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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: Geometry and Analysis on Groups



Centre de confe'rence Marilyn et James Simons, Institut des Hautes
Scientifiques, Bures-sur-Yvette, France

7th to 11th of September 2009

The topics of this meeting are geometric and analytic group theory.

We shall also celebrate P. Pansu's 50 birthday. Following his own
it will be something very simple: a cake and a dinner on Thursday 10.

The organizers are Marc Bourdon (Lille 1), Cornelia Drutu-Badea (Oxford)
and Bertrand Re'my (Lyon 1).


# Yves Benoist (Paris 11, Orsay)
# Olivier Biquard (Paris 6)
# Michel Boileau (Toulouse 3)
# Emmanuel Breuillard (Paris 11, Orsay)
# Marc Burger (ETH Zu:rich)
# Indira Chatterji (Orle'ans)
# Franc,ois Dahmani (Toulouse 3)
# Damien Gaboriau (ENS Lyon)
# Renata Grimaldi (Palermo)
# Misha Gromov (IHE'S, Bures-sur-Yvette)
# Franc,ois Gue'ritaud (Lille 1)
# Vincent Guirardel (Toulouse 3)
# Fre'de'ric Haglund (Paris 11)
# Peter Hai:ssinsky (Aix-Marseille 1)
# Vincent Lafforgue (Paris 7)
# Franc,ois Ledrappier (Notre Dame)
# Nicolas Monod (EPF Lausanne) (to be confirmed)
# Viktor Schroeder (Zu:rich)
# Alain Valette (Neucha^tel)

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