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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: DISCRETE GEOMETRY for COMPUTER IMAGERY

Call for Demonstrations

The 16th International Conference on

April 6th - 8th 2011
Nancy, France



For the first time, the 16 th edition of DGCI 2011 will host a
demonstration session. The purpose of this session is to provide the
opportunity to present and share effective applications related to the
main topics of DGCI.

The demonstrations are not limited to papers that will appear at DGCI
2011 and can also be done from works that were presented on past
conferences or others venues. Moreover new development tools/libraries
that will be used in future research can also be presented in this
demonstration session.

The only selection criteria will rely on subjects of the demonstration
which have to be relevant with topics of Discrete Geometry:

* Models for Discrete Geometry (grids, discrete objects,
discrete model properties, digitization schemes, metrics,...)

* Discrete and Combinatorial Topology

* Geometric Transforms (image mappings, distance transformation,
skeletons and medial axis,...)

* Discrete Shape Representation, Recognition and Analysis

* Discrete Tomography

* Morphological Analysis

* Discrete Modelling and Visualization

* Discrete and Combinatorial Tools for Image Segmentation and Analysis

The best demonstrations could be selected as candidate for a special
issue on DGCI Demonstrations of the journal:
"Image Processing On Line" (http://www.ipol.im/)

Prospective demo participants should fill out and submit the following
demonstration form by email before January 31st . At least one
of the people presenting the demo must be registered for the
conference. In the case that there are more demonstrations than the
available space allowed, the date of the submission will be used in
the selection of participants.

Deadline for demo : January 31st , 2011
Demonstration notification: February 10th , 2011

With our best wishes for a Merry Christmas!
Best regards.

DGCI 2011 organizers.

Contact & Further Information

Demonstration submission form:




Content already published: YES/NO (If yes, please precise the conference/journal)

Abstract: (you can attach to the mail a pdf file including images/text)


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