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Liberia: Former football superstar George Weah elected new president

Liberia: Former football superstar George Weah elected new president
2017-12-30 13:23
Former international footballer and Ballon D'or winner George Weah was met by hundreds of ecstatic supporters in Monrovia on Saturday after he was elected Liberia’s new president. Weah managed to secure more than 60 percent of the overall vote placing himself considerably ahead of his opponent Joseph Boakai. The former AC Milan and Paris Saint Germain player entered politics following his professional football career in 2002 which saw him take up the position of Senator for the Montserrado County before the current presidential campaign. President-elect Weah succeeds Liberia's first female President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and will be sworn into office on January 22.

Музыканты Ринго Старр и Барри Гибб удостоены рыцарского титула
2017-12-30 13:35
Два легендарных музыканта — ударник группы The Beatles Ринго Старр и лидер группы Bee Gees Барри Гибб удостоены рыцарского звания. Их имена значатся в перечне 1123 британцев, кому королева Великобритании Елизавета II присудила почетные звания и высокие титулы по итогам минувшего года. Отныне и Ринго Старра, и Барри Гибба будут именовать сэром.

2 дня кандидата Навального
2017-12-30 14:04
Хроника двух дней, когда Алексей Навальный был выдвинут кандидатом в президенты и получил отказ в регистрации.

Американские военные помогали игиловцам бежать из Ракки
2017-12-30 14:16
Журналисты получили новые доказательства того, что вооруженных боевиков из сирийской Ракки вывозили представители так называемой американской коалиции. Пентагон признал, что террористы сбежали из города с помощью американских военных только после того, как об этом рассказали журналисты BBC. И пока министр обороны США заявил о намерении уничтожить остатки сил псевдохалифата, сами солдаты коалиции рассказывают о том, как помогали боевикам сбежать из Ракки.

Немки проведут Новый год в «загонах»
2017-12-30 14:18
Немецким женщинам в Берлине предложили праздновать Новый год в специальных зонах безопасности, которые журналисты уже успели назвать «загонами», сообщает BBC. Таким образом организаторы праздника хотят защитить немок от домогательств эмигрантов.

Обмен пленными и поставки оружия из США: еще один год конфликта на Украине
2017-12-30 14:19
Стас Натанзон и гости его студии подвели итоги еще одного года конфикта на Украине. В центре обсуждения документальные фильмы Константина Мучника «Вход с оружием запрещен» и Александра Рогаткина «Фронтовые аккорды Донбасса».

«Специальный репортаж»: Кремлевский централ
2017-12-30 14:45
Экс-министр правительства России Алексей Улюкаев сменил кабинет на камеру в СИЗО. Правда, условия его содержания отличаются от других узников изолятора. Специальный корреспондент Наталья Смоленская выяснила, в каких условиях живет бывший чиновник, почему он никогда не узнает, кто сидит в соседней камере, и что такое «кремлевский централ».

Reuters: Россия поставляет в КНДР нефть в обход санкций ООН
2017-12-30 14:50
С Российских судов нефть якобы на танкеры КНДР в нейтральных водах. За последние 2 месяца это происходило как минимум трижды.

В Москве откроют новый неонатальный корпус
2017-12-30 15:06
Его построят при четвертом роддоме на юго-западе столицы. Площадь здания увеличится почти вдвое. Там будут наблюдать детей, родившихся раньше срока и с минимальным весом. Как сейчас врачи выхаживают таких младенцев и что с нового года будут получать в подарок их мамы.

State of Palestine: Thousands attend funeral of Palestinian killed in clashes
2017-12-30 15:15
Thousands of Palestinians attended the funeral of 21-year-old Jamal Mohammed Musleh in Gaza on Saturday after he was shot dead by Israeli security forces during a protest a day earlier. Musleh died of a bullet injury to his stomach in the early hours of Saturday morning at Gaza’s Deir al-Balah hospital. His grieving mother described her son's final words before his fatal injury. «Yesterday, Friday, my son went there directly after lunch and told me 'my mother — today I am a martyr'. He also told neighbours and friends that he will be a martyr today. I told him not to go to the borders,» she said. Musleh's body was carried through the town streets by family and friends. He was taking part in protests in response to calls from Palestinian factions for a fourth day of rage against US President Donald Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. He had marched to the Gaza border crossing with Israel to join thousands protesting.

Навальный обжалует в ЕСПЧ отказ его допуска к выборам президента России
2017-12-30 16:09
Только что Верховный суд России закончил рассмотрение жалобы оппозиционера на отказ ЦИК зарегистрировать его кандидатом. Суд признал этот отказ законным.

«Дороги к свободе»: украинский 2017-й
2017-12-30 16:29
Каким был 2017-й год для Украины? Виталий Портников беседует с политическим экспертом, соучредителем Украинского института будущего Тарасом Березовцом.

Iran: Government supporters rally in Tehran following unrest
2017-12-30 16:48
An annual pro-government rally was held in Tehran on Saturday following two days of rare anti-government protests across the country. Saturday’s pro-government rallies were scheduled to be held in more than 1,200 cities and towns across Iran. The events have been held annually to commemorate the “9-Dey Epic” of December 30 2009. On that day, a rally was held against the 2009 pro-reform “Green Movement” demonstrations. It has been designated in the Iranian calendar as the “day of insight and nation’s allegiance to religious leadership.” On Friday, police dispersed anti-government demonstrators in the western city of Kermanshah as protests spread to Tehran and several other cities in the largest wave of protests since 2009. Police arrested 52 people following protests in Mashhad — one of the holiest places in Shia Islam — on Thursday. The Revolutionary Guard, which cracked down on the Green Movement in 2009, said in a statement carried by state media that there were efforts to repeat the unrest before adding «the Iranian nation will not allow the country to be hurt.»

ВС отклонил иск Навального к Центризбиркому
2017-12-30 17:21
Верховный суд России отклонил иск оппозиционера Алексея Навального к Центризбиркому из-за отказа допустить его до регистрации кандидатом в президенты. Представители ЦИК в суде в очередной раз заявили, что не могут зарегистрировать Навального, так как оппозиционер имеет непогашенную судимость по «делу Кировлеса». Доводы представителей Навального об антиконституционности таких ограничений суд счел «несостоятельными». Сам политик на заседание не пришел.

USA: McAfee cyber security guru warns everybody at risk after he gets hacked
2017-12-30 17:23
McAfee computer security software company founder John McAfee warned that cyber hackers are becoming «more proficient and more sophisticated» during a video call interview in Lexington on Saturday. «This is something out of my control, totally out of everyone's control. Hackers are becoming more and more proficient and more sophisticated in their hacking techniques. If this can happen to me — I promise you it can happen to anyone,» McAfee warned, as he described the recent hacking of his own mobile phone. The cybersecurity guru explained how his own Twitter account was hacked through his US network provider AT&T. The unidentified hacker used the opportunity to promote lesser known digital currencies, which then briefly surged before dropping once more. According to McAfee, the perpetrator recommended six different digital coins in six minutes, which he probably invested in beforehand. McAfee explained that if this happened, when the value of the coins rose, the hacker would have been able to sell his shares and make a multi-million profit. The cyber security head said that he was unable to do anything about the breach of security, “Prior to being hacked, my phone was totally disabled — you couldn't call into it, I could not call out from it.” He said that all other cryptocurrency miners face the same risk, and that in future hackers may look to wallets on the exchange, where they could harvest “billions of dollars.” McAfee ended his interview with the ominous warning that, «every exchange will at some point in the near future get hacked.» Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies saw an unexpected soar in value in 2018, causing financial experts in countries such as Germany to consider the future of its use as a potential viable currency.

Предвыборный штаб Собчак пожаловался на «Единую Россию» в прокуратуру и ЦИК
2017-12-30 17:43
Юристы недовольны роликом в поддержку Владимира Путина. В нем школьница просит Деда Мороза снова сделать Путина президентом.

Ukraine: 9 adults, 2 children taken hostage by man armed with explosives — police
2017-12-30 17:49
Local police reported that an armed masked man has taken 9 adults and 2 children hostage in an office of Ukrainian Postal Service 'Ukrposhta' near Kievskaya metro station in Kharkiv on Saturday. The area surrounding the office has been cordoned off by police, who are now working at the scene. Traffic has also been blocked in the area. Local police say that the intruder is strapped with explosives. His motives are still unknown.

Germany: Berliners react to New Year's 'safe zones' for women
2017-12-30 18:52
Holidaymakers and Berlin residents spoke about the decision to establish New Year’s Eve “safe zones” for women who are being harassed or threatened. Passersby spoke from outside of Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate on Saturday. The new security measures will be introduced at the Brandenburg Gate New Year’s Eve party on Sunday, where women will be able to seek the help of German Red Cross staff in cordoned off areas. Some thought the zones would help raise awareness about the issue of harassment, with one woman confirmed that unfortuantely the initiative is “needed.” Others were less convinced, viewing the idea as “far-fetched” and an “alibi setup.” The new initiative comes two years after hundreds of women reported being sexually harassed and assaulted during New Year’s Eve celebrations in Cologne. Other security measures will be implemented for this year’s celebrations in Berlin, including a ban on alcoholic drinks.

Итоги года: главные политические события — 2017
2017-12-30 19:14
Этот год стал интересным для Свердловской области с точки зрения политических событий. Если говорить о международных, то в этом плане рекорд: визит президента Чехии Милоша Земана, многочисленные делегации из Белоруссии, Японии, Франции, стран Персидского залива. Так часто важные иностранные дипломаты не посещали Урал лет 15, не меньше, удивляются одни эксперты. Впрочем, ничего неожиданного, парируют другие: предстоящий чемпионат мира по футболу, участие в борьбе за «ЭКСПО» — все это делает когда-то исключительно промышленную Свердловскую область современным, выставочным, инвестиционно привлекательным регионом. Однако об этом подробнее позже — сейчас о политике внутренней. Еще в начале 2017 года в развитии Среднего Урала настал переломный момент. Об этом написал губернатор Евгений Куйвашев в программной статье, опубликованной в «Областной газете». Глава региона определил конкретные шаги, которые позволят вывести Свердловскую область в тройку лидеров — сразу после Москвы и Санкт-Петербурга. Евгений Куйвашев, губернатор Свердловской области: «Переломность сегодняшнего момента состоит в том, что созданы предпосылки для качественного рывка в развитии Свердловской области. Экономика региона доказала, что она способна выдержать любые конъюнктурные стрессы, создана необходимая инфраструктура, есть энергетические и кадровые ресурсы. Что принципиально важно — впервые за 20 лет в области обеспечена политическая стабильность. Таких условий, благоприятных для развития Свердловской области, не было с начала 90-х годов». Для достижения столь амбициозных целей появилась комплексная программа роста «Пятилетка развития». По замыслу губернатора, этот проект должен был стать по-настоящему народным. Весной 2017-го тогда еще временно исполняющий обязанности губернатора Евгений Куйвашев отправился собирать предложения свердловчан, что называется, из первых уст. Он объездил весь Средний Урал от Пелыма до Сухого Лога. Евгений Куйвашев, врио губернатора Свердловской области: «Я озвучу лишь некоторые планы». — Возможны ли гастроли в малые города и населенные пункты? — Обещаю, что в Шалю приедут. — Какие перспективы строительства школ в городе? — Чем быстрее вы сделаете проект, тем у нас будет больше шансов войти в федеральную программу. — Что в вашей программе предусмотрено для развития спорта? — Крытые ледовые арены с искусственным льдом, их будет 20 построено. Посетив самые отдаленные уголки Среднего Урала, Евгений Куйвашев собрал сотни наказов. Некоторые из них глава региона уже выполнил. Так, в Волчанске появилась дополнительная машина скорой помощи. А в Серове решено профинансировать строительство школы искусств. Народная «Пятилетка развития» стала предвыборной программой Евгения Куйвашева. Выборы губернатора Свердловской области стали главным политическим событием года. Шесть кандидатов, больше трех миллионов избирателей и только один победитель. В выборной гонке участвовал справедливоросс Дмитрий Ионин, Дмитрий Сергин от «Партии пенсионеров», Константин Киселев от «Зеленых», Евгений Куйвашев представлял «Единую Россию», Алексей Парфенов — КПРФ. Единый день голосования состоялся 10 сентября. Сергей Дорофеев, житель Малого Истока: «Это наш общегражданский долг, и я считаю, что если не мы, то тогда вообще будет неизвестно, что в стране. Поэтому надо голосовать за тех людей, которых мы знаем, которым доверяем». В этот день в Свердловской области открылись 2,5 тысячи избирательных участков. Право голоса было обеспечено всем уральцам, в том числе проживающим в труднодоступных районах, находящимся в больницах, СИЗО, ожидающим поезда на вокзале или самолета в аэропорту. Свой выбор смогли сделать и те, кто проходит срочную службу в военных частях Среднего Урала. Артем Гринкевич, военнослужащий: «Я голосую в первый раз, для меня это ново. Думаю, что все пройдет хорошо, хочется испытать — как это в первый раз». В Свердловской области это были первые выборы губерн

Syria: Syrian Forces uncover two mass graves in western Raqqa
2017-12-30 19:45
Syrian Arab Army soldiers found two mass graves which held dozens of bodies of Syrian soldiers and civilians killed by the so-called Islamic State (IS; formerly ISIS/ISIL), in western Raqqa on Friday, according to local media. Residents in western Raqqa passed on the information about the mass graves, stating that the discovered bodies were people that had been executed. The exact number of bodies is yet to be reported. The operation to recover the bodies is expected to take several days due to the scale of the two mass graves.

UK: Fire blazes in Manchester apartment block
2017-12-30 20:06
A fire blazed through the ninth and tenth floors of a 12-storey block of apartments in Manchester on Saturday. Residents of the Joiner Street tower block were evacuated onto the street as 12 fire engines rushed to the scene. Police closed off roads surrounding the area.

USA: Donations pour in for survivors of deadly Bronx fire
2017-12-30 20:25
Local residents brought food supplies and clothing donations to the Bronx New School, on Saturday, following the nearby deadly fire that claimed the lives of 12 people and injured dozens more on Thursday night. Volunteer Emanuele Frias appealed to people to come and help the effort, stating that many of those taking part in the initiative had been affected by the fire. A representative from New York City Fire Department Steve Comer stressed the importance of having a functioning smoke alarm, before calling on residents «not to be using a stove as a heating source in the event of an outage.» The fire at 2363 Prospect Avenue was caused by a three-year-old boy who was playing with the burners of a stove, according to officials. Local authorities said that after the mother of the child had fled the burning apartment with her two children, they left the door open, allowing the fire to spread quickly up the building's stairwell. The victims included several young children. This was New York’s deadliest fire in over 25 years.

UK: Firefighters tackle raging fire in Manchester tower block
2017-12-30 20:29
Firefighters managed to get a tower block blaze in Manchester under control on Saturday. Footage shows a fire burning on the 9th and 10th floors of a 12-storey apartment block on Joiner Street. Twelve fire engines rushed to the scene, where firefighters proceeded to tackle the blaze. Residents were evacuated onto the street and police closed off roads surrounding the area.

Iran: Anti-govt. protests spread to Tehran
2017-12-30 20:54
Demonstrators flooded the streets of Tehran on Saturday as part of a nationwide anti-government protest against rising food prices, unemployment and alleged corruption. Protesters marched through the capital's streets shouting anti-government slogans and decrying Iran’s current economic programme. Earlier on Saturday, a pro-government rally was held in support of the Islamic Republic’s clerical establishment. The Revolutionary Guard, which cracked down on protesters after the 2009 presidential election, said in a statement carried by state media that there were efforts to reignite unrest before adding «the Iranian nation will not allow the country to be hurt.» Prices of food staples such as eggs in Iran have increased by up to 40 percent in recent days, according to reports.

Turkey: Ancient village soon to disappear underwater
2017-12-30 23:18
Video footage captured a precious glimpse of the ancient city of Hasankeyf, in the Batman Province of south-east Turkey, on Saturday. After having stood tall for 12,000 years, the village is about to be submerged for the construction of the Ilisu dam. The village was declared a natural conservation area in 1981 thanks to excavations that have led to the discovery of a settlement that dates back to 9500 BC. Residents of the region will be forced to move into the new settlement in 2018 before the town submerges completely following the construction of the dam. Mesut Cagri, a local, says that he is not proud of moving to the new settlement, «We are not happy because all of this historical heritage you are witnessing will be forever gone.» For Mustafa Gul the 'new' Hasankeyf is a «gamble» since «No one knows if the new Hasankeyf will receive tourists and visitors.» «If Hasankeyf submerges it won’t just be a loss for our country but it would be a great loss for the world’s heritage» says Hasankeyf resident Kemal Ari. The much-debated Ilisu dam project is nearing completion, despite the fact that Hasankeyf and the surrounding Tigris Valley were declared a 'first degree archaeological site' by the Turkish Supreme Court back in 1978.

Russia: 2017's election meddling was 'hard work' — Lavrov jokes
2017-12-30 23:31
Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister (Russian): «Well, you have not listed everything that we have done this year, Sweden, Denmark, Montenegro, Macedonia, Austria. Broadly speaking, we had to work hard, it was not easy.» Tigran Keosayan, Russian presenter (Russian): «It was a fruitful year, wasn't it?» Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister (Russian): «Yeah, that's why we had no time to do other things which are of no less importance such as for instance, the development of cultural ties with Japan.» Tigran Keosayan, Russian presenter (Russian): «Well, I hope we will adjust this next year?» Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister (Russian): «We are now adjusting it. A great successful cultural festival is underway in Japan, so, do not worry about it.» Tigran Keosayan, Russian presenter (Russian): «So, Sergei Victorovich, to be honest, do you feel relief now?» Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister (Russian): «Yes, but still we failed to topple the Japanese Emperor.» Tigran Keosayan, Russian presenter (Russian): «It is like he intends to, doesn't he?» Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister (Russian): «But only in two years. We did our best for it to happen faster. But he begged for two more years.» Tigran Keosayan, Russian presenter (Russian): «Well, we hope.» Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister (Russian): «We hope.» Tigran Keosayan, Russian presenter (Russian): «In the seventies you worked for a few years in Sri Lanka. Is that true?» Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister (Russian): «Yes, for four years.» Tigran Keosayan, Russian presenter (Russian): «Have you kept your [summer] tan since then?» Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister (Russian): «Yes, I regularly top up my tan.» Tigran Keosayan, Russian presenter (Russian): «Do you travel to Sri Lanka?» Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister (Russian): «Not only there but to other countries as well where there is the slightest opportunity, for instance to Austria where I went skiing before, I got a tan in Austria, in winter.» Tigran Keosayan, Russian presenter (Russian): «Do you go skiing?» Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister (Russian): «Yes, I go skiing. But now I have less time. I hope to do it in Sochi.» Tigran Keosayan, Russian presenter (Russian): «Sergei Victorovich, from your perspective, who is the chief moron in the World, in international politics to date. You can use allegorical language or hints, whatever you prefer.» Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister (Russian): «You know, I find it difficult, I do not want to name names in order not to offend anyone, by not mentioning them.» *MULTIPLE SHOTS AT SOURCE* Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister (Russian): «For sure, we are learning from the President [Vladimir Putin].» Tigran Keosayan, Russian presenter (Russian): «Is he the author?» Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister (Russian): «He also uses this phrase. And, broadly speaking, I think that all those with whom we communicate are partners. But there are partners who are capable of holding talks and those are desperately incapable of holding talks, there are more and more such partners in the West.» Tigran Keosayan, Russian presenter (Russian): «Boris Johnson, by the way, Boris [stress on the first syllable] or Boris [Russian pronounciation: stress on the second syllable]?» Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister (Russian): «He calls himself BOris. But recognises that it from Russian roots, so BorIs?» Tigran Keosayan, Russian presenter (Russian): «Does he really have Russian roots?» Sergei La

Syria: Dozens of opposition fighters evacuated from Beit Jinn area
2017-12-30 23:41
Dozens of opposition militants and their relatives were evacuated from the Beit Jinn area, near the Syrian-Israeli border, on Friday. The process was supervised by the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC). According to local media, four buses left for Idlib. It was reported that the agreement to evacuate the anti-government militants was initiated in order to protect citizens and infrastructure. Syrian forces launched an operation to secure the area. Beit Jinn is considered to be the last crucial militant-held enclave southwest of Damascus.

Spain: Real Madrid's public training session delights fans
2017-12-30 23:45
Real Madrid held an open training session to the delight of their fans at the Alfredo Di Stefano youth stadium in Madrid on Saturday. Supporters got to see their idols up close and take a look at the five trophies won by the club in 2017. The 6,000 capacity venue was packed to the rafters, as fans cheered on Ballon d'Or winner Cristiano Ronaldo, captain of Spain Sergio Ramos and the club's manager and legend Zinedine Zidane. At the end of the session, the players kicked souvenir footballs into the crowd, signed autographs and posed for photos.

USA: Erica Garner, daughter of police chokehold victim, dies aged 27
2017-12-30 23:51
Black Lives Matter activist Erica Garner, the daughter of Eric Garner, who died after a police chokehold in New York in 2014, passed away at Woodhull Hospital in Brooklyn on Saturday. The 27-year-old was admitted to hospital last week when she suffered a heart attack triggered by an asthma attack. In an interview outside the hospital, mourner Ayodeile Ericsson said, “I really do applaud the work that she has done since her father's passing and it speaks volumes as to sometimes you can take a tragedy and turn it into a benefit for other people to learn and to experience and to be better for themselves and for the community because all black lives matter.” Garner became an activist after her father died when police used a chokehold during his arrest for allegedly selling loose cigarettes. His final words, “I can’t breathe”, became a rallying call for those protesting police brutality against African Americans in the United States.

Israel: Anti-govt protesters hit streets of Tel Aviv against alleged corruption
2017-12-31 00:25
Thousands of Israelis marched for the fifth consecutive week in Tel Aviv, on Saturday, demanding Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu resign over corruption allegations. Protesters shouted slogans and carried placards denouncing the government. One protester stated, «I think it is very important to come here even though I live abroad to show my support and show it is important to have a better country.» He stressed that corruption should «be eradicated from the core of our politics so that we have a better country.» Right-wing protesters also took part in a counter demo, calling on the state to deport asylum seekers. In the past year, Netanyahu has been questioned in two corruption probes, which he claims to be false accusations from his opponents. Results of the investigation are expected within the next few weeks. If charged, the prime minister would be under pressure to resign or to call new elections.

Belgium: Puigdemont urges Spain and Europe to accept election results in Catalonia
2017-12-31 00:45
Former Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont demanded that Spain recognise the result of the regional elections in Catalonia, following a slim victory for secessionist parties, in a televised address from Brussels on Saturday. “I want to emphasise that the Spanish government has before it a new opportunity of behaving like the European democracy it claims to be and, in doing so, recognise the result of the elections on December 21 and begin the process of negotiating politically with the legitimate government of Catalonia”, said Puigdemont. The ex-president used the traditional end of year address broadcast on Television de Catalunya to focus on the prospects of an independent Catalan state. Puigdemont has called for fresh talks in Brussels or another EU country with the Spanish government. Spain’s Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has insisted that he would only hold talks with any future leader of the Catalan government in Catalonia itself. Puigdemont fled to Belgium in November, where he remains in a self-imposed exile.

Italy: Carabinieri of Bologna release images of armed robbery in Budrio
2017-12-31 01:02
The police department of Bologna released a video of the armed robbery of the Gallo bar of Riccardina di Budrio that led to the death of owner Davide Fabbri on April 1st, Saturday. A closed circuit camera captured the moment of the assault and the struggle between the owner of the bar Davide Fabbri and the assailant known as 'Igor the Russian'. The video comes two weeks after the arrest of the assailant Norbert Feher in Spanish territory.

Iran: Clashes in Ahvaz amidst nationwide protests
2017-12-31 01:20
Protesters clashes with police on the streets of Ahvaz in southwestern Iran on Saturday, on the third day of nationwide anti-government protests against rising food prices, unemployment and alleged corruption. The Revolutionary Guard, which cracked down on protesters after the 2009 presidential election, said in a statement carried by state media that there were efforts to reignite unrest before adding «the Iranian nation will not allow the country to be hurt.» Prices of food staples such as eggs in Iran have increased by up to 40 percent in recent days, according to reports. The protests mark the most significant display of dissent in the Islamic Republic since pro-reform rallies in 2009.

Spain: Catalan separatists met with counter-protests on Majorca public holiday
2017-12-31 03:04
Supporters of Catalan independence held a rally on the Diada de Mallorca ('Day of Majorca') public holiday in the centre of Palma de Majorca on Sunday. The rally drew a large counter-demonstration from unionists. Separatists waved the Estelada, also known as the Lone Star flag, a symbol of Catalan nationalism, and marched with banners depicting various pro-independence slogans. Police formed a line separating the two groups of protesters. Leader of the pro-Spanish political party Circulo Balear Jorge Campos who was present at the rally referred to Catalan nationalism as a «violent and intolerant movement». In an interview, Cristofol Soler, former President of the Balearic Islands Parliament, said, «all of the Catalan countries, Catalonia, the Balearics and the Valencian region, we are a single nation that historically was independent.» The Balearic islands, which are made up of Majorca, Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera, have historic ties with Catalonia and much of the population speaks a Catalan dialect.

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