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Подписание Протокола о намерениях по созданию Балтийского отделения РАМИ

29 апреля 2005 г. в г. Калининграде состоялась церемония подписания Протокола о намерениях между Российской ассоциацией международных исследований (РАМИ) и Калининградским государственным университетом (КГУ) по созданию Балтийского отделения РАМИ. Протокол подписали вице-президент РАМИ А.Ю.Мельвиль и ректор КГУ А.П.Клемешев. Подробнее >>

Экспертный семинар
"Калининградский эксклав и российские интересы на Балтике"

Калининград, 28-30 апреля 2005 г.

28-30 апреля 2005 г. делегация МГИМО(У)-РАМИ в составе А.Ю. Мельвиля, О.Н. Барабанова, А.Л. Борисенко, И.М. Бусыгиной, О.В. Буториной, М.Г. Миронюка, С.С. Судакова, находилась в г. Калининграде для участия в экспертном семинаре “Калининградский эксклав и российские интересы на Балтике”. Семинар был организован Российской ассоциацией международных исследований и Калининградским государственным университетом при поддержке Балтийского Межрегионального института общественных наук (БалтМИОН). Подробнее >>


Зарубежные семинары и конференции

24 - 27 August, 2005
WISC International Studies Conference "Bringing International Studies Together: contrasting approaches and agendas"

Istanbul, Turkey
Organiser: WISC
ISA, and over 20 other associations, under the WISC (World International Studies Committee) umbrella, are joining forces to create the first ever truly global conference on international relations, August 24 through August 27, 2005 at Bilgi University in Istanbul, Turkey. Just before the start of World War II, the League of Nations issued a call for this type of conference, but global war and then the Cold War prevented its occurrence. Now, the global community of international studies scholars will respond to the League's call. ISA is proud to be a co-sponsor of the conference. However, to guarantee that it will be a truly global one, we have agreed to restrict our participation to no more than about 250 of ISA's members. Подробнее >>

Стажировки и гранты

Go West: Master Study and Internship
Organiser: Haniel Foundation, Germany
Kind of support/work: The Foundation offers scholarships for a Master program (e.g. Master of European Studies, MPP, MPA) in Germany and doing a practical training at an international institution or enterprise afterwards. Students will be supported with 5000 to 8000 EUR.
Duration: 1-2 years
Topics: European Studies, Economics
Eligibility: Students with BA or MA degree in Economics from Central and East European countries (including Russia). Basic knowledge of English and German is required.
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Global Supplementary Grant Program for Doctoral Studies
Western Europe, the Middle/Near East
Organiser: Soros foundation
Kind of support/work: Grants are provided to help cover costs in one of the following categories: Tuition and fees (not to exceed 50 percent), living expenses, additional expenses (travel expenses, books, materials, or health insurance).
Duration: one year of study with the option to apply for a second year.
Topics: The Global Supplementary Grant Program offers supplementary grants to students from selected countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. The grants enable qualified students to pursue doctoral studies in the humanities and social sciences at accredited universities.
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