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Заседание Президиума РАМИ

13 мая 2005 г. в МГИМО (У) МИД России состоялось заседание Президиума Российской ассоциации международных исследований. В заседании принял участие Председатель Комитета Совета Федерации по международным делам М.В.Маргелов. Он выступил с сообщением об актуальных проблемах внешней политики России и принял участие в дискуссии. Подробнее >>

Ответственный секретарь РАМИ С.С.Судаков рассказал о работе секретариата и перспективах развития Ассоциации. Прошло голосование по принятию новых членов Российской ассоциации международных исследований. За отчетный период в адрес РАМИ поступило около 70 заявлений на членство в Ассоциации. По итогам тайного голосования Президиум постановил принять 42 новых членов. Подробнее >>


Зарубежные семинары и конференции

March 21-25, 2006
ISA Annual Convention 2006 "The North-South Divide and International Studies"

San Diego, CA, USA

Organiser: International Studies Association (ISA)

In the second half of the twentieth century, a good proportion of international relations was colored significantly by the East-West cleavage. The Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States, and their respective allies, generated structural influences that were all-pervasive. Many, if not all, of these influences have now dissipated. Yet there is a good chance that the first half of the twenty-first century will be equally shaped by a North-South cleavage. The gap between North and South is hardly new but it is likely to become more prominent as intra-Northern disputes wane. Many of the processes of current interest to members of ISA - globalization, democratization, nuclear democratic peace, nuclear proliferation, the ascent of China, and terrorism, to name a few - all have strong links to the differential resources, opportunities, and challenges confronted by more affluent and lesser developed parts of the world. Подробнее >>

October 7-8, 2005
International Conference "The Channels of European Integration"

Warsaw, Poland

The Institute of International Economics of the Warsaw School of Economics
The Department of Economics of the University of Tubingen
The Institute for Applied Economic Research, Tubingen

The aim of the conference is to analyse the integration of international factor and output markets and to study implications of the on-going integration process for economic policies. As far as the channels of integration are concerned, a broad concept will be applied by studying trade linkages, foreign direct investment, other capital flows, and migration. Participants will analyse to what extent integration is driven by deregulation and the adjustment of international standards, what barriers to the integration of markets persist, and how integration affects the convergence of economic structures. Studying these issues from a European perspective delivers a lot of practical examples and experiences with economic integration. Подробнее >>


Российская ассоциация международных исследований
119454 Москва пр.Вернадского 76, к.1046
Тел.: +7 095 434-93-31, факс: +7 095 434-91-79
E-mail: risa@mgimo.ru Internet: http://www.rami.ru

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