-21 07:06
Division of Labor by Gendert. gender roles in inuit communities are interchangeable in many respects. Men and women share in many chores associated with their subsistence-oriented lifestyles, although responsibilities related to hunting and fishing still tend to be divided by gender (for instance, men typically do the actual hunting, while women attend to drying the meat, harvesting of the skins, etc.) More...
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2009-03-21 07:06
Much work in biology, fisheries research, linguistics, history, folklore, and social anthropology is carried out at the Faroese Academy. Other state-supported institutions provide advanced training in nursing, engineering, commerce, and seamanship. More...
All posts in " FAROE ISLANDS "

2009-03-21 07:06
Identification. ‘‘Faroe’’ (sometimes ‘‘Faeroe’’) may mean ‘‘Sheep Islands.’’ The population is mo-noethnic, but is culturally distinct within Denmark as a whole. Within Norse Scandinavia, faroese consider themselves most like Icelanders and least like Swedes. More...
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2009-03-21 07:06
Classes and Castes. The systems of social stratification changed significantly because of the increasing income gap between the impoverished masses and former white-collar workers, and the new rich, who have used financial and social capital to accumulate capital through privatization or Trade, or have taken advantage of corruption in the state bureaucracy. Another change is linked to the restructuring of the political and economic system from the Soviet centralized type to a free market, although frequently the same Soviet bureaucrats and Communist officials have become capitalists and advocates of a liberal economy. Much of the new capital is concentrated in Tbilisi, Batumi, and the More...
All posts in " GEORGIA "

2009-03-21 07:06
Identification. The term ‘‘Georgian’’ does not derive from Saint George but from the ancient Persian Gurg or Gorg, meaning wolf, ‘‘supposedly a totemic symbol, or from the Greek georgios (‘‘farmer,’’ ‘‘cultivator of land’’).Self-identification is based mainly on linguistic tradition, and population groups that belong to different ethno-linguistic groups, such as Ossetians, Abkhazians, Armenians, Greeks, and Kurds, are not considered Georgian. There are some exceptions, such as Jews, who speak georgian as a native language and have surnames with georgian endings, but historically have had a distinct cultural identity. georgians are subdivided into smaller regional ethno-cultural entities. All that have specific traditions and customs, folklore, cuisine, and dress and may speak a different language. Ajarans, unlike the Eastern Orthodox majority, are mostly Sunni Muslims. All these groups preserve and share a common identity, literary language, and basic system of values. More...
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2009-03-21 07:06
Emergence of the Nation. hong kong was claimed by Great Britain in three steps: hong kong island was handed over to Britain by china ‘‘in perpetuity’’ in 1842 after the Opium War, the peninsula of Kowloon was ceded in 1860, and the New Territories were leased to the United Kingdom for ninety-nine years in 1898. The PRC never accepted these ‘‘Unequal Treaties,’’ which it viewed as products of imperialism. The end of the lease to the New Territories led to the return of the entire territory to China. Under the Sino-British Joint Declaration signed in 1984, hong kong is to be ruled ‘‘with a high degree of autonomy’’ until 2047. The guiding principle is ‘‘one country, two systems,’’ meaning that the territory can keep its distinctive lifestyle and economic system for fifty years, by which time hong kong and china are expected to be more alike. More...
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2009-03-21 07:06
Classes and Castes. The gap between rich and poor is extremely large in a territory with a capitalist economy and minimal Government interference. economic inequality is increasing, although from 1986 to 1996 all groups had real growth in income. The only caste-like group is the Boat People. This occupational group of fisherfolk was traditionally marginalized and ritually humiliated. Most have now moved onto land and melted in with the rest of the population. A disproportionate number of the members of the political and economic elite are of Shanghainese descent. More...
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2009-03-21 07:06
Identification. Guyana is an Amerindian word meaning ‘‘the land of many waters.’’ Attempts to forge a common identity have foundered, and it is more accurate to speak of African, Indian, and Amerindian guyanese cultures. There were small European, Portuguese ‘‘colored,’’ and Chinese communities before large-scale migration to Canada and the United States in the late 1960s. British Guiana was referred to as ‘‘the land of six peoples.’’ More...
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2009-03-21 07:06
Classes and Castes. There are class differences within each ethnic group. One can identify an Indian middle class based primarily in commerce and an African middle class in the professions and the upper echelons of public service. middle class consciousness across ethnic lines is weak, and includes very few Amerindians. Between 1988 and 1996, gross domestic product increased by forty percent, with remarkable growth in sectors where Indians are disproportionately represented. The public sector, where Africans dominate, experienced no growth in that period. More...
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