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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: Workshop on Algebra, Combinatorics and Dynamics

This is an announcement of the Workshop on Algebra, Combinatorics and Dynamics to be held in August 30-September 2, 2010 at Queen's University Belfast.

Please see for further details:


Speakers include: Vladimir Bavula (Sheffield, UK), Peter Cameron (London, UK), Vladimir Dotsenko (Dublin, Ireland), David Jordan (Sheffield, UK), Stephane Launois (Kent, UK), Tom Lenagan (Edinburgh, UK), Jean-Louis Loday (Strasbourg, France), Abdenacer Makhlouf (Mulhouse, France), Sergei Silvestrov (Lund, Sweden), Agata Smoktunowicz (Edinburgh, UK), Robert Wisbauer (Dusseldorf, Germany)

If you would like to suggest a talk you can e-mail a title/abstract (as a TeX file) to n.iyudu@qub.ac.uk

The workshop will focus on recent developments and classical ideas in the interplay between structural properties of algebras, properties of their representations and combinatorics and dynamics. We are particularly interested to discuss problems where combinatorial methods appear as a main ingredient in the solution of an algebraic problem or where arguments of dynamical nature help to understand better some algebraic phenomenon. We will consider structures appeared in various applications, in particular in
physics, in analysis and in coding theory.

Topics of our attention include, but are not limited to the following:
- Combinatorics of defining relations, particularly combinatorics and dynamics of words; semigroups and semigroup algebras;
- Properties of various generating series associated to rings, Hilbert series, growth, combinatorics of primes;
- Representation spaces, dynamics of Gl(n) action; Deformation theory;
- Novikov structures, pre-Lie algebras, operads, connections with Feynman Graphs, Leibnitz algebras and generalizations; other structures with origins in physics;
- Combinatorics in Lie theory;
- Actions of groups over rings, lower K-groups over noncommutative rings;
- Operator algebras and semigroup actions on Banach spaces, their (infinite-dimensional) dynamics.
- Computational aspects of the above and some other problems (like constructive version of the Quillen-Suslin theorem), in particular, related to the Groebner bases theory

We are grateful to the London Mathematical Society and to the British Combinatorial Committee for the support of the Workshop. Limited financial support for research students is available, contact n.iyudu@qub.ac.uk for details.

Looking forward to meet you in Belfast.

Natalia Iyudu

Department of Pure Mathematics
Queen's University Belfast

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