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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: Noncommutative rings and their Applications, III

Dear All,

This message is the first announcement for an international conference
that will be held in the Science faculty of Artois University in Lens
(France) from 1st to 4th July 2013. This meeting entitled

"Noncommutative rings and their Applications, III"

will be very much in the same spirit as the similar meetings in 2009 and 2011.

For more details please visit the following webpage:


Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Sincerely yours,

Andre' Leroy

PS: For your convenience I am summarizing the main features of this meeting just here:

1) Main presentation

The mornings will be devoted to a course given by Steven Dougherty and talks given by 4 invited speakers : Alberto Facchini, Dolors Herbera, Edmund Puczylowski and Patrick Sole'. The afternoons will be reserved for presentations of the participants. The course by Prof. S. Dougjherty will mainly show the use of Noncommutative techniques of ring theory in Coding theory (including connexion between Frobenius finite rings and MacWilliams formulas in coding theory, codes and group algebras, codes and Ore extensions,....).

2) Special features

One of the objectives is to have fruitful discussions between the participants. With this in mind I'll try to have besides the room for the lectures and the room for computers one or two more rooms for discussions. Participants will be invited to present their "open questions/problems" and there will be some slots in the schedule for these kind of discussions.

3) Proceedings:

The participants will be asked to consider publishing their results in a proceeding.

4) Scientific Committee

1. Steven Dougherty, University of Scranton, USA.
2. Alberto Facchini, University of Padova, Italy.
3. Dolors Herbera, Universitat Automna de Barcelona, Spain.
4. S.K. Jain, University of Ohio, USA and King Abdulaziz University Saudi Arabia.
5. Jerzy Matczuk, Warsaw University, Poland.
6. Edmund Puczylowski, Warsaw University, Poland
7. Patrick Sole', ParisTech, France.
8. Fe'lix Ulmer, University of Rennes, France.

5) Registration.

To register just send me an email. There will be a registration fee of 30 Euros. The breakfasts and the lunches will be free.

6) Other events

There will be a banquet of the congress (15-20 Euros) I will try to organize a visit of "Le Louvre Lens". In fact the well-known museum of " le Louvre" just opened a new branch in Lens...

Please visit the web page of the congress for more information:

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