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Бесплатные уроки английского языка. Учим слова

Урок № 35

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---  Бесплатные уроки английского языка. Учим слова.  ---  

Содержание выпуска:

1. Урок 35. Английский язык по книге.

2. Английские карточки.

 1) Урок 35. Английский язык по книге. (Читаем и переводим)

Отрывок из книги Жюль Верна "20000 лье под водой".

This promise was made on the 2nd of November. It had the effect of rallying the ship's crew. The ocean was watched with renewed attention. Each one wished for a last glance in which to sum up his remembrance. Glasses were used with feverish activity. It was a grand defiance given to the giant narwhal, and he could scarcely fail to answer the summons and "appear." Two days passed, the steam was at half pressure; a thousand schemes were tried to attract the attention and stimulate the apathy of the animal in case it should be met in those parts. Large quantities of bacon were trailed in the wake of the ship, to the great satisfaction (I must say) of the sharks. Small craft radiated in all directions round the Abraham Lincoln as she lay to, and did not leave a spot of the sea unexplored. But the night of the 4th of November arrived without the unveiling of this submarine mystery.

 В этом уроке мы выделили 27 новых слов. Посмотреть список слов

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2) Английские карточки

 Новые карточки с озвученными словами в разделе "Английские карточки".

 Новая английская карточка: "Инструменты".

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