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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - new conference announcements

Объявления о конференциях

Parallel Symbolic Computation 2007 (PASCO 2007)

                   July 27-28, 2007 -- London Canada


                         Third Announcement and

                         CALL for PARTICIPATION


  ** Preliminary program available **


   This page contains the programs of SNC 2007 and PASCO 2007.

  ** Registration open **


  ** Tutorials **

  Tutorials on July 26 will be offered to the PASCO participants.
  Details soon on the conference web site.


  Individuals who wish to attend the conference are invited to
  register via the conference web site.


  The pervasive ubiquity of parallel architectures, from SMPs to multi-core
  laptops, has led to a new quest for mathematical algorithms and software
  capable of exploiting these computing resources. Symbolic computation
  offers exciting, but highly complex, challenges to scientists aiming to
  contribute to this quest.

  The goal of the present workshop is to stimulate the development of
  parallel algorithms and software for achieving high performance in symbolic
  computation from grids to home computers. Earlier meetings in this series  
  include PASCO '94 in Linz, Austria and PASCO '97 in Maui, U.S.A.

  PASCO 2007 is affiliated with the 2007 International Symposium on Symbolic
  and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC 2007). Co-located with this workshop will
  be SNC 2007, the 2007 International Workshop on Symbolic-Numeric Computation.
  SNC and PASCO will be held immediately prior to the ISSAC 2007 meeting, both
  at the University of Western Ontario, Canada. ISSAC 2007 will be held nearby
  in Waterloo, Canada.

Invited Speakers:

  The conference is pleased to announce the following invited speakers.

    * Michael A. Bauer, Univ. of Western Ontario
    * Matteo Frigo, Cilk Arts
    * Thierry Gautier, INRIA
    * Anthony D. Kennedy, Edinburg Univ. (Jointly with SNC)
    * Katherine Yelick, Univ. of California at Berkeley

Conference Organization:

  Chair:                Marc Moreno Maza
  Local Arrangements:   Eric Schost      
  Proceedings Editor:   Stephen Watt     
  Web site:             Francois Lemaire 
  Administration:       Meg Borthwick    

Program Committee:

  Gene Cooperman, Northeastern University, USA
  Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Universite Joseph Fourier, France
  Jean-Charles Faugere, CNRS, France
  Mark Giesbrecht, University of Waterloo, Canada
  Erich Kaltofen, North Carolina State University, USA
  Anton Leykin, University of Minnesota, USA
  Marc Moreno Maza, University of Western Ontario, Canada
  Jean-Louis Roch, Universite Joseph Fourier, France
  David Saunders, University of Delaware, USA
  Carlo Traverso, Universita di Pisa, Italy
  Gilles Villard, CNRS, France


  Support from the following organizations is gratefully acknowledged:

  The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences
  The MITACS Network of Centers of Excellence
  The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
  The University of Western Ontario (UWO)
  The Ontario Research Centre for Computer Algebra (ORCCA)
  The Shared Hierarchical Academic Research Computing Network (SHARCNET)


  PASCO 2007  http://www.orcca.on.ca/conferences/pasco2007
  SNC 2007    http://www.orcca.on.ca/conferences/snc2007
  ISSAC 2007  http://www.cs.uwaterloo.ca/conferences/issac2007  

LMS/EPSRC short course 'Asymptotic methods in infinite group theory'

Sept 9-14 2007, Maths Institute, Oxford

lecturers: Ben Klopsch, Nikolay Nikolov, Marcus du Sautoy

Closing date: 13 July

details and application forms:



International Conference on
(CMSB 2007)

INVITED SPEAKERS: Daniel T. Gillespie, Mark Girolami.

20th and 21st September 2007
Edinburgh, Scotland

*** Registration now open at http://conferences.inf.ed.ac.uk/cmsb07/
*** PhD students can apply for a bursary to attend the conference.
*** It is still possible to submit a poster to the conference.


Chemical Master Equation and Langevin Regimes for a Gene
Transcription Model
  Raya Khanin and Des Higham.

Reconstruction of Mammalian Cell Cycle Regulatory Network from
Microarray Data using Stochastic Logical Networks
  Bartek Wilczynski and Jerzy Tiuryn.

Computational Simulation of Optical Tracking of Cell Populations
using Quantum Dot Fluorophores
  Martyn Brown, Paul Rees, Steve Wilks, Huw D. Summers, Rachel
  J. Errington, Kerenza L. Njoh, Sally C. Chappell, Paul J. Smith
  and James F. Leary.

Reconstructing Metabolic Pathways by Bidirectional Chemical Search
  Liliana Félix, Francesc Rosselló and Gabriel Valiente.

Efficient, Correct Simulation of Biological Processes in the
Stochastic pi-calculus
  Andrew Phillips and Luca Cardelli.

Decision Diagrams for the Representation and Analysis of Logical
Models of Genetic Networks
  Aurélien Naldi, Denis Thieffry and Claudine Chaouiya.

Context Sensitivity in Logical Modelling with Time Delays
  Heike Siebert and Alexander Bockmayr.

Stochastic Simulation of Biological Systems with Dynamical
Compartment Structure
  Cristian Versari and Nadia Busi.

Modelling yeast pre-rRNA processing
  Federica Ciocchetta, Jane Hillston, Martin Kos and David Tollervey.

A formal and integrated framework to simulate evolution of
biological pathways
  Lorenzo Dematté, Corrado Priami, Alessandro Romanel and Orkun Soyer.  
On the Analysis of Numerical Data Time Series in Temporal Logic
  François Fages and Aurélien Rizk.

Modelization and Simulation of Nano Devices in nanok
  Alberto Credi, Marco Garavelli, Cosimo Laneve, Sylvain Pradalier,
  Serena Silvi and Gianluigi Zavattaro.

A Unifying Framework for Modelling and Analysing Biochemical
Pathways Using Petri Nets
  David Gilbert, Monika Heiner and Sebastian Lehrack.

An Automated Translation from a Narrative Language for Biological
Modelling into Process Algebra
  Maria Luisa Guerriero, John Heath and Corrado Priami.

Expressive Models for Synaptic Plasticity
  Andrea Bracciali, Marcello Brunelli, Enrico Cataldo and
  Pierpaolo Degano.

Simultaneous Stochastic Simulation of Multiple
Perturbations in Biological Network Models
  Werner Sandmann.


The CMSB conference is able to give bursaries to PhD students which
provide full or partial financial support for their attendance at the
conference. The bursaries are sponsored by Microsoft Research,
Cambridge and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research
Council. Download and complete the Student Bursary Application Form
from the CMSB 2007 conference web site. All bursary applications must
be received by 30th June. Awards will be announced by 6th July at the
latest. The decision of the bursary awards committee is final.


Attendees of the CMSB conference are invited to submit a poster
describing recent work. To submit a poster to CMSB visit
http://www.easychair.org/CMSB07/ to register with the EasyChair
conference management site and then upload your poster. You will be
asked to supply the title and abstract of your poster together with
the PDF file of the poster itself. Submissions will be acknowledged.

In the case of large files with detailed colour images submission via
HTTP might be difficult or infeasible. In this case we also accept
poster proposals in the form of a text-only abstract of not more than
two pages in PDF format describing the poster contents. Please submit
this via EasyChair. Poster abstracts will not appear in the conference

All posters will be checked for suitability to the conference by the
programme committee. Authors of accepted posters will receive an email
message notifying them of the decision of the program committee.

IMPORTANT DATES (deadlines are strict):

 Bursaries deadline: 30th June

 Camera-ready copy: 2nd July
 Bursary awards announced: 6th July
 Early registration ends: 15th July

 Poster deadline: 27th August

 Registration closes: 6th September
 Opening reception: 19th September
 CMSB 2007 Conference: 20th+21st September


The conference will be held in Edinburgh (Scotland) at the e-Science Institute.  



University of Artois Lens and University of Picardie Amiens (France)

The congress will take place from 24th till 29th September in Lens. It is co-organized by the Mathematics Department of the University of Artois, Lens (LML) and the mathematics Department, University of Picardie, Amiens (LAMFA). The aim is to gather specialists in ring theory and representation theory. The gemetrical aspects will be particularly emphasized.

Local Committee: André Leroy, Alexander Zimmermann.

Invited speakers
#  Jacques ALEV, Université de Reims, France
# Roland BERGER, Université de Saint Etienne, France
# Ann DOOMS, Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Belgium
# François DUMAS, Université de Clermont Ferrand, France
# Thorsten HOLM, University of Leeds, U.K.
# Eric JESPERS, Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Belgium
# Stéphane LAUNOIS, University of Edimburgh, U.K.
# Lieven LEBRUYN, University of Antwerp, Belgium
# Cédric LECOUVEY, Université du Littoral, Calais, France
# Jan KREMPA, University of Warsaw, Poland
# Jerzy MATCZUK, University of Warsaw, Poland
# Christian OHN, Université de Valenciennes, France
# Jan OKNINSKI, University of Warsaw, Poland
# Edmund PUCZYLOWSKI, University of Warsaw, Poland
# Markus REINEKE, Univerity of Wuppertal, Germany
# Lionel RICHARD, University of Edinburgh, U.K.
# Laurent RIGAL, Université de Saint Etienne, France
# Karine Sorlin, Université de Picardie, France
# Rachel TAILLEFER, Université de Saint Etienne, France

A limited number of short talks (30 minuts) will be accepted.

Deadline for submitting abstracts is September 1 st., 2007

Deadline for registration is August 20 th., 2007

You can contact the organizers at the following e-mail addresses:
André Leroy : leroy at euler dot univ-artois dot fr
Alexander Zimmermann : Alexander dot Zimmermann at u-picardie dot fr

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