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Сибирская секция IEEE
N 1653 10 мая 2016 г. Сибирская секция IEEE http://ieee.tpu.ru Вступайте в IEEE - это ХОРОШЕЕ общество! ====================================================================== International Siberian Conference on Control and Communications May 12-14, 2016 National Research University "Higher School of Economics" Moscow, 34 Tallinskaya Str. http://sibcon.hse.ru Time May 12, Thursday 9:00 - 10:00 Registration of participants, lobby 1st floor 10:00 - 10:50 PLENARY OPEN SESSION Room 506 11:00- 12:00 Session S1 (room 506) Communications Session U1 (room 214) Control Systems Session M1 (room 408) The Computer Measurements Session N1 (room 413) Seminar of National Instruments. "Academic Program of NI for the Basic Universities" 12:10? 13:10 Session S2 (room 506) Communications Session U2 (room 214) Control Systems Session M2 (room 408) Methods of Measurement 13:10 - 14:30 Lunch 14:30 - 15:30 Session S3 (room 506) Communications Session V1 (room 214) Process Control Session T1 (room 408) Internet of Things Session N2 (room 413) Training on LabVIEW 15:40 ? 16:40 Session S4 (room 506) Communications Session U3 (room 214) Theory of control Session T2 (room 408) Internet of Things Session N3 (room 314) Training on VirtualBench 16:50 ? 17:50 Session S5 (room 506) Communications Session U4 (room 214) Theory of control Session T3 (room 408) Internet of Things Session N4 (room 314) Training on myRIO/SbRIO 18:30 ? 20:30 Welcome Party May 13, Friday 9:00 ? 10:10 Session C1 (room 412) Networking Control Session U5 (room 404) Theory of control Session M3 (room 406) The Computer Measurements Session N5 (room 214) Training on Testing of the Electronic Devices: from Simply Measurements up to Full Automatization 10:20 - 11:30 Session C2 (room 412) Networking Control Session U6 (room 404) Theory of control Session M4 (room 406) Methods of Measurement 11:40 - 12:50 Session I3E (room 412) Workshop on IEEE Benefits Session U7 (room 404) Theory of control Session R1 (room 406) NI Technique for Measurements Session N6 (room 214) Seminar and Training AWR Design Environment 12:50 - 14:00 Lunch 14:10- 15:20 Session B1 (room 412) Communications Session U8 (room 404) Electromechanics Session T4 (room 406) Internet of Things Session N7 (room 214) Simulating Non-Linear Effects in Phased Array Antennas Performance 15:30? 16:40 Session B2 (room 412) Communications Session U9 (room 404) Control Systems Session T5 (room 406) Internet of Things Session N8 (room 214) Phased Array and Radar System Analysis 16:50? 18:00 Session S6 (room 412) Communications Session S7 (room 404) Communications Session R2 (room 406) NI Technique for Measurements May 14, Saturday Social Program May,12 11:00- 12:00 Session S1. Communications 021fu1c Operator Approach To Nonlinear Compensator Synthesys For Communication Systems Elena Solovyeva 350fu1c Attitude Determination Of Spinning Objects Alexander E. Goncharov, Igor N. Kartsan, Dmitry D. Dmitriev, Valery N. Tyapkin, Yuri L. Fateev 316fu1c Triangulation method correction algorithms for precise AUV position determination Burdinsky I.N., Otcheskii S. A. 032fu1c On the Issue of IP Header Compression Application in High Voltage Digital Power Line Carrier Channels Anton G. Merkulov, Viatcheslav P. Shuvalov 090fu1c About One of the Methods for Solving Problems in QoS Routing Olga A. Abramkina, Vyacheslav P. Shuvalov 389fu1c Analysis of noisy signal restoration quality with exponential moving average filter Belyaev Alexander, Tutov Ivan, Butuzov Denis 11:00- 12:00 Session U1. Control Systems 246fu4t Models and Algorithms оf Non-Stationary Signal Identification in Conditions оf Uncertainty V. L. Sergeev, V.T. Kalayda, V.I. Polishchuk 400fu4t Identification of the state of technical objects based on analyzing a limited set of parameters Sergei I. Klevtsov 561fu4t Consistent Measures of Dependence in System Identification: Some Summary K.R. Chernyshov 288fu4t Statistical Diagnostics of Irreversible Avionics As a Controlled Random Process A.P. Samoilenko, A.I. Panychev, S.A. Panychev 300fu4t Full-state Linearization of Systems via Feedback Using Similarity Transformation Aleksey A. Kabanov 11:00- 12:00 Session M1. The Computer Measurements 696ni8i Integration of Vibration Electronic Equipment Models with Concentrated and Distributed Parameters Kofanov Y.N., Sotnikova S.Y. 119ni8i Information-Measuring and Operating Test for the Effects of Vibration G.V. Tankov, N.K. Yurkov, S.A. Brostislov, A.V. Lysenko 101ni8i Contactless Three-Component Measurement of Mirror Antenna Vibrations A.V. Grigor?ev, N.V. Goryachev, A.K. Grishko, N.K. Yurkov 463ni8i Application of computer technologies for investigation of thermal processes in converter of AC drive N. N. Bespalov, M. V. Ilyin, S. S. Kapitonov, S. Y. Grigorovich 283ni8i Optimizations frequency the electromechanical transformation of devices for measuring small physical values N.N. Grachev, D.V. Lazarev 12:10- 13:10 Session S2. Communications 303fu1c The method for forming time intervals with crystal oscillator frequency instability compensation Burdinsky I. N., Linnik M. A., Mironov A. S., Karabanov I. V. 365fu1c Analysis of Noise Properties of Hybrid Frequency Synthesizer with Autocompensating Phase Noise of DDS and PLL G.S. Vasilyev, O. R. Kuzichkin, I.A. Kurilov, D.I. Surzhik 479fu1c Spectrally Efficient Radio Signal Types Software- Controlled Generator Module Kirillov S.N., Slesarev A.S., Pokrovskij P.S., Semin D.S., Dmitriev V.T. 629fu1c Analysis of the Crystal Oscillators Phase Noises and Methods of Their Reduction Galina V. Nikonova, Aleksey O. Minin 485fu1c Development of Testing and Diagnostic Tools as a Way to Improve the Reliability of Multifunctional Radio Receiving Center A. Sintsov, A. Luppov, A. Fufachev 12:10- 13:10 Session U2. Control Systems 384fu4t Application of PID Controller Based on the Localization Method for Ancillary Service Provision Jaroslav Hlava, Nikita Zemtsov, Galina Frantsuzova 736fu1c Exploiting an Intelligent Fuzzy-PID system in Nonlinear Aircraft Pitch Control Ibrahim I. N., Al Akkad M. A. 689fu4t Firewall application for Floodlight SDN controller Sergey Morzhov, Igor Alekseev, Mikhail Nikitinskiy 649fu4t Topography of z-plane Which is Discretized Due to Quantization of Coefficients of Digital Biquad Filters V. Lesnikov, T. Naumovich, A. Chastikov 308fu4t Set-Theoretic Model of Digital Systems Functioning Alexander Ivannikov, Aleksandr Romanov, Alexander Stempkovsky 12:10- 13:10 Session M2. Methods of Measurement 187ni8i Multifunction measuring system for monitoring of coverage area of mobile network operator A.A. Sorokin, A.A. Gorunov 225ni8i Ball Mill States Classification using Competitive Neural Networks Poleshchenko D.A., Tsygankov Y.A. 355ni8i Monitoring the Phase Progression of Linear Chirp by Applying Artificial Neural Networks S.N. Danilin, S.A. Shchanikov 130ni8i Modular wavelet filters for preprocessing signals in real time En Un Chye, V. E. Ivanov, R. A. Antonov 069ni8i Hardware-Software Complex for Studying the Characteristics of GNSS Receivers D.D. Dmitriev, A.B. Gladishev, V.N. Tyapkin, Yu.L. Fateev 761ni8i Standalone Device for Rapid Assessment of Critical Flicker Frequency (CFF) K. Bogachyov, M. Pavlova 11:00- 13:10 Session N1. Seminar of National Instruments. "Academic Program of NI for the Basic Universities" Технологическое взаимодействие с Университетами. Создание учебно-исследовательских центров. Аппаратные платформы NI для реализации научно-экспериментального образца. Среда графического программирования NI LabVIEW. Быстрая разработка приложений. Готовые алгоритмы цифровой обработки сигналов. Интерфейс пользователя и отображение данных. Интеграция с оборудованием. Обзор аппаратных платформ NI для создания систем измерения, управления и автоматизированного тестирования. Малогабаритные модульные системы сбора данных с USB и Ethernet интерфейсами. Технологии National Instruments для разработки собственных решениий и продуктов. 13:10 - 14:30 Lunch 14:30 - 15:30 Session S3. Communications 329fu1c Theoretical Estimate of Average Power of Narrowband Intersystem Interferences in a Free Space Usharova Darya, Anikin Alexey 491fu1c Through-the-Earth Communication in Underground Mines by Electromagnetic Waves G. Y. Shaydurov, E. A. Kokhonkova, D. S. Kudinov, A. A. Shchitnikov 092fu1c Numerical Model of Water Medium with Methane Inclusions: Application for Determining Optical Radiation Extinction Olga V. Shefer, Vitaliy V. Loskutov 103fu1c Dynamic Analysis and Optimization of Parameter Control of Radio Systems in Conditions of Interference A.K. Grishko, I.I. Kochegarov, N.V. Goryachev, N.K. Yurkov 527fu1c Parameter Analysis of Monte Carlo Simulation Model for Improvement of Its Performance with High Accuracy of Reliability Estimations of Radiocommunication Equipment Alexander Lyubchenko, Stanislav Bartosh, Pedro A. Castillo, Maribel G. Arenas 609fu1c Assessment of Effect of Influences on Pulse-Based UWB Radio Communication Systems Vyacheslav O. Kalinin, Vladimir I. Nosov 14:30 - 15:30 Session V1. Process Control 047fu6m Procedure for Substantiated Development of Measures to Design Secure Software for Automated Process Control Systems Alexander Barabanov, Alexey Markov, Valentin Tsirlov 269fu6m Optimization of Transport Queuing Networks on the Basis of the Method of Directing Hyperbole V. N. Zadorozhnyi, M.A. Kornach 370fu6m Towards the Implementation of the Task of Calculating Technical and Economical Indexes for Nuclear Power Plants E.Ph. Jharko 437fu6m On Creating Safety Control Systems for High Operation Risk Plants Elena Jharko, Ekaterina Sakrutina 767fu6m Analysis of the failure rate assessment models of the radiofrequency cords Mayakova O.Y., Aleynikov A.V., Vostrikov A.V., Polessky S.N. 780fu6m Speech quality measurement automation for patients with cancer of the oral cavity and oropharynx Roman Valerievich Meschryakov, Evgeny Yurievich Kostyuchenko, Dariya Igorevna Ignatieva, Alexander Vladislavovich Pyatkov, Evgeny Lhamacirenovich Choynzonov, Lidiya Nikolaevna Balatskaya 14:30 - 15:30 Session T1. Internet of Things 023iv0w Spectral Analysis of Forest Fire Noise for Early Detection using Wireless Sensor Networks Alexander A. Khamukhin, Silvano Bertoldo 104iv0w On Physical Web models Manfred Sneps-Sneppe, Dmitry Namiot 181iv0w Implementation of the interface for sending messages in agent-oriented cloud/grid systems based on formalized specifications Dmitry Pashchenko, Aleksey Dubravin, Sergey Zinkin, Nadezhda Karamysheva 335iv0w Power Gating Multi-Modal Design Approach for Autonomous Low Power Circuits with Sensors Andrey Korshunov, Pavel Volobuev 684iv0w The development of sensor thecnology for light shows "Smart gallery" A.V. Lataeva, A.A. Titova 766iv0w Dynamic reconfiguration of the graphical interfaces for Internet of Things Rolich A.Y. 14:30 - 15:30 Session N2. Training on LabVIEW Мастер-класс является практическим курсом обучения программированию в среде LabVIEW и работе с Виртуальными Приборами. Задача мастер-класса: научиться использовать программные средства для проведения самостоятельных измерений и тестирования, управления приборами, сбором, обработкой и отображением данных. По окончании мастер-класса слушатель сможет определять задачи, выбирать правильную схему разработки приложения, использовать нужные структуры данных и быстро проверять работоспособность приложения. Мастер-класс по основам LabVEW - самый эффективный способ быстро научиться работать среде разработки, являющейся стандартом для создания промышленных систем автоматизации и управления. 15:40 - 16:40 Session S4. Communications 683fu1c Increase Efficiency of Multilevel Multithreshold Decoder for Self-Orthogonal Codes Cao V.T., Grinchenko N.N., Ovechkin G.V. 385fu1c Fast Decoder of BCH Code with Cyclic Decoding Method E. Mytsko, A. Malchukov, I. Novogilov, V. Kim 577fu1c High Data Rate Link Modulation and Coding Scheme Modeling Alexander Bakhtin, Anastasia Semenova, Alexey Solodkov 741fu1c A Subtraction Based Method for the Construction of Quasi-Cyclic LDPC Codes of Girtheight Ambar Bajpai, Abhishek Kalsi, Lunchakorn, Wuttisittikulkij, Piya Kovintaewat 623fu1c Detection of an Unauthorized Wired Connection to a Local Area Network by Solving Telegraph Equations System Artyom O. Bakhtin, Vladislav S. Sherstnev, Inna L. Pichugova, Vadim V. Dudorov 785fu1c Exploring sampling rate for discrete wavelet transform implementation Vladimir Alekseev, Ivan Kaliakin 756fu1c The Development of Signal Detection Algorithm for Multi-Rate HF Telecommunication System Alexander Zhidyaev, Yuri Zagidullin, Andrey Kopysov, Vladimir Khvorenkov, Igor Klimov 15:40 - 16:40 Session U3. Theory of control 439fu4t Wavelet-based Identification and Control of Variable Structure Systems Natalia Bakhtadze, Ekaterina Sakrutina 375fu4t Analysis of Possibility of Application the Analytical Method for Solving Differential Equations Describing the Nonlinear System with Complex Dynamics I.V. Semernik, A.V. Demyanenko 359fu4t Hardware-targeted Semi-implicit Extrapolation ODE Solvers D.N. Butusov, A.I. Karimov, A.V. Tutueva 628fu4t Synthesis of control actions with aggregate model Reshetnikova G.N., Kotcubinskiy V.P., Khabibulina N.Yu., Polonskaya M.S. 670fu4t Using of ADAR Method for Synergetic Control of Rigid Body Three-Dimentional Motion Alexey S. Mushenko 625fu4t Experimental estimate of using the ant colony optimization algorithm to solve the routing problem in FANET Vasily A. Maistrenko, Leonov V. Alexey 15:40 - 16:40 Session T2. Internet of Things 133iv3b Spherical video panorama stitching from multiple cameras with intersecting fields of view and inertial measurement unit Kholopov Ivan S., Pavlov Oleg V. 165iv3b Estimation of Measurement of Distance to the Object by Analyzing the Blur of Its Image Series Daniil A. Loktev, Alexey A. Loktev 345iv3b Improving the Noise Immunity of Receiving Video Distorted White Gaussian Noise E.V. Medvedeva, I.S. Trubin 516iv3b Lossless Compressing Method in Image Processing Systems with Limited Power Resources E. Petrov, N. Kharina, P. Sukhikh 573iv5e The Method of the Errors Calculation from the Input Common-Mode Signal in the Analog Interfaces Based on the Differential Difference Operational Amplifiers and the Ways of their Decrease N. N. Prokopenko, I. V. Pakhomov, A. V. Bugakova, A. A. Ignashin 340iv5e Development of spherical sensor electric field strength measuring method Eugenia V. Rumyantseva, Sergey V. Biryukov, Alexander G. Lyutarevich, Stanislav Y Dolinger 15:40 - 16:40 Session N3. Training on VirtualBench Мастер-класс позволяет на практике оценить преимущества графического подхода к созданию систем измерения и мониторинга. По итогам мастер-класса слушатели познакомятся c VirtualBench - уникальной разработкой, которая объединяет пять полнофункциональных, высококачественных приборов в одном компактном устройстве: осциллограф смешанных сигналов, генератор сигналов, цифровой мультиметр, регулируемый источник питания постоянного тока и цифровой ввод / вывод. В рамках мастер-класса будет продемонстрирован процесс создания прототипа промышленной измерительной системы на базе программно-аппаратных компонентов National Instruments: NI LabVIEW и NI VirtualBench. 16:50 - 17:50 Session S5. Communications 575fu1c Contemporary Video Compression Standards H.265/HEVC, VP9, VP10, Daala M.P. Sharabayko, N.G. Markov 483fu1c Comprehensive Method for Spacecraft Ranging Measurement Artyom A.Silantyev, Aydar I.Vildanov 476fu1c SCMA Detection with Channel Estimation Error and Resource Block Diversity Alexander B. Sergienko, Vyacheslav P. Klimentyev r380fur Исследование некоторых характеристик гидроакустических шумовых помех Горовой Сергей Владимирович, Кирьянов Алексей Валерьевич, Желдак Евгений Михайлович 238fu1c Estimation duration of ultra-wideband quasiradiosignal with known amplitude and initial phase Yury E. Korchagin, Konstantine D. Titov 097fu1c Space-Time Processing of Signals in Angle Measurement Navigation Receivers TyapkinValery N., Dmitriev Dmitry D., Ratushnyak Vasily N., Konnov Valery G. 743fu1c Quaternion Digital Signal Processing: a Hypercomplex Approach to Information Processing Francesca Ortolani, Aurelio Uncini 241fu1c Testing of hypothesis of random variables independence on the basis of nonparametric algorithm of pattern recognition Alexandr V. Lapko, Vasily A. Lapko, Ekaterina A. Yuronen 764fu1c Lossless Сompression Algorithm For Use In Telecommunication Systems Valery A. Kokovin, Saygid U. Uvaysov, Svetlana S. Uvaysova 170fu1c Optimal Transmission of Gaussian Markov Signal through Noiseless Feedback Channels with Memory S.V. Rozhkova, V.I. Rozhkova, V.V. Lasukov, E.V. Devyashina 171fu1c Optimal Channel Transmission of Gaussian Markov Signal with Delay S.V. Rozhkova, V.I. Rozhkova, V.V. Lasukov, E.V. Devyashina 173fu1c Generalized Inverse-Based Recurrent Algorithm for TS Fuzzy System Identification I. A. Hodashinsky, K. S. Sarin, A. A. Svetlakov 16:50 - 17:50 Session U4. Theory of control 191fu4t Automatic derivation of kinematic equations of deployable solar panel arrays Alexander Yakovlev, Alexander Malyshenko 382fu4t The robustness of the stabilizing regulator for quasilinear discrete systems with state dependent coefficients Danik Yu. E., Dmitriev M.G. 789fu4t Detection of Unrevealed Non-linearities in the Layout of the Balancing Robot Andrey Ivoilov, Vitaly Trubin, Vadim Zhmud, Lubomir Dimitrov 585fu4t Analysis of Radiation Influence on the Reliability Indexes of Control Systems Components Artyukhova Maya Aleksandrovna, Zhadnov Valeriy Vladimirovich, Polesskiy Sergey Nikolaevich 429fu4t Improvement of the Efficiency of Voice Control Based on the Complementary Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition Alimuradov Alan Kazanferovich, Churakov Pyotr Pavlovich, Artemov Igor Iosifovich, Kuzmin Andrey Victorovich 604fu4t The suboptimality of stabilizing regulator in a quasilinear system with state-depended coefficients Dmitriev M.G., Makarov D.A. r179fur The Method Of Collective Guidance And Controlled Target Distribution Of Missiles Groups On Concentrated Air Target, Optimum On Criterion Of All Its Elements Destruction Maximum Probability Lyutikov Igor Vitalievich, Zamaraev Valerii Vasilievich 655fu4t Acoustic borehole depth-gauge with the dualfrequency sensing method Shulgina Y.V., Soldatov A.A., Shulgin E.M., Kudryashova A.V. 247fu4t Simulation Modeling of Adaptive Dumping Forced Oscillations Combined Control System Eugenie L. Eremin, Evgeniy A. Shelenok 248fu4t Adaptive-Periodic Control for Nonlinear Dynamic Object with Delays on State Set of Functioning Eugenie L. Eremin, Evgeniy A. Shelenok 16:50 - 17:50 Session T3. Internet of Things 107iv5e The Regularities of Radiation Defect Formation at the Interface Metal ? n-InP Soboleva E.G., Litvinenko V.V., Krit T.B. 542iv5e Organic Light Emitting Diode Simulation Using Silvaco TCAD Tools I. A. Lysenko, L. A. Patrashanu, D. D. Zykov 060iv5e In-service Change in Radiant Power of Infrared LEDs Alexander V. Gradoboev, Anastasiya V. Simonova, Ksenia N. Orlova 737iv5e Influence of the Design of the Solid Mounted Resonator on its Electrical Equivalent Parameters A.G. Kozlov, T.N. Tanskaya, V.N. Zima 545iv5e Maximization of Duration of Ultrashort Pulse That is Completely Decomposed in Multiconductor Modal Filters A.O. Belousov, T.R. Gazizov, A.M. Zabolotsky 552iv5e Evaluation of Efficiency of Modal Filtration in Different Types of Redundant Electrical Connections Pavel Orlov, Talgat Gazizov, Evgeniy Buichkin 100iv5e Modal Distortions of Pulse Signal in Multiconductor PCB Structure Pavel Orlov, Talgat Gazizov, Sergey Kuksenko 342fu4t Approximation of an initial matrix by a Toeplitz one for acceleration of iterative solution of dense linear algebraic systems in scattering problems Kuksenko S.P., Gazizov T.R., Kostarev I.S. 392fu3o Simulation of asymmetrical modal filter with different segmentation A.T. Gazizov, A.M. Zabolotsky, T.R. Gazizov 239iv5e Surface and Leaky Acoustic Wave Properties in GdCa4O(BO3)3 Single Crystal R.M. Taziev 584fu5u Design of a Metal Vapor Laser Power Supply Trigub M.V., Ogorodnikov D.N., Vasnev N.A. 16:50 - 17:50 Session N4. Training on myRIO/SbRIO Мастер-класс по NI MyRIO позволит участникам в течение одного занятия получить знания и навыки, позволяющие решать настоящие инженерные задачи. Практические упражнения, выполняемые на интерактивном занятии, позволят создать реальную систему управления и сравнить ее с работой модели. Каждому обучающемуся будет предоставлена индивидуальная система myRIO, на которой Вы сможете протестировать разработанное приложение. После прохождения мастер-класса Вы сможете быстро и с лёгкостью реализовывать свои идеи на платформе myRIO. 18:30 - 20:30 Welcome Party 13 мая 9:00 - 10:10 Session C1. Networking Control 274fu1c Modeling of Ray Refraction of WLAN Signals on the Structural Elements of the Building A.I. Panychev, A.A. Vaganova 285fu1c Proactive backup scheme of routes in distributed computer networks Perepelkin Dmitry Alexandrovich, Tsyganov Ilya Yurievich 286fu1c Improved multipath adaptive routing model in computer networks with load balancing Koryachko Vyacheslav Petrovich, Perepelkin Dmitry Alexandrovich, Byshov Vladimir Sergeevich 338fu1c Peer Selection Algorithm In Flying Ad hoc Networks Danil S. Vasiliev, Albert Abilov, Vladimir V. Khvorenkov 596fu1c Hydrodynamic Model of Adaptive Routing for Large-Scale Unstable Sensor Networks Ekaterina V. Aleksandrova and Vladimir A. Bashkin 216fu1c Detection Algorithm of Activity of Cognitive Networks Primary Users Dmitry E. Prozorov, Anton V. Chistyakov 659fu1c A Role-Based Approach to Secure Routing in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks E.V. Shcherba, V.I. Nikonov 9:00 - 10:10 Session U5. Theory of control 734fu4t Adaptive predictive voltage control of three-phase PWM-VSCs in UPS applications Hosein Gholami-Khesht, and Mohammad Monfared 733fu4t Robust CDM and Pole Placement PID Based Thrust Controllers for Multirotor Motor-Rotor Simplified Model Wojciech Giernacki, Dariusz Horla, Talar Sadalla, Jo?o Paulo Coelho 481fu4t The Use of Bypass Channel for Feedback Control of Oscillatory Object Well-Known as Difficult One for Control Vadim Zhmud, Lubomir Dimitrov, Galina Sablina, Vitaly Trubin 056fu4t The Application of Numerical Probabilistic Analysis for the Reliable Estimate of the Characteristics Equipment Responsible Appointment Popova О.А. 019fu4t Executing Discrete Orthogonal Transformations Based on Computations on the Galois Field in the FPGA Architecture V.M. Zakharov, S.V. Shalagin 192fu4t Solution Set of Time-Optimal Control Problem for Four Series Connected Integrators Vladimir I. Lovchakov, Sergey A. Shopin 366fu4t Digital Noncoherent Demodulation of ?Integrally? Coded Phase-Shift Keyed Signals Alexey N. Glushkov, Vladimir P. Litvinenko, Boris V. Matveev, Oleg V. Chernoyarov 9:00 - 10:10 Session M3. The Computer Measurements 322ni8i Temperature Distributions Comparison by the Clustering of Their Proximity Measure V.B. Nemirovskiy, A.K. Stoyanov, A.K.Gofman, V.A. Tartakovsky 183ni8i Increasing the reliability of the stress state?s measurement of alloys by Barkhausen Noise method Bashkov O.V., Egorov V.A., Bashkov I.O., Egorov D.E. 265ni8i Development of multistage algorithm for text objects recognition in images Cherneta D.S., Druki A.A., Spitsyn V.G. 453ni8i Multivariate Statistical Analysis of Handwritten Images via Higher Order Correlation Coefficients B.B. Akhmetov, P.S. Lozhnikov, A.I. Ivanov 168ni8i An Analog Front-End ASIC with Programmable Gain and Timing for Silicon Photomultiplier Arrays Yury Bocharov and Vladimir Butuzov 9:00 - 11:30 Session N5. Training on Testing of the Electronic Devices: from Simply Measurements up to Full Automatization Мастер-класс посвящен знакомству с идеями программно-определяемых радиосистем (Software Defined Radio) и платформой National Instruments для быстрой разработки радиосистем. Он рассчитан на специалистов в области разработки и применения систем радиосвязи, мониторинга эфира, радиолокации и радиоэлектронной борьбы. В ходе мастер-класса участники познакомятся с возможностями программно-определяемых радиосистем для решения широкого круга задач, особенностями быстрой разработки систем с помощью интегрированного использования программных и аппаратных продуктов, таких как LabVIEW, LabVIEW FPGA, NI USRP RIO, NI FlexRIO. Каждый участник под руководством инструктора сможет своими руками создать собственную радиосистему на основе реконфигурируемой системы с ПЛИС NI USRP RIO. При этом будет пройден весь путь от идеи до реализации алгоритма как на компьютере, так и на ПЛИС с помощью графического программирования в LabVIEW. 10:20 - 11:30 Session C2. Networking Control 436fu4t Petri nets behavioral equivalence checking in SMV Dmitrii Drozdov, Victor Dubinin, Vladimir Kulagin 546fu4t Network Vulnerability in Two-Phase Evolution N.A. Kinash, A.I.. Trufanov, O.G. Berestneva, A.A. Tikhomirov, O.N. Fisochenko 386fu4t Design of control systems for parallel computing structures based on net models Vladimir Kulagin 543fu4t Research of Neural Networks Application Efficiency in Automatic Scientific Articles Classification According to UDC А.Yu. Romanov, K.E. Lomotin, E.S. Kozlova, A.L. Kolesnichenko 267fu1c Calculation Methods of Transient Processes in Growing Networks with Non-Linear Preferential Attachment Rule V. N. Zadorozhnyi, V. A. Badryzlov 045fu4t E-Network Modelling of Process Industrial Control Systems in Building Computer Simulators M.Ya.Braginsky, D.V.Tarakanov, S.G.Tsapko 10:20 - 11:30 Session U6. Theory of control 445fu5u Reviewing the Mathemetical Models and Electrical Circuits of Deterministic Chaos Transistor Oscillators Andriy Semenov 616fu5u Quasi ? 3D Electro-Thermal Simulation of Integrated Transistor Structures, IC Chips and Packages Konstantin O. Petrosyants, Nikita I. Ryabov 620fu5u Hardware and Software System of the Guided Wave Pipe Testing Using Electromagnetic-Acoustic Transformation S.V. Lenkov, N.N. Zverev, O.V. Muravieva, Yu.V. Myshkin 635fu5u An Instrumentation Amplifier with Low Offset-Error Drift for Radiometric Applications S. I. Ivanov, A. P. Lavrov, Y. A. Matveev 237fu5u Static Accuracy of the Lithium-Ion Battery Automated Test Bench Aleksandr S. Fedchenko, Evgeny A. Kopylov, Dmitry K. Lobanov, Enis A. Mizrah 349fu5u A behavioral model of integer-N PLL frequency synthesizer for reference spur level simulation Denis I. Sotskov, Vadim V. Elesin 10:20 - 11:30 Session M4. Methods of Measurement 494ni8i Automatized Complex for Measuring the Electrical Properties of MIM Structures A.O. Gryaznov, I.B. Dorosheva, A.S. Vokhmintsev, R.V. Kamalov, I.A. Weinstein 521ni8i Test and Measurement Complex for Investigation of GaN Based High-Brightness Light-Emitting Diodes Sergey Ekhanin, Alexander Tomashevich, Alexander Ermolaev, Anton Loschilov 637ni8i Hardware-Software Subsystem for Multilevel Thermal Fault Detection and Analysis of Electronic Components Konstantin O. Petrosyants, Igor A. Kharitonov, Nikita I. Ryabov, Petr A. Kozynko, Boris G. Lvov 643ni8i Control of boundary layer on rotation axysimmertic diffuser wall Kurkin E.I., Shakhov V.G. 795ni8i A Novel System for Automatic Aluminium Billets Geometry Measurement and Inspection Denis Zinchenko, Vyacheslav Prokopiev, Pavel Kochkin, Sergey Kolchanov, Arkadiy Zelyutkov, Vasilii Panko 407ni8i Vibration Measurement by Means of Digital Speckle Correlation Lin Li, F.A. Gubarev, M.S. Klenovskii, A.I. Bloshkina 11:40 - 12:50 Session N6 (ауд. ДДД) Seminar and Training AWR Design Environment2016. Introduction to NI AWR Design Environment, AWR Innovations in 2016 and Beyond This presentation begins with a brief introduction to the NI AWR Design EnvironmentT RF/microwave design software showing an overview of the powerful, innovative technologies contained within the latest V12 release. It will also highlight some advanced synthesis tools for amplifiers. NI AWR Design Environment software is an advanced suite of tools developed especially for designers of MMICs, RF PCBs, RFICs, microwave modules, communication systems, radar systems, antennas, and more. The capabilities offered include full 3D EM simulation, 3D PCells, circuit envelope simulation, co-simulation with National Instruments' LabVIEW, FPGA hardware-in-the-loop simulation, antenna synthesis, RF frequency planning, and direct links to PCB design tools, to name just a few. 11:40 - 12:50 Session I3E. Special Session and Workshop on the IEEE Advantages for Industry and Academia Welcome to Workshop on the IEEE Advantages for Industry and Academia! This presentation begins with a brief introduction to the IEEE, showing an overview of it benefits and features for your scientific life. After presentation we answer questions concern networking in professional societies, IEEE operation, future of professional activity. 11:40 - 12:50 Session U7. Theory of control 229fu5u Formal modeling and verification of IEC 61499 function blocks on the basis of transition systems Victor Dubinin, Valeriy Vyatkin, Anatoly Shalyto r466fur Моделирование маршрута движения судна на основе алгоритмов кластеризации Клюева Светлана Федоровна, Акмайкин Денис Александрович, Салюк Павел Анатольевич r331fur Компьютерная диагностика нарушений способности производственного процесса Александрова Т.В., Громаков Е.И. r768fur Оптимизация Параметров Математической Модели Объекта Регулирования На Основе Градиентного Подхода Алексеенко Алексей Владимирович 11:40 - 12:50 Session R1. NI Technique for Measurements 233ni7n Automated Test Complex for Parametric and Functional Control of Voltage-to-Frequency Converter A.Y. Borisov, L.N. Kessarinskiy 105ni7n The Measuriment Of Ferromagnets Magnetic Characteristics Using Labview Software Andrey A. Tatevosyan, Aleksandr S. Tatevosyan, Natalya N. Zaharova 207ni7n Analysis of Energy and Spectral Characteristics of Acoustic Emission Signals from the Hsu-Nielsen Source Yuriy Purisev, V. N. Ovcharuk, Maskim Kutsenko 512ni7n Certain new approaches in development of acoustic emission systems Yuriy Purisev 528ni7n Hardware-software complex for parametric study of wireless energy transfer A.A. Danilov, E.A. Mindubaev 617fu4t A new method of power system diagnostics for mobile equipment S.N. Olshevskiy, I.P. Dobrolyubov, D.N. Klimenko, A.K. Orehov, A.A. Borisov Lunch 14:10- 15:20 Session B1. Communications 257fu1c Quantum Random Number Generator for Secure Communications Anna Epishkina, Konstantin Kogos 043fu3o The simulation of current-voltage characteristics and the dynamic conductivity of the ballistic contacts based on superconductors with weak oscillation order parameter Daulet Sergeyev, Kuanyshbek Shunkeyev 041fu3o Reliable Recognition of Masked Cartographic Scenes During Transmission over the Network V. A. Raikhlin, I. S. Vershinin, R. F. Gibadullin, S. V. Pystogov 081fu3o Pseudo-Random Number Generator Based on Fuzzy Logic Igor V. Anikin, Khaled Alnajjar 110fu3o A Complete Statistical Model of a Handwritten Signature as an Object of Biometric Identification A.I. Ivanov, P.S. Lozhnikov, E.I. Kachajkin 14:10- 15:20 Session U8. Electromechanics 128fu5u Synergetic Approach To The Quadrotor Helicopter Control In An Environment With External Disturbances Gennady Veselov, Andrey Sklyarov, Sergey Sklyarov, Valeriy Semenov 219fu5u The problem of target pursuit by a group of unmanned flight vehicles Khachumov M.V. 061fu5u Development of Torque Vector Control System of Permanent Magnet Motor Alexander G. Lyutarevich, Vladimir N. Goryunov, Evgeniy А. Lokhman, Stanislav Y. Dolinger, Dmitry S. Osipov 457fu5u Identification of hybrid wind power unit control parametrs for the purpose of loses optimization Aleksey A. Belsky, Dannil I. Ivanchenko 763fu5u The Algorithm for Battery Charge Control of Renewable Energy Sources - Wind Turbine and Solar Panel Oleg A.Ivanov, Ilya A.Ivanov, Saygid U.Uvaysov, Svetlana S.Uvaysova 320fu5u Start Synchronous Motor Vector Control Algorithm with Encoder without Hall-Sensors Stanislav V. Borisov, Pavel V. Bykovskih, Nikolay V. Gusev, Konstantin V. Obraztsov r291fur Система автоматичсекого управлением натяжения бумажного полотна на основе асинхронного двигателя с короткозамкнутым ротором Артыков Э.С., Герценщтейн И.Ш., Кодиров С.А. 222fu5u Calculation and Analysis of Electromagnetic Forces in a Self-Braking Electric Motors Lev K. Burulko, Vyacheslav E. Korolev 462fu5u High-precision Former of Velocity and Motor Shaft Position Angle Codes Bolgov I.S., Dementiev Y.N. 14:10? 15:20 Session T4. Internet of Things 458iv5e Decrease the influence of process variation on the temperature stability of integrated voltage references Rodion R. Fakhrutdinov, Konstantin V. Murasov, Ruslan A. Wolf, Sergey A. Zavyalov, Aleksandr N. Lepetaev 234iv5e Efficiency Improvement of the Random Search Algorithm for Parametric Identification of Electronic Components Models Alexandr M. Pilipenko, Vadim N. Biryukov 309iv5e Methods of Slew Rate Verification of Operational Amplifier Macro Model Alexander Ivannikov, Anatolij Kozhevnikov, Sergej Tumkovskiy 574iv5e The Radiation-Hardened Microcircuits of the Multichannel Op Amps with Current Feedback and the Analog Interfaces Based on the Structured Array MH2XA010 O.V. Dvornikov, N.N. Prokopenko, A.V. Bugakova, A.A. Ignashin 576iv5e The Differential and Differential Difference operational amplifiers of sensor systems based on bipolar- field technological process AGAMC O.V. Dvornikov, N.V. Butyrlagin, I.V. Pakhomov 613iv5e The Main Modifications of Analog Interface of Sensor Systems Based on two Differential Difference Operational Amplifiers A. E. Titov, A. I. Serebryakov, I. V. Pakhomov 553iv5e New active filter synthesis tool for Qucs open-source circuit simulator Leonid Kechiev, Nicolay Kruchkov, Vadim Kuznetsov 14:10- 15:20 Session N7. Simulating Non-Linear Effects in Phased Array Antennas Performance The most recent addition to NI AWR software portfolio is Analyst?, a full 3D FEM-based EM solver. It has been integrated into Microwave Office much like our 3D planar analysis tool AXIEM, allowing engineers to couple full 3D antennas with linear and non-linear components. This presentation will start with an introduction to Analyst, the unique Pcells (Parametrised Cells) approach for components such as connectors, waveguides, chip packages to name a few. The introduction would be followed by details of one of the major new enhancements in V12 release ? In-situ antenna measurements. This unique capability allows engineers to simulate driving circuits with non-linear amplifiers as well as feed networks with antennas in a single simulation. We will also look at recently launched new and unique capabilities for antenna synthesis with NI AWR Design Environment. 15:30- 16:40 Session B2. Communications 263fu3o Peculiarities and Methods of Fractal Queues Simulation V. N. Zadorozhnyi 647fu3o Mobile Corporate Networks Security Control Alla G. Kravets, Mohammed Al-Ashval 787fu3o Assessing the impact of the echo signals in single frequency networks for digital terrestrial television broadcasting Viacheslav Kapustin Alexander Popov r565fur О некоторых предварительных преобразованиях открытого текста типа ?All-Or-Nothing? для усиления стойкости шифра к методу полного опробования Варфоломеев А.А. r597fur Автоматизированное выявление причинно-следственных отношений между событиями на основе анализа системных журналов Овчинников Александр Алексеевич r169fur Механизм доверия для контроллера в сети Носков А.Н. 15:30- 16:40 Session U9. Control Systems 497fu5u Frequency Discriminator based on Equalizer for 100-512 MHz Dmitrii Kondakov, Alexander Lavrov and Sergey Ivanov, Alexey Kosmynin 694fu5u Forecasting Conflicts in Multi-Robot Systems Based on Intelligent Feedback Sekou Diane, Sergey Manko, Valery Lokhin 653fu5u Model of ?Chain of Coupled Resonators?-Type Slow-Wave Structure?s Cell Based on Equivalent Systems Method Presnyakov S.A., Kravchenko N.P., Mukhin S.V. r549fur Автоматизированная система контроля параметров и функционирования логических ИС А.С. Колосова, А.Р Шарипова, Г.Г. Давыдов 650fu5u Parameters Adaptation for Target Oriented Control of the Buck Converter A. I. Andriyanov 783fu5u Algorithmic Methods to Improve the Semiconductor Converter Performance Effectiveness Bogdan U. Vasilev, Viacheslav O. Zyrin r469fur Дискретная имитационная модель системы синхронизации активного выпрямителя с напряжением питающей сети Муликов Дмитрий Сергеевич, Михальченко Геннадий Яковлевич 15:30- 16:40 Session T5. Internet of Things 256iv5e Voltage-to-Frequency Converters Based On Current Instabilities In Semiconductors Alexander I. Cheredov, Andrey V. Shchelkanov 705iv5e Quasi-distributed resistive sensor for steady-state field measurements E. Denisov, N. Adiutantov, Yu.K. Evdokimov, A. Salakhova, G. Timergalina, T. Nikishin, S. Martemianov, A. Thomas, N. Adiutantov 714iv5e Compact HSPICE Model of Magnetic Tunnel Junction Based on Voltage-Driven Spin-Transfer Torque G.D. Demin, E.E. Gusev, A.F. Popkov, P.A. Stepanov, N.A. Djuzhev 765iv5e Complex for Automated Measurement and Processing of BJTs and MOSFETs Characteristics for Extremal Applications Konstantin O. Petrosyants, Igor A. Kharitonov, Lev M. Sambursky, Mamed R. Ismail-zade 063iv5e The multiport CMOS memory cell based on the DICE trigger with two spaced transistor groups for hardened 65-nm CMOS SRAM Yu. V. Katunin, V. Ya. Stenina 074iv5e Single Event Transients in 28-nm CMOS Decoders V. Ya. Stenin, K. E. Levin 15:30- 18:00 Session N8 Phased Array and Radar System Analysis This presentation consists of a basic overview of Visual System Simulator?(VSS). VSS is a unique system level simulation software for radar and communication systems, new V12 features and various real world examples of system level simulations with VSS. An illustrative transceiver example showing VSS? new bi-directional simulation capability will be presented. This bi-directional simulation highlights several new enhancements in VSS V12 for complex system simulations of radars and T/R modules. We will also learn about how a non-linear model can be created from manufacturer?s datasheet for system level simulation in VSS. This presentation will also discuss in detail, new and improved phased array system level simulation capability. The new capability allows fast and accurate characterization of RF links for individual array elements (Gain, P1dB, temperature etc.), includes enhanced modelling capability for element patterns (including mutual coupling of elements), support for 3D arrays and many other advanced features. 16:50- 18:00 Session S6. Communications 489fu2h The Regression Model of Power Spectral Density of Phase Noise of Direct Digital Synthesizers Romashov V.V., Romashova L.V., Khramov K.K. 522fu2h Full Duplex Wireless Communication System, Analog Cancellation: Review of Methods and Experimental Research Eugeniy V. Rogozhnikov, Alexandr S. Koldomov, Valentin A. Vorobvov 762fu2h Estimation of Durability Indices of Integrated Microcircuit Communication Network Ivanov Ilya Aleksandrovich, Polesskiy Sergey Nikolaevich, Korolev Pavel Sergeevich, Zhadnov Valeriy Vladimirovich 086fu2h Interference Fiber Optic Device for RoF Antenna Radiators Control A.Kh. Sultanov, I.L. Vinogradova, I.K. Meshkov, A.V. Andrianova, G.I. Abdrakhmanova, A.A. Ishmiyarov, L.Z. Yantilina 790fu2h System of Equations for Antenna Array Beam Pattern Nulling A. A. Erokhin, Yu. P. Salomatov, V. S. Panko, M.I. Sugak 791fu2h Determination of the Radio Transmitter Coordinates In Satellite Communication Systems A. S. Kamyshnikova, V. V. Sukhotin 793fu2h Meander-Line Polarizer for Omnidirectional Antenna A. V. Stankovsky, S. V. Polenga, A. D. Nemshon, Y. A. Litinskaya, E. R. Gafarov, Yu. P. Salomatov 796fu2h Numerical optimization of the discrete Mikaelian lens A. M. Alexandrin, R. O. Ryazantsev, Y. P. Salomatov 797fu2h A GNSS Quadrupole Antenna With a Spatial Polarizer for the Suppression of Low-Angle Multipath E. R. Gafarov, A. V. Stankovsky,Y. P. Salomatov 798fu2h SIW Unequal Y-type Power Divider O. A. Nazarov, V. S. Panko, Y. P. Salomatov 799fu2h Experimental Research of the Antenna Array with Electronic and Combine Electronic and Mechanical Beam Steering Ye.A. Litinskaya, А.D. Nemshon, A.V. Stankovsky, S.V. Polenga, Y.P. Salomatov 800fu2h Flat-layered spherical lens antenna system in conditions of slant polarized feeder radiation Ryazantsev R. O., Salomatov Y. P., Panko V.S., M.I. Sugak 801fu2h ESA uplink modeling of satellite earth systems T. A. Zubov, V. V. Sukhotin 16:50- 18:00 Session S7. Communications 779fu2h Temperature Controller for External Surface of Waveguide Artem Osintsev, Alexander Sobko, Maxim Komnatnov 749fu2h PDCFET models for high-temperature detectors Andrey Krasnyuk, Elen Mar`ina, Emil Imametdinov 529fu2h Review the Space Radiation CVD Diamond Multi-layer Detector Nedosekin P., Zakharchenko К., Gladchenkov Е., Kolyubin V. 213fu2h Qucs-0.0.19S: a new open-source circuit simulator and its application for hardware design Mike Brinson, Vadim Kuznetsov 026fu2h Hydroacoustic Modem for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Vershinin Alexander 203fu2h Researching of features of the Brillouin Backscattering Spectrum in Dispersion-Shifted Optical Fibers Igor V. Bogachkov 16:50- 18:00 Session R2. NI Technique for Measurements 774ni7n Electronic thermometer with the data transfer by radiochannel Shtern Yu.I.1, Kozhevnikov Ya.S.2, Karavaev I.S.3, Shtern M.Yu.4, Rogachev M.S.5 748ni8i Measurement of Multi-phase Clarke-Transformed Waveforms using LabVIEW Virtual Instrumentation Branislav Dobruck?, Roman Ko?arik, Libor Harga?, Du?an Koniar 271ni7n The Automated System For Parametric Characterization Of The Input And Output Blocks In Digital Ics G.G. Davydov, А.S. Kolosova, A.V. Sogoyan, A.S. Artamonov, D.V. Boychenko 166ni7n Virtual Instrument for Non-Conventional Total Harmonic Distortion Factors Evaluation N.N. Lopatkin, Yu.A. Chernov 293ni7n Control and Test Bench of Goniometric Satellite Navigation Receiver Sushkin I. N., Thudonogov D. Yu 332ni7n Hardware and Software Equipment for the Complex Investigation of the Wireless Smart Transducers Shtern M.Yu., Gureev A.V., Karavaev I.S., Shtern Yu.I., Rykov V.M., Rogachev M.S. 474ni7n Hardware/software solution for optocouplers with output MOSFET transistors based on National Instruments PXI-platform Ekaterina V. Petrova, Natalia A. Komarova, Maksim E. Cherniak, Anastasia V. Ulanova, Alexander Y. Nikiforov 533ni7n Developing methods and software for research the effects of phase dispersion depending of the state of ionospher based on LabVIEW Ivanov V.A., Ivanov D.V., Ryabova N.V., Ryabova M.I., Chernov A.A., Ovchinnikov V.V. 612ni7n Automated Test Setup for Functional and Parametrical Control of Microcontrollers with Internal ADC I.O. Loskutov, A.B. Karakozov, P.V. Nekrasov 662ni7n Advanced System for CMOS SOI Test Structures Measurements I.I. Shvetsov-Shilovskiy, P.V. Nekrasov, A.V. Ulanova, A.Yu. Nikiforov Conference venue All conference sessions Sibcon-2016 will be held in the building of HSE Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (MIEM HSE) at: Moscow, 34 Tallinskaya Str How to get there? Metro station Strogino. Last car from the centre. After you pass the glass doors, please turn left and go along the pedestrian subway, than turn right and go upstairs. Please go straight along the Stroginsky avenue to the corner of Tallinskaya street. Please cross the street and you will be at the entrance of university ================ Join the IEEE! So good. So useful. ================ Oleg Stukach President and Founder Tomsk IEEE Chapter & Student Branch TPU, CAMSAM Dept., 30 Lenin Avenue, Tomsk, 634050, Russia ================= http://tomsk.chapters.comsoc.org ================= . |
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