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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: International Algebraic Conference dedicated to the 70th birthday of Anatoly Yakovlev

Dear Everyone,

I would like to advertise further details about the following algebraic conference:

International Algebraic Conference dedicated to the 70th birthday of Anatoly Yakovlev
St. Petersburg, Russia
June 19-24, 2010

The conference is organised by
- St. Petersburg State University
- St. Petersburg Department of the V. A. Steklov Institute of Mathematics
of the Russian Academy of Science
- Euler International Mathematical Institute
- Euler Foundation
- St. Petersburg Mathematical Society

Organising Committee: A. Generalov (chair), N. Gordeev, I. Fesenko, S. Kislyakov,
G. Leonov, Yu. Matiyasevich, A. Merkurjev, E. Novikova, I. Panin, K. Pimenov,
A. Semenov, N. Vavilov, S. Vostokov, I. Zhukov.

The list of confirmed speakers includes:
- Denis Benois (Bordeaux/St. Petersburg),
- Alexander Braverman (Providence),
- Leonid Bokut (Novosibirsk),
- Antonio Campillo (Valladolid),
- Yuri Drozd (Kiev),
- Denis Gaitsgory (Harvard),
- Ivan Panin (St. Petersburg),
- Nikita Karpenko (Paris/St.Petersburg),
- Victor Kulikov (Moscow),
- Alexey Parshin (Moscow),
- Vladimir Popov (Moscow),
- Peter Schneider (Muenster),
- Dan Segal (Oxford),
- Aner Shalev (Jerusalem),
- Andrei Suslin (Chicago/St. Petersburg),
- Ernest Vinberg (Moscow),
- Yuri Zarhin (Penn State),
- Efim Zelmanov (San Diego).

- Galois theory and algebraic number theory
- algebraic and arithmetic geometry
- homological algebra and K-theory
- group and ring theory
- algebraic groups, Lie algebras and representation theory

for registration: February 1, 2010;
for abstracts: March 1, 2010.

Preliminary list of talks will be available on March 15, 2010.

the abstracts of talks should be submitted to iac_abs@imi. ras.ru.
Each submission should contain at most 2 pages in English or Russian
language in TeX/LaTeX and PDF formats. The abstracts will be published
before the start of the conference and placed on the Web a month earlier.

More information may be found at:

Best wishes, Grigory

Dr Grigory Garkusha
tel: +44-1792-602761
Department of Mathematics
Swansea University
Singleton Park
Swansea SA2 8PP
United Kingdom

URL: http://www-maths.swan.ac.uk/staff/gg

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