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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: Session on Computational Group Theory at ICMS 2010 in Kobe, Japan

Dear GAP Forum,

From 13th to 17th September this year, the Department of Mathematics at Kobe University, Kobe, Japan will host the 3rd International Congress on Mathematical Software, a meeting of developers and users of mathematical software systems such as GAP. One session of the conference will be devoted Computational Group Theory and organised by Bettina Eick and Steve Linton. We would like to invite GAP users and package developers to attend the conference and this session in particular. We especially hope that this will
be an opportunity to meet those of you who are based in Asia and do not have the chance to get to Europe so often.

Information about the conference can be found at http://www.mathsoftware.org/, enquiries about the session on Computational Group Theory can be sent to either of us.


Bettina Eick
Steve Linton

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