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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: Erdos Centennial conference

Erdos Centennial conference


The Hungarian Academy of Sciences, The Alfre Re'ei Institute of Mathematics Hungarian Academy of Sciences, The Jaos Bolyai Mathematical Society, The Eovo:os Lorad University of Budapest announce that a conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Paul Erdo"s will be held from Monday, July 1st to Friday, July 5th, 2013, in Budapest, Hungary. Distinguished main patron of the conference is Joef Pa'anka'sa
the President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The topics of the conference include all basic fields that Paul Erdo"s contributed to: Number Theory, Combinatorics (including Combinatorial Algebra, Combinatorial Geometry and Theoretical Computer Science), Analysis (including Approximation Theory and Ergodic Theory), Probability Theory, and Set Theory among others. The main goal of the conference is to explore Paul Erdo"s' wide ranging contributions to mathematics, and to attempt to survey the trends of
development originating in his work.

Scientific Program

The program will include the following types of lectures and presentations.

Plenary lectures

These will be expository lectures on particular areas related to Paul Erdos' work. We emphasize that these talks will be addressed to a broad mathematical audience. The plenary speakers will be

Noga Alon
Be'la Bolloba's
Timothy Gowers
Ben Green
Elon Lindenstrauss
Tomasz Luczak
Daniel Mauldin
Ja'nos Pach
Yuval Peres
Ja'nos Pintz
Carl Pomerance
Vojtech Ro:dl
Saharon Shelah
Terence Tao
Vilmos Totik

Parallel sessions

There will be five parallel sessions in the fields listed above consisting of
invited lectures of 30 minutes duration each. The emphasis will be on the
influence of Paul Erdos' work.

Poster Session

Anyone who wishes to present her or his work in scheduled poster sessions
should submit an extended abstract of length at most 6 pages in Pdf form by
February 28th, 2013, via the webpage


These abstracts will be refereed. We plan to publish the abstracts online.


For small groups that wish to get together for specialized discussions we
shall be happy to arrange the appropriate facilities.

Conference volume

A volume containing the plenary talks and invited papers of the topics of the
conference will be available during the conference.

The program starts as follows:

June 30th, Sunday: Arrival, Registration, Welcome drink.

July 1st, Monday: Talks begin.

The Registration Desk will be open every morning.

Social events

- Welcome drink on Sunday, June 30th
- Conference banquet on Thursday, July 4th. It will be held on a
sightseeing boat during a cruise on the river Danube.
- Show of George P. Csicsery's new film on Paul Erdo"s

Registration and Accommodation

The registration fee is EUR 250 if paid before March 31st, 2013; EUR 290 until
May 31st and EUR 400 afterwards. For Details on registration please consult
the webpage http://www.renyi.hu/conferences/registration.html

The registration fee of a limited number of graduate students, postdocs and
young researchers (age limit 35) will be (partially) supported. People who
wish to receive reduced registration fee should submit an application
containing their vita and list of publications in PDF form to the conference's
email address. The application deadline is February 28, 2013.

Hotel accommodation at various comfort levels and prices will be
available. Details will be provided on the webpage

The registration fee includes
- Admission to scientific sessions
- Conference Program
- Welcome drink
- Refreshments
- Banquet on Thursday, July 4th

There is a possibility to buy additional tickets for the Banquet at the
Registration Desk.


Conference site

The site of the conference is the magnificent 19th century main building of
the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

1051 Budapest
Sze'chenyi ter 9.


Arriving to Budapest by air

If you don't have a lot of luggage, the cheapest (and sometimes fastest) way
is to use the regular (blue) bus service. That for the price of a regular
ticket (320 HUF) takes you to the end station of underground (Metro) line No
3. On this bus you can also buy a ticket from the driver (400 HUF). Bus No
200E stops at the terminal roughly every 12-15 minutes (see schedule). Buses
are available till after midnight, but keep in mind that the last underground
train leaves at 23:15 (there are night buses afterwards). There is a shuttle
service called Airport Shuttle, which costs 3200 HUF for one person one way;
5500 HUF for a roundtrip. For two people the prices are 4790 HUF one way and
8790 HUF roundtrip. The Airport shuttle picks you up together with 4-5 other
passengers and takes you to the given address, but you may not be the first to
get to your destination. You may buy your minibus ticket at the counter in the
arrival hall (ATM's and exchange bureaus are available at the airport). Your
return trip should be ordered by phone 1 or 2 days before leaving (phone #:

The taxis you see when walking out of the airport, Fo"taxi works with a fixed
transfer price 3800-6500 HUF. (The city is divided into zones. The tariff
depends ONLY on the starting and ending zone of the trip, and not on the
distance covered, nor on the time of the trip.) The price for the way back is:
3990-4590 HUF. Most of the other taxi companies also have fixed airport rates,
and can be ordered in advance. You can find a list of the companies here.

Arriving to Budapest by train

If you arrive at Keleti (Eastern) Railway Station, you can take
underground line No. 2 and several buses (numbers 7, 173, 78 etc).
Those who arrive to the Nyugati (Western) Railway Station could take
trolley-bus no. 72 or underground line No. 3. If you arrive at the
De'li (Southern) Railway Station, you can take underground line No. 2.
If you arrive late at night it is better to take a taxi (see above).

Public transport

In Budapest, there is a great variety of public transport: underground
(metro), buses, trams, even trolleys. For more information on schedules or
night services see the page of BKV Rt. (Budapest Transport Ltd.) (Google
maps) offers the same information.


In general, when taking a taxi while in Budapest it is better to take one
belonging to a taxi company. Otherwise you should inquire about the fare in
advance in order to diminish the risk of an unpleasant surprise. (Also if it's
possible, call a taxi by phone instead of flagging one - it's cheaper)

Passport and Visa

Visitors to Hungary from outside the European Union should consult the
Hungarian Embassy in their country whether they need a visa to enter Hungary.


The official currency in Hungary is the Hungarian Forint (HUF), the exchange
rate is 1 EUR = 295 HUF (February 8th, 2013). There is no money exchange at
the conference registration desk.

Weather and Clothing

The climate in Hungary in July is usually sunny with an average daily
temperature of 25 C (77 Fahrenheit). Showers may occur but normally humidity
is not high. However, it is not totally unlikely that temperatures may stay
only in the teens. Informal dress is appropriate for all events.

Electricity supply

In Hungary electricity is supplied at 220 V, 50 Hz. The 2-pin plug is
different from the one used in some other countries, but same as in for
example Germany.

Budapest, the Host City

The twin cities of Buda and Pest are situated opposite each other on the banks
of the Danube. Buda, on the right bank is the more ancient of the two, going
back in her origins to Roman times and beyond. The baroque Royal Palace -
looking down to the plain where the city of Pest sprawls - is the fourth or
fifth regal habitat on the hill. Pest, the more modern, is the home of the
country's political life and the seat of government. There, in the heart of
the administration district, stands the magnificent neo-gothic building of the
Houses of Parliament and just a few of blocks away the central building of the
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, next to the oldest bridge of the city. Pest,
which stretches to the East and to the South, is also the center of business,
banking and industry of the country. Do not miss the busy shopping street of
"Vaci utca" with its elegant shops and cafes. Hilly Buda, with her famous
museums on Castle Hill and the winding medieval streets of the old "burgher
town", offering romantic walks and enchanting views of bustling Pest, is also
renowned for the traditional Hungarian cuisine to be tasted in some of the
country's finest restaurants. Another famous feature of Budapest is the
wealth of its thermal baths. They were introduced by the Turks in the 16th
century. There are nice swimming pools, as well, so don't forget your swimming
suit at home!

The organizing committee:

La'szlo' Lova'sz (Chair), Vera T. So's (Chair), Attila Sali (Secretary), Miklo's
Abe'rt, Andra's Hajnal, Gyula O.H. Katona, Miklo's Laczkovich, Pe'ter Pa'l Pa'lfy,
Pa'l Re've'sz, Andra's Sa'rko:zy, Miklo's Simonovits, Lajos Soukup, Jo'zsef Szabados,
Endre Szemere'di.

The e-mail address of the conference is erdos100@renyi.mta.hu,
the URL is http://www.renyi.hu/conferences/erdos100

Local Organizing Committee: Dezso" Miklo's (Chair), Andra's Recski, Attila Sali,
Katalin Vesztergombi, Pe'ter Csorba, Pe'ter Csikva'ri, Bala'zs Patko's, Do:mo:to:r

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