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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - SYNASC 2008

Second Call for Papers

10th International Symposium on
Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing
Timisoara, Romania
September 26 - 29, 2008


SYNASC aims to stimulate the interaction between the two scientific
communities of symbolic and numeric computing, with the purpose of exhibiting interesting applications
of these areas both in theory and in practice.

Authors are invited to submit original papers describing theoretical
and/or experimental research in areas of interest which include (but are not limited to):

 - symbolic techniques applied to numerics;
 - numerics and symbolics for geometry;
 - automated reasoning;
 - computer algebra;
 - solving systems of nonlinear equations;
 - parallel, distributed and web computing for symbolics and numerics;
 - formal system verification;
 - software quality assessment;
 - programming with constraints, narrowing;
 - artificial intelligence in numeric solving;
 - multi-agent systems for complex problem solving
 - scientific visualization and image processing;
 - grid middleware and applications;
 - workflow management;
 - soft computing;
 - data mining.



ACSys: Agents for Complex Systems
GlobComp: Global Computing and Technologies
GridCAD: Grid Computing Applications Development
GTA-RNS: Generation Testing and Applications of Random Number Sequences
IMNE: Iterative Methods for Nonlinear Equations
NCA: Natural Computing and Applications
RTES: Real Time and Embedded Systems
WfPM: Workflow and Process Management


The important dates of SYNASC'08 are:

Papers submission: June 10, 2008
Notification of acceptance: July 15, 2008
Final paper and registration: September 1, 2008
Symposium period: September 26-29, 2008
Revised papers for post-proceedings: October 25, 2008

Submission and publication:

Papers of up to 8 pages (IEEE style) should be electronically submitted
through the submission system (http://synasc08.info.uvt.ro/CRP)

Extended abstracts (up to 4 pages) may be submitted for short papers and
system presentations.

Revised versions of papers presented at SYNASC'08 will be published in the
post-proceedings edited by IEEE Computer Press.

Invited speakers:

Ajith Abraham, Norway
Charles Chidume, Italy
Roman Wyrzykowski, Poland


General Chairs:

      Bruno Buchberger,  Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria
      Stefan Maruster, West University  of  Timisoara

Program Chairs:

      Tudor Jebelean, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria
      Viorel Negru, West University  of  Timisoara

Local Chairs:

      Dana Petcu, West University  of  Timisoara, Romania
      Daniela Zaharie, West University  of  Timisoara, Romania

Program Committee:

Stefan Andrei, USA
Vasile Berinde, Romania
Charles G. Broyden, UK
Cosmin D. Bocaniala, UK
Stefano Cerri, France
Gabriel Ciobanu, Romania
Gheorghe Coman, Romania
Vladimir Cretu, Romania
Monica Crubezy, USA
Christo Dichev, Bulgaria
Adina Florea, Romania
Laureano Gonzales-Vega, Spain
Vladimir Gorodetsky, Russia
Daniele Herin, France
Stefan Holban, Romania
Tetsuo Ida, Japan
Gabriel Istrate, Romania
Boris Konev, UK
Jens Knoop, Austria
Dorel Lucanu, Romania
Mircea Marin, Japan
Radu Marinescu, Romania
Guy Melancon, France
Stefan Matu-Trausan, Romania
Marius Minea, Romania
Markus Muller-Olm, Germany
Antal Nagy, Hungary
Laszlo Nyul, Hungary
Richard Olejnik, France
Vasile Palade, UK
Kalman Palagyi, Hungary
Marcin Paprzycki, Poland
Bazil Parv, Romania
Gheorghe Paun, Romania
Gheorghe Puscasu, Romania
Nicolas Sabouret, France
Markus Schordan,  Austria
Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni, France
Daniel Stamate, UK
Luminita State, Romania
Doina Tatar, Romania
Ioan Tomescu, Romania
Brigitte Trousse, France
Dan Tufis, Romania
Ferucio Tiplea, Romania
Helmut Veith, Austria
Juan Velasquez Silva, Chile
Stephen Watt, Canada


For further information about SYNASC 2008 such as preparation of papers,
registration or accommodation please visit http://synasc08.info.uvt.ro

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