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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - Topics in Geometric Group Theory

Topics in Geometric Group Theory

LMS-EPSRC Short Course

Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, 1-5 September 2008

Organiser: Richard Weidmann

Course outline and prerequisites

The aim of this course is to expose research students to some important ideas and techniques of geometric group theory. While recent results in the field will be discussed the courses will have an emphasis on engaging with the underlying techniques and understanding the basic examples.

The lecture courses will only assume some basic group theory, elementary graph theory and the concept of metric spaces. The course aims at being accessible to all postgraduate students

The course will consist of three lecture courses of five lectures each:

   1. Automorphisms of free groups (Martin Lustig, Marseille)
   2. Quasi-Isometries of spaces and groups (Panos Papasoglu, Athens)
   3. Graphs of groups and foldings (Richard Weidmann, Heriot-Watt)

There will further be two guest lectures given by Martin Dunwoody (Southampton) and Vincent Guirardel (Toulouse). In addition tutorial sessions will be run by postdoctoral researchers in the field.


Applications should be made using the registration form available on the Society’s website at: www.lms.ac.uk/activities/rmc/sc/42bposter.html

The closing date for applications is Friday 4 July. Numbers will be limited and those interested are advised to make an early application.


    * All research students registered at a UK university will be charged a registration fee of £100. (In the case of EPSRC funded research students, this fee should be paid by their departments from their DTA, for non-EPSRC research students, their department might be prepared to pay the fee.)
    * Overseas students, Postdocs and those working in industry will be charged £525 (registration fee of £250 plus subsistence costs of £275).

All participants must pay their own travel costs (for EPSRC funded students, this should be covered by their DTA).

LMS-EPSRC Short Courses aim to provide training for postgraduate students in core areas of mathematics. Part of their success is the opportunity for students to meet other students working in related areas as well as the chance to meet a number of leading experts in the topic.

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