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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: Advanced School on Lie and Representation Theories

"Advanced School on Lie and Representation Theories" Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Seville (Seville, Spain) 8 - 12 of February, 2010 http://congreso.us.es/lie10 The School is addressed to PhD students and young post-doc researchers working on Lie and Representations Theories and related areas. There will be four courses: LIE ALGEBRAS: KILLING-CARTAN CLASSIFICATION (Alberto Elduque. GEOMETRIC STRUCTURES ON LIE ALGEBRAS (Luis Ugarte. INTRODUCTION TO THE REPRESENTATION THEORY OF LIE ALGEBRAS (Ge...

2009-12-12 16:05:30 + Комментировать

Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: ICM 2010: Financial Support for Mathematicians from Developing Countries

ICM 2010: Financial Support for Mathematicians from Developing Countries (excluding INDIA) The International Mathematical Union is currently accepting applications for financial support to attend the International Congress of Mathematicians 2010, to be held in Hyderabad, India. Deadline for applications is January 1, 2010 Eligibility criteria: 1. Qualification: The applicant must either have a Ph.D. in mathematics or at least post-doctoral level research experience in mathematics. 2. Country of permanent w...

2009-12-12 16:05:18 + Комментировать

Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: International Algebraic Conference dedicated to the 70th birthday of A.V.Yakovlev

International Algebraic Conference dedicated to the 70th birthday of A.V.Yakovlev St. Petersburg, Russia, June 19 - 24, 2010 http://www.pdmi.ras.ru/EIMI/2010/iac/ Organizing committee: A. Generalov (chair, N. Gordeev, I. Fesenko, G. Leonov, A. Merkuriev, E. Novikova, I. Panin, A. Semenov, N. Vavilov, S. Vostokov, I. Zhukov. ...

2009-12-12 16:05:13 + Комментировать


Last Call for Papers 5th INTERNATIONAL COMPUTER SCIENCE SYMPOSIUM IN RUSSIA (CSR 2010) June 16-20, 2010, Kazan, Russia http://csr2010.antat.ru/ http://logic.pdmi.ras.ru/~csr/ * CSR 2010 intends to reflect the broad scope of international cooperation in computer science. It is the 5th conference in a series of regular events started with CSR 2006 in St. Petersburg (see LNCS 3967, CSR 2007 in Ekaterinburg (see LNCS 4649, CSR 2008 in Moscow (see LNCS 5010, and CSR 2009 in Novosibirsk (see LNCS 5675. IMPORTANT...

2009-12-12 16:05:08 + Комментировать