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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: Second International Conference on Order, Algebra and Logics



(Honoring Ralph McKenzie, Hiroakira Ono and Andrzej Wronski
on the occasion of their 70th Birthdays)


June 6-10, 2011, Krakow, POLAND


This meeting shares the goals of the conference with the same title,
held Nashville in June 2007, and continues the tradition of related
conferences in Prague, Novi Sad and Szeged.

Recent years have witnessed increased research activity on the
interface between logic and universal algebra. In particular, the use
of algebraic methods has proved to be fruitful in the study of
non-classical logics as well as in investigations related to the
constraint satisfaction problem. The purpose of the conference is to
bring together researchers from these fields to foster collaboration
and further research.

The featured areas include, but are not limited to, the following (in
alphabetical order):

- Algebraic logic
- Algorithmic problems in algebra
- Applications of universal algebra to logics
- Applications of universal algebra to the constraint satisfaction problem
- Complexity and other algorithmic problems
- Duality theory for algebraic structures
- Lattice theory
- Modal logics
- Non-classical logics
- Ordered algebraic structures
- Ordered sets
- Proof theory
- Residuated structures and substructural logics
- Tame congruence theory and applications
- Topological methods in algebra and logic

The scientific program consists of 50-minute plenary lectures, and
20-minute contributed talks.

- Libor Barto (Prague/Hamilton)
- Nikolaos Galatos (Denver)
- Mai Gehrke (Nijmegen)
- Keith Kearnes (Boulder)
- Tomasz Kowalski (Lisbon)
- Tadeusz Litak (Leicester)
- Petar Markovic (Novi Sad)
- Miklos Maroti (Szeged)
- Vicenzo Marra (Milan)
- George McNulty (Columbia)
- George Metcalfe (Bern)
- Daniele Mundici (Florence)
- Kazushige Terui (Kyoto)
- Matthew Valeriote (Hamilton)
- Ross Willard (Waterloo)

- Wieslaw Dziobiak, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
- Pawel Idziak, Jagiellonian University
- Marcin Kozik, Jagiellonian University
- Constantine Tsinakis, Vanderbilt University

Researchers wishing to present a 20-30 minute contributed talk at the
conference are invited to submit a short version of their paper via the
EasyChair conference management system. (Please refer to the conference web
site for detailed instructions.) These short papers must be submitted as
.pdf files, have a length of two to three pages, and clearly describe the
topic and contribution of the proposed talk. The first page should include
title, names of authors, the affiliation, address, and email of the
corresponding author. The submission procedure will also require the
authors to provide some keywords describing the topic of the paper; and a
plain text abstract (200 words maximum). Hence, keywords and abstract
should not be included in the paper proper. The paper and the abstract must
be submitted by 23:59 CET February 14th, 2011. The authors of accepted
papers will be notified by March 28th, 2011.

The conference fee will be 500 PLN prior to April 29th, 2011, and 750 PLN
thereafter. The fee will cover costs related to conference activities,
including coffee breaks and the banquet, but it will not cover the hotel and
meal expenses of the conference participants. The banquet fee for each
accompanying person is 150 PLN. Fees can be paid in advance by money
transfer, or by cash at the conference site. NO CREDIT CARDS WILL BE
ACCEPTED. (Further details regarding registration and payment procedures
will be provided at the beginning of 2011.)

Lodging information will be posted in the conference website early at the
beginning of January 2011

- Submission of paper and abstract: February 14, 2011
- Acceptance notification: March 28, 2011
- Deadline to register with a registration fee of 500 PLN: April 29, 2011
(The registration fee after this date is 750 PLN
- Conference: June 6-10, 2011

Information about the conference can be found at the conference web site at
"http://2oal.tcs.uj.edu.pl/index.html" (without the quotes). E-mail
inquiries should be directed "2oal@tcs.uj.edu.pl".

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