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Russia: Special edition FIFA World Cup stamps revealed in St Petersburg

Russia: Special edition FIFA World Cup stamps revealed in St Petersburg
2017-12-14 00:33
New Year postage stamps and envelopes featuring the 2018 FIFA World Cup mascot wolf Zabivaka were unveiled in St. Petersburg, on Wednesday. The ceremony was organised on Global Football Day, which falls on December 10. The stamps were presented by the ambassadors for the 2018 World Cup Mikhail Boyarsky and Gennady Orlov, as well as St Petersburg's Committee for Sports Chairman Pavel Belov and a representative from Russian Post Alexei Volkov. Reportedly, the stamps have a limited circulation of about 1000 issued in St. Petersburg and 660,000 nationwide. The stamps were released as a part of FIFA World Cup's Philatelic programme. In addition, four stamps dedicated to football in art will be released on December 20.

Russia: Ural factory producing handmade porcelain figurines of WC 2018 national players
2017-12-14 01:09
The Farfor Syserti factory in Russia's Sverdlovsk Region has started crafting porcelain figurines of football players from national teams participating in the World Cup 2018, as shown in footage filmed on Wednesday. Porcelain figurines of players from the Russian national team are already on sale. According to the factory, the figures are completely handcrafted using a double firing process, before being painted. Figures of other national teams including the Japanese, Egyptian and Swedish sides will soon be released. They will be available in the company's branded stores and elsewhere. World Cup matches will be held from June 14 to July 15 2018 in 11 cities throughout Russia.

Российские гандболистки завершили борьбу на чемпионате мира
2017-12-14 08:05
Женская сборная России по гандболу не смогла пробиться в полуфинал, проходящего в Германии чемпионата мира. Наша команда проиграла команде Норвегии со счетом 17:34 и завершила борьбу на турнире.

«Сегодня мы посмотрели на Заслуженных мастеров спорта». Огненный Трефилов
2017-12-14 09:06
Главный тренер женской сборной России подвел итоги.

Тульские пряники собираются включить в меню болельщиков ЧМ-2018
2017-12-14 10:57
Всего в списке — семь видов национальных продуктов.

Вести. Эфир от 14.12.2017 (11:00)
2017-12-14 11:00
Более 1600 журналистов аккредитованы на Большой пресс-конференции Владимира Путина. Агенты ФБР признались, что ненавидят Трампа. Победа российских пловцов на чемпионате Европы — три золота. Столкновения, попытки терактов, ракетные обстрелы: Ближний Восток после решения Трампа по Иерусалиму. Новейший межконтинентальный ракетный комплекс «Ярс» заступил на боевое дежурство. Архив нацбезопасности США рассекретил документы о об обещании НАТО не двигаться на восток.

Владимир Путин: скандал с допингом имеет политические корни
2017-12-14 13:54
Президент России Владимир Путин выразил уверенность в том, что допинговый скандал вокруг олимпийской сборной России имеет политическую подоплеку. И глава государства выразил уверенность в том, что нашим спортсменам придется защищать себя на всех уровнях.

Russia: 'Top quality' and 'on time' — Putin on World Cup 2018 preparations
2017-12-14 14:04
Russian President Vladimir Putin said that state budget money accounts for less than half of expenditures for next year's FIFA World Cup, while speaking at his annual press conference at the World Trade Centre in Moscow, Thursday. «Private money amounts for more than half of expenditure; what we spend on the World Cup goes towards developing infrastructure, said Putin. He went on to say that despite a delay on one of the 12 stadiums, he is confident that «everything will be top quality and will be delivered on time.» «FIFA inspectors have been helping us with preparations, everything is running according to schedule,» he added. Thursday's event is Putin's 13th press conference and is being held in a live question and answer format. Among the accredited Russian and foreign media outlets are AFP, Bloomberg, Xinhua News Agency, CNN and the Guardian. Reporters from regional press outlets, such as Unknown Siberia and Arkhyz 24, will also have a chance to ask questions. Last year, 1,437 journalists were accredited for the event, with 48 of them managing to ask their questions. Putin answered 67 questions last year. This year 1,640 Russian and foreign journalists have been accredited. The 2008 press conference is still the longest ever — at four hours 40 minutes. Putin answered 106 questions during that event. The second longest presser was in 2012, lasting four hours 33 minutes.

Путин о Родченкове: привлечение этого субъекта к работе было ошибкой
2017-12-14 14:13
В рамках Большой пресс-конференции Владимир Путин заявил, что назначение Григория Родченкова главой Московской антидопинговой лаборатории было ошибкой. Также президент РФ заявил, что знает имена тех, кто способствовал этому назначению.

Все будет в срок — Путин о подготовке к ЧМ по футболу
2017-12-14 14:35
По ходу Большой пресс-конференции президента России Владимиру Путину был задан вопрос о готовности нашей страны к проведению чемпионата мира по футболу 2018 года. Глава государства отметил, что не сомневается в том, что вся инфраструктура будет готова в срок.

«Сеть»: Коля против гололеда и исцеляющая сотня
2017-12-14 14:40
Коля против гололеда — что пообещали сделать со школьником за добровольную уборку. Исцеляющая сотня, или какой ценой далось чудо у Ярославского вокзала. Умирать разрешается, или почему от врачей уже не ждут помощи. Эти и другие кадры — в программе «Сеть!».

Что с «физикой»: российская биатлонистка Татьяна Акимова о женском спринте
2017-12-14 17:29
Российская биатлонистка — о женском спринте на этапе Кубка мира во французском городе Анси.

Russia: «There are no doubts about political motives» — Putin on doping ban
2017-12-14 18:14
«We will help our athletes assert their honour and dignity,» Russian President Vladimir Putin told journalists in Moscow, Thursday, during his annual marathon Q&A. He was commenting on the International Olympic Committee's decision to ban Russia from the Pyeongchang 2018 Winter Games. While acknowledging that «there were real cases of doping usage revealed,» Putin said there were nevertheless «no doubts about political motives» surrounding the case. Putin also said «the decision [to ban Russia from taking part in the Olympic Games] should not be based on the testimony of these people,» in reference to former head of the Moscow anti-doping laboratory and key whistleblower Grigory Rodchenkov. «That he is under FBI control and protection — for us, it is not positive, but negative, because then it means that he is under the control of the US special services,» he added of Rodchenkov who is under witness protection in the US. «What are they doing with him [Rodchenkov]? What kind of medicine are they giving to him, so he would say what is needed?,» Putin added. Putin also expressed his hope that relations with the World Anti-Doping Committee as well as the International Olympic Committee could be «constructive.»

Что мешает сборной? Отвечает Виктория Сливко
2017-12-14 19:16
Российская биатлонистка о женском спринте в Анси.

Почему россиянкам тяжело. Объясняет Светлана Миронова
2017-12-14 19:18
Российская биатлонистка о женском спринте на этапе Кубка мира во французском Анси.

Russia: Boxer Povetkin weighs-in on eve of Hammer showdown
2017-12-14 19:53
Russian heavyweight boxer Alexander Povetkin and his Romanian counterpart Christian Hammer weighed-in in the city of Ekaterinburg on Thursday, one day ahead the Friday’s bout. Povetkin faces the former WBO EU Heavyweight champion Hammer as he attempts to become the next WBO International champion. The Russian showed his confidence saying that he «feels great» and that «everything will be great.» Povetkin weighed-in at 101.15 kg (223 lbs). The boxer won gold as a super-heavyweight at the 2004 Olympics for Russia.

Everybody was Kung Fu fighting: This young Afghan athlete is fast as lightning
2017-12-14 21:32
24-year-old Afghan Abbas Alizada aspires to be the next martial arts Hollywood star and he keeps to a strict training programme, footage filmed last month in Kabul reveals. Abba’s ambition is to join the ranks of kung-fu masters who have starred during the years in numerous martial arts movies. «My name is Abbas Alizada. But I am known at the streets as 'Afghan Bruce Lee'. Whenever someone calls me 'Bruce Lee', I am overjoyed» says Abbas while talking about some of the greatest kung Fu idols. While speaking of funny training-related incidents he said, «I have had some really funny accidents with nunchucks» adding «once I hit my head so hard that I was knocked unconscious for about five minutes.» The young athlete, described by many as 'The Dragon of Afghanistan', added that «Afghanistan is very unsafe place for a famous person. But I am not afraid of death.» Abba’s physical shape, agility and precision in performing have already made him quite famous among the locals who never miss a chance to get a photo with him.

В Новогорске открыт гимнастический центр Ирины Винер-Усмановой
2017-12-14 22:09
В четверг в подмосковном Новогорске открылся Центр гимнастики Ирины Винер-Усмановой. Проект, запущенный в 2013 году, достроен. Введены в эксплуатацию все жилые комплексы спортивно-образовательного кластера.

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