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В выпуске N 221 от 01.07.2007

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Medical News

выпуск N 221 от 01.07.2007

Сервер медицинских новостей

В выпуске:


Клещевой энцефалит, боррелиоз - Россия (Удмуртия)
птичка ВИЧ-инфекция (итоги) - Казахстан (ЮКО)  
птичка Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever - Russia (Ingushetia)
птичка HIV, Nosocomial Transmission - Kazakhstan (03)
птичка Tickborne Disease - Russia (Multiregion)
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Клещевой энцефалит, боррелиоз - Россия (Удмуртия)



Дата:  30  июня 2007

От: ПроМЕД-мэйл  модератора НР

Источник:  Газетасентр.ру,  29  июня 2007 [Модератор НР]



Четыре жителя Удмуртии заболели клещевым энцефалитом


Диагноз клещевой энцефалит поставлен 4 жителям Удмуртии, клещевой боррелиоз 21. По последним данным специалистов Управления Роспотребнадзора по УР, за неделю с присасыванием клещей обратились свыше 1400 человек. Это почти в 2 раза больше показателей прошлой недели.

В Роспотребнадзоре активность клещей связывают с погодными условиями. Всю неделю стояла влажная теплая погода, благоприятная для клещей. Всего с начала сезона к специалистам обратились более 12,5 тысяч человек. Из них более 4,6 тысяч жители Ижевска. Несмотря на высокую обращаемость, в текущем году количество людей, ставших жертвами нападений таежных клещей, несколько ниже аналогичного периода прошлого года.

Всего в вирусологические лаборатории Удмуртии для обследования клещей были сданы около 10 тысяч клещей. Проведенные исследования показали, что каждый пятый клещ является носителем вируса клещевого энцефалита, а каждый третий клещевого боррелиоза.    Активность клещей до сих пор остается достаточно высокой, поэтому при посещении леса всем необходимо соблюдать меры безопасности, предупреждают в Роспотребюнадзоре.


[Комментарий - Мод НР.  Таков итог заболеваемости связанной с клещами в Удмуртии - 4 случая клещевого энцефалита и 21 случая боррелиоза. В мае этого же года, в Удмуртии был зарегистрирован один летальный случай от клещевого энцефалита. - Mod. NR]

ВИЧ-инфекция (итоги) - Казахстан (ЮКО)



Дата:  30  июня 2007

От: ПроМЕД-мэйл  модератора НР

Источник:  Газетасентр.ру,  29  июня 2007 [Модератор НР]



В Казахстане вынесен приговор медикам, из-за которых больше ста детей были заражены


Сегодня в казахстанском городе Чимкенте завершился беспрецедентный судебный процесс по делу о массовом заражении детей ВИЧ-инфекцией. Среди обвиняемых - бывшие руководители местного здравоохранения, главные и рядовые врачи, а также медсестры нескольких больниц. Среди потерпевших - маленькие дети и их матери. Все они, по версии следствия, стали жертвами халатности медицинского персонала. Пациентам в больницах переливали кровь людей, зараженных смертельно опасным вирусом.

Приговор, который устроил не всех. Слезы и истерика в зале. И срочно вызванная в здание суда бригада скорой помощи. Хотя первую медицинскую помощь мог оказать любой из подсудимых. Но на их руках в этот момент защелкивались наручники. 16 обвиняемых в деле чимкентских врачей здание суда покинули, прикрывая лицо бумагой. В казахстанских колониях им придется провести от 3 до 8 лет.

Четверых самых высокопоставленных работников здравоохранения осудили условно. Это как раз и возмутило родителей пострадавших детей. "За наше горе должны были ответить все подсудимые в белых халатах" - твердили после приговора люди, чьи лица снимать строго запрещено. Это отрывок из сюжета программы "Время" конца прошлого года. К этому времени врачам уже удалось выявить причину загадочной эпидемия пневмонии в южном Казахстане. Болели ей исключительно дети. Почти младенцы. Все они когда-то лечились в детских больницах Чимкента. Всем им когда-то переливали кровь доноров. Первый же серьезный анализ показал - дети ВИЧ - инфицированы.   Из приговора суда. "Все дети были заражены из-за ненадлежащего выполнения обязанностей со стороны врачей... В больницах процветало взяточничество, незаконная торговля кровью".

Чимкентское "дело врачей" стало самой болезненной темой за всю историю здравоохранения независимого Казахстана. Обсуждать еe стыдно и больно. А замолчать невозможно - масштабы не те. Заражено 118 детей и 14 взрослых. Оставалось только принимать меры. Наказать виновных. Выделить пострадавшим материальную помощь. И навести порядок в больницах и на пунктах переливания крови. Где теперь, судя по этим кадром, царят контроль и стерильность. Только всe это уже не поможет детям, зараженным смертельным вирусом.


[Комментарий - Мод НР   Чимкентская трагедия явилась одной из самых печальных историй прошлого и начала настоящего года. Страницу этой истории нельзя закрывать только лишь судебным приговором. Следует постоянно работать над улучшением качества медицинской помощи и  обеспечением безопасности крови. - Mod. NR]

Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever - Russia (Ingushetia)

A ProMED-mail post http://www.promedmail.org
ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases http://www.isid.org

Date: Mon 25 Jun 2007
Source: Pravda.Ru, News, Mon 25 June 2007 [translated by Mod.NR; edited]

Russia: fatal case of CCHF reported in Ingushetia
A man has died as a result of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) virus infection in Ingushetia, according to a primary care physician in the Nazr-Kort district. Currently the medical authorities in Ingushetia are striving to alert the general population to the dangers of CCHF virus infection and are working to increase awareness of protective measures and risk avoidance.

The first outbreak of CCHF in Ingushetia occurred in September-October 2004. At that time between 3 and 6 people died as a result of CCHF. The virus is showing up again this year [2007].

CCHF is an infectious disease characterised by fever, severe general discomfort, a hemorrhagic rash in skin and mucous membranes, and hemorrhage. Sporadic cases occur in the southern parts of Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, parts of Central Asia, the southern part of Kazakhstan, and parts of Asia, Africa and southern Europe. The sources of infection are cows, goats and some wild mammals. The reservoirs of infection are ixodid ticks.

communicated by:

[The Republic of Ingushetia in the Russian North Caucasus borders on Georgia to the south. Its neighbours within Russia are Chechnya and North Ossetia. A diagram of its location and a short description are available at http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/country_profiles/3829691.stm.

CCHF is caused by infection with a tickborne virus (genus _Nairovirus_) in the family _Bunyaviridae_. The disease was first characterized in the Crimea in 1944 and given the name Crimean hemorrhagic fever. It was then later recognized in 1969 as the cause of illness in the Congo, thus resulting in the current name of the disease.

CCHF virus is found in Eastern Europe, particularly in the former Soviet Union. It is also distributed throughout the Mediterranean, in northwestern China, central Asia, southern Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and the Indian subcontinent.

Ixodid (hard) ticks, especially those of the genus, _Hyalomma_, are both a reservoir and a vector for the CCHF virus. Numerous wild and domestic animals, such as cattle, goats, sheep and hares, serve as amplifying hosts for the virus. Transmission to humans occurs through contact with infected animal blood or ticks. CCHF can be transmitted from one infected human to another by contact with infectious blood or body fluids. Documented spread of CCHF has also occurred in hospitals due to improper sterilization of medical equipment, reuse of injection needles, and contamination of  medical supplies. - Mod.CP]

HIV, Nosocomial Transmission - Kazakhstan (03)
A ProMED-mail post http://www.promedmail.org
ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases http://www.isid.org

Date: Wed 27 Jun 2007
Source: BBC News online [edited]

A court in the Central Asian state of Kazakhstan has found 21 medical workers guilty of causing an HIV outbreak, which has so far killed 10 children. At least 119 children and babies contracted the virus after receiving treatment in hospitals in Shymkent. The judge said that the accused had acted recklessly, and that corruption and malpractice led to the outbreak. The HIV outbreak was 1st discovered last year [2006], but the number of cases is still rising. The night before the verdict, another child died. He was 2 years old.

The judge announced that all 21 medical workers on trial were guilty. But for each defendant he announced a different punishment. Medical workers accused of trading illegal blood were sentenced to 8 years in prison. Several doctors were sentenced from 3 to 5 years. But the former head of the regional health department and 4 of her deputies had their sentences suspended. Many said that this was not the kind of justice they were hoping for, and added that they would appeal.

An investigation into the outbreak found that many children had unnecessary and often multiple blood transfusions. Medical equipment was often not sterilised properly. One boy, who is now aged 2, contracted the virus after receiving a blood transfusion prescribed to treat pneumonia. It is unclear why the suspected infected transfusions affected only children.

communicated by:

[It must be presumed that the practice of treatment of illness in children by transfusion of blood, together with inadequate screening of blood products, has contributed to this unfortunate incident. It is to be hoped that the practice will now be abandoned. - Mod.CP

Shymkent, in Ongtustik Qazaqstan (South Kazakhstan) Province, can be located on the map at http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/commonwealth/kazakhstan_pol01.jpg . - CopyEd.MJ
This thread is now cut. - Mod.CP]
Tickborne Disease - Russia (Multiregion)
A ProMED-mail post http://www.promedmail.org
ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases http://www.isid.org

[1] Republic of Buryatia
[2] Irkutsk region
[3] Arkhangelsk region

[1] Republic of Buryatia
Date: Fri 22 Jun 2007
Source: Regnum News Agency, [in Russian, trans. Mod.NP, edited]

In Buryatia, since the beginning of the season of tick activity, 2196 persons have sought medical aid after tick bites. Of these, 834 are children and teenagers. Thus, the majority of the persons bitten by ticks -- 88 per cent -- were not vaccinated against tickborne encephalitis [virus]. Tickborne encephalitis [TBE] was suspected in 33 persons who were hospitalized and of these, the diagnosis was confirmed in 14 patients.

The greatest number of people seeking medical aid after tick bites was registered in the Kabansky district (431 cases), with 113 cases in Tarbagataysky district and 146 cases in Barguzinsky district. In Ulan-Ude (the capital of Buryatia), 651 persons have been vaccinated [against TBE virus].

At the beginning of the [TBE] epidemic season, over 30 000 persons were vaccinated against tickborne encephalitis [virus], including 15 000 children. Acaricide treatment was carried out in 108 areas, including 58 summer camps, 29 school platforms, and 57 tourist bases.

communicated by:

[The Republic of Buryatia is located in the Siberian Federal District. The total area of the republic is 351.3 sq km (135.6 sq mi). A map of Russia showing Buryatia can be accessed at http://russiatrek.org/rp_buryatia.shtml. - Mod.TY]

[2] Irkutsk region
Date: Fri 22 June 2007
Source: Regnum News Agency, [in Russian, trans. Mod.NP, edited]

As of 21 Jun [2007], 7986 inhabitants of the Irkutsk region, including 1680 children, have sought medical aid in connection with tick bites since the beginning of a dangerous season. The press service of the Central Administrative Board of the Ministry of Extreme Situations of Russia for the Irkutsk region, announced that for the last week, 15-22 Jun [2007],  836 persons have suffered from tick [bites], including 142 children.

Only 33 cases of tickborne encephalitis have been registered since the beginning of the season; [of these], disease was registered in 6 children. For the similar period of 2006, 7172 cases of tick bites were registered, including 1566 cases in children, and 17 cases of tickborne encephalitis.

Special [tick acaricidal] treatments were carried out in a territory of 1283.9 hectares (3173 acres), and 109 summer camps with an area of 349 hectares (862.4 acres).

communicated by:

[Irkutskaya oblast is located in the Siberian Federal District. It has an area of 775 000 sq km (299,230 sq mi) and makes up about 4.6 per cent of the territory of the Russian Federation. Located in the centre of the continent, Irkutskaya region borders Krasnoyarskaya region, the Republic of Tuva, Yakutiya, the Republic of Buryatia, and Chitinskaya region. A map of
Irkutsk region can be accessed at http://russiatrek.org/r_irkutsk.shtml. - Mod.TY]

[3] Arkhangelsk region
Date: Fri 22 Jun 2007
Source: Press-uz.info, [in Russian, trans. Mod.NP, edited]

Since March 2007, 4566 persons, including 1314 children, have suffered from tick bites in the Arkhangelsk region. The diagnosis of tickborne encephalitis was made in 63 persons and confirmed in 14 patients. These data have been provided to the correspondent of an agency in a department of Epidemiological Supervision of Management of Rospotrebnadzor [Federal Service for Monitoring Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare] in the Arkhangelsk region. The number of tick bites increased 28.6 per cent in comparison with the similar period last year [2006].

The greatest number of tick bites has been registered in the Velsky district (639), followed by Kotlas (454), Koryazhma (353), Kotlas district (325), Krasnoborsky district (311), Konoshsky district (304), Ustyansky district (292), Verkhnetoyemsky district (267), Shenkursky district (244), Hyandomsky district (227), Vinogradovsky (193) districts, Plesetsk (184), Onega (177), and areas of Kargopolsky district (168).

Basically, [with the warmer weather] inhabitants of southern areas of the region suffer from tick bites. Lethal outcomes after tick bites in the region have not been recorded. Victims of tick bites treated in [a timely fashion] receive [immunoglobulin]. "It is available in enough drugstores of the city and in the region", reported Rospotrebnadzor. So, 2494 persons have received immune preventive treatment against tickborne encephalitis [virus infection], representing 54.6 per cent of the number of the persons with tick bites who have sought medical aid. Among the adult population, 1337 people have received immune preventive treatment (41.1 per cent of the number of persons who sought medical aid). Of the children who received
medical aid, 1157 (88.1 per cent) were given immunoglobulin.
communicated by:

[Arkhangelskaya oblast is located in the North-Western Federal District, on the White Sea. A map of the Arkhangelsk region can be accessed at http://russiatrek.org/r_arkhangelsk.shtml. - Mod.TY

The following description of the 2 TBE viruses is reproduced from ProMED-mail 20050919.2770:

Tickborne encephalitis is caused by 2 closely related flaviviruses. The eastern subtype of tickborne encephalitis virus (TBE) causes Russian spring-summer encephalitis and is transmitted by the tick _Ixodes persulcatus_. The western subtype causes Central European encephalitis and is transmitted by the tick _Ixodes ricinus_. The eastern subtype occurs across Russia and northern Asia, whereas the western subtype occurs in foci from Scandinavia in the north to Greece in the south. The eastern subtype is associated with more severe disease, and, in some outbreaks, mortality up to 25 per cent has occurred. The majority of infections are a consequence of tick bites, but, rarely, infection has occurred by consumption of infected [unpasteurized] cow or goat milk.

Inactivated vaccines are available for protection against both subtypes. - Mod.CP]

Рекомендуем посетить:

Сайт "Биозащита": проблемы противодействия биотерроризму, распространению биологического   (бактериологического) оружия, массовым заболеваниям людей, животных и растений антропогенного и природного происхождения.

В поле зрения на 25.06.2007:

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ProMed Home: Программа по мониторингу инфекционных заболеваний представляет собой электронную информационную систему по регистрации вспышек инфекционных болезней во всем мире. ProMED-mail является основным сайтом новостей, современных знаний и дискуссий, ежедневно обеспечивающим свежей информацией со всей планеты.


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  • Особо подчеркиваем, что мы не несем ответственности за последствия самостоятельного использования медицинских рекомендаций, которые могут присутствовать в приводимом нами материале. Последние могут служить только для ознакомительных целей, а любые медицинские вмешательства должны быть произведены только под контролем врача.

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