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Бесплатные уроки английского языка. Учим слова

Урок № 36

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---  Бесплатные уроки английского языка. Учим слова.  ---  

Содержание выпуска:

1. Урок 36. Английский язык по книге.

2. Английские карточки.

 1) Урок 36. Английский язык по книге. (Читаем и переводим)

Отрывок из книги Жюль Верна "20000 лье под водой".

The next day, the 5th of November, at twelve, the delay would (morally speaking) expire; after that time, Commander Farragut, faithful to his promise, was to turn the course to the south-east and abandon for ever the northern regions of the Pacific. The frigate was then in 31@ 15' N. lat. and 136@ 42' E. long. The coast of Japan still remained less than two hundred miles to leeward. Night was approaching. They had just struck eight bells; large clouds veiled the face of the moon, then in its first quarter. The sea undulated peaceably under the stern of the vessel. At that moment I was leaning forward on the starboard netting. Conseil, standing near me, was looking straight before him. The crew, perched in the ratlines, examined the horizon which contracted and darkened by degrees. Officers with their night glasses scoured the growing darkness: sometimes the ocean sparkled under the rays of the moon, which darted between two clouds, then all trace of light was lost in the darkness.

 В этом уроке мы выделили 21 новое слово для запоминания (смотреть список).

Послушать речь диктора и проверить перевод можно на сайте weekenglish.ru в разделе уроки - урок тридцать шестой


2) Английские карточки

 Новые карточки с озвученными словами в разделе "Английские карточки".

 Новая английская карточка: "Спорт".


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