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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - conferences

Объявления о конференциях

RISC Summer 2007


The RISC Summer 2007 is a sequence of international scienfic events that will be organized by the Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC) in the summer of 2007.

Axiom Workshop 2007 (June 14-16, 2007, Hagenberg, Austria)
Axiom Workshop on "Symmetric Functions".
CoCoA School (June 18-22, 2007, Hagenberg, Austria)
International School on Computer Algebra.
SCIEnce Training Event (June 24-July 8, 2007, Hagenberg, Austria)
Symbolic Computation and Biology.
MEGA 2007 (June 24-30, 2007, Strobl, Austria)
9th International Conference on Effective Methods in Algebraic Geometry.
OpenMath/MathML/JEM 2007 (June 25-26, 2007, Hagenberg, Austria)
Workshop on OpenMath, MathML, and JEM.
WING 2007 (June 25-26, 2007, Hagenberg, Austria)
International Workshop on Invariant Generation.
MathUI 2007 (June 27, 2007, Hagenberg, Austria)
Workshop on Mathematical User Interfaces.
Calculemus 2007 (June 27-29, 2007, Hagenberg, Austria)
14th Symposium on the Integration of Symbolic Computation and Mechanized Reasoning.
MKM 2007 (June 28-30, 2007, Hagenberg, Austria)
The 6th International Conference on Mathematical Knowledge Management.
PLMMS 2007 (June 29-30, 2007, Hagenberg, Austria)
Workshop on Programming Languages for Mechanized Mathematics.
AB 2007 (July 2-4, 2007, Hagenberg, Austria)
Second International Conference on Algebraic Biology.
ISPDC 2007 (July 5-8, 2007, Hagenberg, Austria)
6th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing.

Advances in Group Theory and Applications 2007

will take place in Otranto (Lecce) from June 4th to June 8th, 2007.

The list of Invited speakers includes:
Adolfo Ballester-Bolinches (València – Spain)
Carlo Casolo (Firenze - Italy)
Martyn R. Dixon (Alabama – U.S.A.)
Hermann Heineken (Würzburg  - Germany)
David Riley (Western Ontario – Canada)
Sudarshan K. Sehgal (Alberta – Canada)
Yaroslav P. Sysak (Kiev - Ukraine)
Thomas Weigel (Milano - Italy)

The programme and the abstracts of the talks are now available on-line at
the address: http://poincare.unile.it/adv/index.htm


18th IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic
June 25-27, 2007
Montpellier, France

Program, registration and informations: www.lirmm.fr/arith18

Summer School on "Algebra and Combinatorics"
25th-29th, June 2007
Lisbon, Portugal

The researching group CELC http://celc.cii.fc.ul.pt/ , of the University of Lisbon, is organizing a summer school on Algebra and Combinatorics from 25 to 29 June 2007.

The "Summer School on Algebra and Combinatorics" is mostly addressed to graduate students or researchers interested in algebraic aspects of combinatorics and will consist of three main courses:

Course 1: /*"Applications of Partitions in Algebra and Combinatorics"*/ by *Russell Merris* (Emeritus Professor of Mathematics & Computer Science, California State University East Bay, USA)

Course 2: /*"Homological Methods in Combinatorics"*/ by *Roy Meshulam* (Department of Mathematics, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology)

Course 3: /*"Möbius Functions of Partially Ordered Sets"*/ by *Bruce Sagan* (Department of Mathematics, Michigan State University, USA)

Short course (2 lectures): *"Counting Graph Homomorphisms*" by *Vera Sós* (Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Hungary)

The courses will be supplemented by seminars and/or posters and informal talks.

For registration with submission of a talk/poster: *31 May 2007*;
For registration without submission of a talk/poster: *10 June 2007*.

For more details, please visit the web page: http://alg-comb.cii.fc.ul.pt

The event will take place at Complexo Interdisciplinar da Universidade de Lisboa (CIUL), Av. Prof. Gama Pinto 2, Lisbon, Portugal.

Carlos André (CELC / Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
Ana L. Correia (CELC / Universidade Aberta, Portugal)
Maria Manuel Torres (CELC / Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)

Centro de Estruturas Lineares e Combinatórias da Universidade de Lisboa (CELC)
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)
Fundação Luso-Americana para o Desenvolvimento (FLAD)

Please, feel free to forward this announcement to anybody that could be interested.

Best regards,
The organizers.

Euler's Mathematical Legacy

Mathematical Institute, 24–29 St Giles, Oxford, Saturday 30 June 2007

A one-day meeting on the life, labours and legacy of Leonhard Euler (1707–1783) to celebrate the 300th  anniversary of his birth.



                 Castellón (Spain), July 17-20, 2007

Plenary Speakers:
    A. Arhangelskii (Ohio University, Athens, USA)
    B. Bekka (Université de Rennes 1, France)
    V. Caselles  (Universitat Pompeu Fabra,  Spain)
    M. M. Clementino (Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal)
    W. W. Comfort (Wesleyan University, USA)
    K.H. Hofmann (Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany)
    J.M. Rodríguez Sanjurjo (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)
    J. van Mill (VrijeUniversiteit, The Netherlands)
    S. Solecki (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)

Workshops lectures:
    Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory, by E. Glasner (Tel-Aviv      
        University, Israel)
    Automatic Continuity, by K. Jarosz (Southern Illinois University, USA)

Session Speakers:

SET THEORY:                    
Session Invited Speakers:    J. Bagaria, S. García-Ferreira    
Session Organizers:          M.Hrusák, P. Nyikos, A. Dow, V. Gutev

Session Invited Speakers:    P. Gartside, T. Nogura    
Session Organizers:          V. Tkachuk, G. Lukács, Á. Tamariz, F. Montalvo

Session Speakers:   D. Dikranjan, E. Martín-Peinador, M.Tkachenko, V. Uspenskii
Session Organizers: F. J. Trigos-Arrieta, D. Remus, Mª J. Chasco

Session Invited Speakers:     I. Namioka, J. Araujo, M. Filali,
                              J. Schmets, K. Bierdstedt
Session Organizers:           L. Narici, J. Bonet, J. Jaramillo, M.Neufang

Session Invited Speakers:     M. Megrelishvili,  M. Lampart    
Session Organizers:           F. Balibrea, M. Alonso Morón, S.Antonyan

Session Invited Speakers:     E.Indurain, H.-P. Künzi, R. Kopperman    
Session Organizers:           J.C. Candeal, V. Gregori, R.Wilson

Web Page:  http://www.sumtop07.uji.es

    XVII Coloquio Latinoamericano de Algebra
        Medellin, Colombia, South America
                  July 23 to 27, 2007

                 Third Announcement

The XVII Coloquio Latinoamericano de Algebra brings together several researchers
of the International Algebra Community to show their latest works. This XVII edition of
the event is going to be in Medellin City, Colombia, July 23 to 27, 2007.


Speakers:  May 20, 2007 (new)
Participants: July 23, 2007
For Participants and speakers request financial aid for hotel, meals and
inscription: May 26, 2007.

Invited speakers


    * Ivan P. Shestakov (Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil).
    * Cesar Polcino (Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil).
    * José Antonio de la Peña (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico).
    * Roberto Cignoli (Academia Nacional de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales,
    * Vyacheslav Futorny  (Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil).
    * Vladislav Khartchenko ( Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico).
    * Walter Ferrer (Universidad de la República, Uruguay).
    * Xavier Caicedo (Universidad de los Andes, Colombia).
    * Juan Diego Vélez (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia).
    * Julio Cesar López (Universidade de Campinas, Brazil).
    * Miguel Ferrero (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil).
    * Olivier Mathieu (Institut Girard Desargues, France).
    * Le Dung Trang (International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Italy).
    * Angus MacIntyre (Queen Mary University of London, UK).
    * Marcelo Aguiar (Texas A&M University, USA).
    * Philip Kutzko (Iowa University, USA).
    * Francois Bergeron (UQAM, Montreal).
    * Federico Ardila (San Francisco State University, USA).
    * Carlos Julio Moreno (CUNY, USA).
    * Alessandra Frabetti (Institut Girard Desargues, France).
    * Daniel Panario (Carleton University, Canada).
    * Ross Geoghegan (Binghamton University, USA).
    * Zoran Sunic (Texas A&M University, USA ).
    * Antonio Giambruno (Universita Di Palermmo, Italy).
    * Eli Aljadeff  (Technion- Israel Institute of Technology, Israel).
    * Marcel Morales (Institut Fourier Université de Grenouble, France).
    * Gerard Gonzalez Sprinberg (Institut Fourier Université de Grenoble I, France).
    * Sylvie Paycha (Université Blaise Pascal, France).
    * Robert Coquereaux ( Centro de Física Teorica, France).


Number Theory
Non-associative algebras and rings
Commutative algebra
Algebraic Geometry
Hopf algebras and mathematical methods in physics
Representation theory
Homological algebra  
Logic and Algebra
Applications of algebra to number theory
Group theory

Scientific Committee

 Carlos Julio Moreno (CUNY, USA)
 Cesar Polcino Milies   (Universidade de  São Paulo, Brasil)
 Federico Ardila (San Francisco State University, USA)
 Ivan P. Shestakov (Universidade de  São Paulo, Brasil)
 Jose Antonio de la Peña (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Mexico)
 Julio Cesar Lopez (Universidad de Campinas, Brasil)
 Le Dung Trang (International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Italia)
 Marcel Morales (Institut Fourier, Université de Grenoble I, France)
 Nicolás Andruskiewitsch (Universidad de Cordoba, Argentina)
 Sylvie Paycha (Universite Blaise Pascal, France)
 Olga Patricia Salazar (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia)
 Xavier Caicedo (Universidad de los Andes, Colombia)
 Alicia Dickenstein (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)

Local organizing committee:

Hernán Giraldo (Coordinator), (Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia),

Carlos Trujillo (Universidad del Cauca, Colombia),

Gilberto García (Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia),

Faber Gómez (Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia),

Alexander Holguín (Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia),

Fernando Guzmán ( University of New York, Binghamton, USA),

Omar Saldarriaga (University of William Paterson, New Jersey, USA),

Mario Estrada (Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia),

Juan Diego Vélez (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia),

Juan Miguel Velásquez (Universidad del Valle, Colombia)

For more information about the Colloquium you can visit the main website
http://altenua.udea.edu.co/~claxvii/ and for an english version log in to




Participants and speakers request financial aid, please contact  

Hernan Giraldo, Ph.D
Professor of Mathematics
Universidad de Antioquia
Medellin Colombia
E-mail: heragis at matematicas dot udea dot edu dot co

Faber Gomez, MA
Universidad de Antioquia
E-mail: fabergomez75 at gmail dot com


"From Higman-Sims to Urysohn: a random walk through groups, graphs,
designs, and spaces."

A conference in honour of the 60th birthday of Peter Cameron

This meeting will be held at St. Martin's College, Ambleside (Lake
District), UK, from Thursday August 23 (afternoon) to Sunday August 26
(morning).  On the Sunday, there will not be lectures, but we plan to
organise a walk from Ambleside. There will be a celebration dinner on the

The following have provisionally agreed to speak (most titles are
available on the conference website).

Prof. R.A. Bailey (Queen Mary, University of London, UK)
Prof. P.J. Cameron (Queen Mary, University of London, UK)
Prof. P. Diaconis (Stanford University, USA)
Dr. D.M. Evans (University of East Anglia, UK)
Prof. D. Fon-der-Flaass (Novosibirsk, Russia)
Prof. J.I. Hall (Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA)
Dr. C.Y. Ku (Caltech, USA)
Prof. E.S. Lander (MIT and Harvard, USA)
Dr. P.M. Neumann (Oxford, UK)
Prof. C.E. Praeger (University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia)
Dr. C.M. Roney-Dougal (St. Andrews, UK)
Prof. J. Saxl (Cambridge, UK)
Prof. A. Sokal (New York University, USA)
Prof. S. Thomas (Rutgers University, USA)

The organisers are:
Dugald Macpherson (Leeds), Sarah Rees (Newcastle), Leonard Soicher (QMUL), and Robert Bailey (QMUL).

Website: http://www.maths.qmul.ac.uk/~rfb/pjc60/

Profinite and asymptotic group theory


A CIRM-Clay conference on the  occasion of the 60-th birthday of Prof.
Daniel  Segal, to  be held  at  Grand Hotel  Bellavista, Levico  Terme
(Trento, Italy) 16-21 September 2007

C уважением,

Коновалов А.Б.

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